path: root/js
diff options
authorDylan Hardison <>2015-11-04 23:51:25 +0100
committerDylan Hardison <>2015-11-04 23:51:25 +0100
commit3238e2d9fcd532807847556514c0519fa0869b14 (patch)
treec9593bb3f49ea28e52ca170fad91e1fc8f2cd707 /js
parent7f43eebe16d93b9ba0eef6a42b570b594dc33da6 (diff)
Bug 1177911 - Determine and implement better password requirements for BMO
Diffstat (limited to 'js')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/account.js b/js/account.js
index 31c1a50e6..c268bb8e5 100644
--- a/js/account.js
+++ b/js/account.js
@@ -7,6 +7,146 @@
$(function() {
+ function make_password_strength($password) {
+ return function(event) {
+ var password = $password.val();
+ var missing_features = {"upper": true, "lower": true, "numbers": true, "symbols": true, "length12": true};
+ var features = [],
+ charset = 0,
+ score = 0,
+ min_features = 3;
+ $("#password-meter").show();
+ $("#password-meter-label").show();
+ if (password.match(/[A-Z]/)) {
+ delete missing_features.upper;
+ features.push("upper");
+ charset += 26;
+ }
+ if (password.match(/[a-z]/)) {
+ delete missing_features.lower;
+ features.push("lower");
+ charset += 26;
+ }
+ if (password.match(/[0-9]/)) {
+ delete missing_features.numbers;
+ features.push("numbers");
+ charset += 10;
+ }
+ if (password.match(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/)) {
+ delete missing_features.symbols;
+ features.push("symbols");
+ charset += 30; // there are 30-32 typable characters on a keyboard.
+ }
+ if (password.length > 12) {
+ delete missing_features.length12;
+ features.push("length12");
+ }
+ $("#password-features li").removeClass("feature-ok");
+ features.forEach(function(name) {
+ $("#password-feature-" + name).addClass("feature-ok");
+ });
+ var entropy = Math.floor(Math.log(charset) * (password.length / Math.log(2)));
+ if (entropy) {
+ score = entropy/128;
+ }
+ $password.get(0).setCustomValidity("");
+ if (features.length < min_features) {
+ $("#password-msg")
+ .text("Password does not meet requirements")
+ .attr("class", "password-bad");
+ $password.get(0).setCustomValidity($("#password-msg").text());
+ }
+ else if (password.length < 8) {
+ $("#password-msg")
+ .text("Password is too short")
+ .attr("class", "password-bad");
+ $password.get(0).setCustomValidity($("#password-msg").text());
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#password-msg")
+ .text("Password meets requirements")
+ .attr("class", "password-good");
+ $password.get(0).setCustomValidity("");
+ }
+ if (entropy < 60) {
+ $("#password-meter")
+ .removeClass("meter-good meter-ok")
+ .addClass("meter-bad");
+ }
+ else if (entropy >= 120) {
+ $("#password-meter")
+ .removeClass("meter-bad meter-ok")
+ .addClass("meter-good");
+ }
+ else if (entropy > 60) {
+ $("#password-meter")
+ .removeClass("meter-bad meter-good")
+ .addClass("meter-ok");
+ }
+ if (score === 0) {
+ score = 0.01;
+ $("#password-meter")
+ .removeClass("meter-good meter-ok")
+ .addClass("meter-bad");
+ }
+ $("#password-meter").width(Math.max(0, Math.min($password.width()+10, Math.ceil(($password.width()+10) * score))));
+ };
+ }
+ function make_password_confirm($password1, $password2) {
+ return function (event) {
+ if ($password1.val() != $password2.val()) {
+ $password2.get(0).setCustomValidity("Does not match previous password");
+ }
+ else {
+ $password2.get(0).setCustomValidity("");
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ var password1_sel, password2_sel;
+ var complexity = $("#password-features").data("password-complexity");
+ var page = $("#password-features").data("password-page");
+ var check_password_strength, check_password_confirm;
+ if (page == "account") {
+ $("#new_password1, #new_password2, #new_login_name").change(function() {
+ $("#old_password").attr("required", true);
+ });
+ }
+ if (complexity == "bmo") {
+ if (page == "confirm") {
+ password1_sel = "#passwd1";
+ password2_sel = "#passwd2";
+ }
+ else {
+ password1_sel = "#new_password1";
+ password2_sel = "#new_password2";
+ }
+ $("#password-features").show();
+ check_password_strength = make_password_strength($(password1_sel));
+ check_password_confirm = make_password_confirm($(password1_sel), $(password2_sel));
+ $(password1_sel).on("input", check_password_strength);
+ $(password1_sel).on("focus", check_password_strength);
+ $(password1_sel).on