path: root/js/field.js
diff options
authorByron Jones <>2015-05-26 17:59:57 +0200
committerByron Jones <>2015-05-26 17:59:57 +0200
commitf8b984852ae27f14a5f44e651193f00977737ab1 (patch)
tree7b7d631f17fa9b82844f0db79b605f157fa48e2c /js/field.js
parent95e71eea95c977eb7512156be813ede7eb161600 (diff)
Bug 1146782: backport bug 1159589 to bmo (migrate autocomplete from yui to jquery)
Diffstat (limited to 'js/field.js')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/js/field.js b/js/field.js
index b35cfe782..778451daf 100644
--- a/js/field.js
+++ b/js/field.js
@@ -696,116 +696,122 @@ function browserCanHideOptions(aSelect) {
/* (end) option hiding code */
- * The Autoselect
+ * Autocompletion
-YAHOO.bugzilla.userAutocomplete = {
- counter : 0,
- dataSource : null,
- generateRequest : function ( enteredText ){
- YAHOO.bugzilla.userAutocomplete.counter =
- YAHOO.bugzilla.userAutocomplete.counter + 1;
- YAHOO.util.Connect.setDefaultPostHeader('application/json', true);
- var json_object = {
- method : "User.get",
- id : YAHOO.bugzilla.userAutocomplete.counter,
- params : [ {
+$(function() {
+ // single user
+ function searchComplete() {
+ var that = $(this);
+'counter','counter') - 1);
+ if ('counter') === 0)
+ that.removeClass('autocomplete-running');
+ if (document.activeElement != this)
+ that.devbridgeAutocomplete('hide');
+ };
+ var options_user = {
+ serviceUrl: 'rest/user',
+ params: {
Bugzilla_api_token: BUGZILLA.api_token,
- match : [ decodeURIComponent(enteredText) ],
- include_fields : [ "name", "real_name" ]
- } ]
- };
- var stringified = YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(json_object);
- var debug = { msg: "json-rpc obj debug info", "json obj": json_object,
- "param" : stringified}
- YAHOO.bugzilla.userAutocomplete.debug_helper( debug );
- return stringified;
- },
- resultListFormat : function(oResultData, enteredText, sResultMatch) {
- return ( YAHOO.lang.escapeHTML(oResultData.real_name) + " ("
- + YAHOO.lang.escapeHTML( + ")");
- },
- debug_helper : function ( ){
- /* used to help debug any errors that might happen */
- /*
- if( typeof(console) !== 'undefined' && console != null && arguments.length > 0 ){
- console.log("debug helper info:", arguments);
- }
- */
- return true;
- },
- init_ds : function(){
- this.dataSource = new YAHOO.util.XHRDataSource("jsonrpc.cgi");
- this.dataSource.connTimeout = 30000;
- this.dataSource.connMethodPost = true;
- this.dataSource.connXhrMode = "cancelStaleRequests";
- this.dataSource.maxCacheEntries = 5;
- this.dataSource.responseSchema = {
- resultsList : "result.users",
- metaFields : { error: "error", jsonRpcId: "id"},
- fields : [
- { key : "name" },
- { key : "real_name"}
- ]
- };
- },
- init : function( field, container, multiple ) {
- if( this.dataSource == null ){
- this.init_ds();
- }
- var userAutoComp = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete( field, container,
- this.dataSource );
- // other stuff we might want to do with the autocomplete goes here
- userAutoComp.maxResultsDisplayed = BUGZILLA.param.maxusermatches;
- userAutoComp.generateRequest = this.generateRequest;
- userAutoComp.formatResult = this.resultListFormat;
- userAutoComp.doBeforeLoadData = this.debug_helper;
- userAutoComp.minQueryLength = 3;
- userAutoComp.autoHighlight = false;
- // this is a throttle to determine the delay of the query from typing
- // set this higher to cause fewer calls to the server
- userAutoComp.queryDelay = 0.05;
- userAutoComp.useIFrame = true;
- userAutoComp.resultTypeList = false;
- if( multiple == true ){
- userAutoComp.delimChar = [","];
- }
- }
+ include_fields: 'name,real_name',
+ limit: 100
+ },
+ paramName: 'match',
+ deferRequestBy: 250,
+ minChars: 3,
+ tabDisabled: true,
+ autoSelectFirst: true,
+ transformResult: function(response) {
+ response = $.parseJSON(response);
+ return {
+ suggestions: $.map(response.users, function(dataItem) {
+ return {
+ value:,
+ data : { login:, name: dataItem.real_name }
+ };
+ })
+ };
+ },
+ formatResult: function(suggestion, currentValue) {
+ return ( === '' ?
+ : + ' (' + + ')')
+ .replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
+ .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
+ .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
+ .replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
+ },
+ onSearchStart: function(params) {
+ var that = $(this);
+ // adding spaces shouldn't initiate a new search
+ var query;
+ if ('multiple')) {
+ var parts = that.val().split(/,\s*/);
+ query = parts[parts.length - 1];
+ }
+ else {
+ query = params.match;
+ }
+ if (query !== $.trim(query))
+ return false;
-YAHOO.bugzilla.keywordAutocomplete = {
- dataSource : null,
- init_ds : function(){
- this.dataSource = new YAHOO.util.LocalDataSource( YAHOO.bugzilla.keyword_array );
- },
- init : function( field, container ) {
- if( this.dataSource == null ){
- this.init_ds();
- }
- var keywordAutoComp = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete(field, container, this.dataSource);
- keywordAutoComp.maxResultsDisplayed = YAHOO.bugzilla.keyword_array.length;
- keywordAutoComp.formatResult = keywordAutoComp.formatEscapedResult;
- keywordAutoComp.minQueryLength = 0;
- keywordAutoComp.useIFrame = true;
- keywordAutoComp.delimChar = [","," "];
- keywordAutoComp.resultTypeList = false;
- keywordAutoComp.queryDelay = 0;
- /* Causes all the possibilities in the keyword to appear when a user
- * focuses on the textbox
- */
- keywordAutoComp.textboxFocusEvent.subscribe( function(){
- var sInputValue = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('keywords').value;
- if( sInputValue.length === 0 ){
- this.sendQuery(sInputValue);
- this.collapseContainer();
- this.expandContainer();
+ that.addClass('autocomplete-running');
+'counter','counter') + 1);
+ },
+ onSearchComplete: searchComplete,
+ onSearchError: searchComplete
+ };
+ // multiple users (based on single user)
+ var options_users = {
+ delimiter: /,\s*/,
+ onSelect: function() {
+ this.value = this.value + ', ';
+ this.focus();
+ },
+ };
+ $.extend(options_users, options_user);
+ // init user autocomplete fields
+ $('.bz_autocomplete_user')
+ .each(function() {
+ var that = $(this);
+'counter', 0);
+ if ('multiple')) {
+ that.devbridgeAutocomplete(options_users);
+ }
+ else {
+ that.devbridgeAutocomplete(options_user);
- keywordAutoComp.dataRequestEvent.subscribe( function(type, args) {
- args[0].autoHighlight = args[1] != '';
+ // init autocomplete fields with array of values
+ $('.bz_autocomplete_values')
+ .each(function() {
+ var that = $(this);
+ that.devbridgeAutocomplete({
+ lookup: BUGZILLA.autocomplete_values['values')],
+ tabDisabled: true,
+ delimiter: /,\s*/,
+ minChars: 0,
+ autoSelectFirst: true,
+ formatResult: function(suggestion, currentValue) {
+ // disable <b> wrapping of matched substring
+ return suggestion.value
+ .replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
+ .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
+ .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
+ .replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
+ },
+ onSelect: function() {
+ this.focus();
+ }
+ });
- }
* Force the browser to honour the selected option when a page is refreshed,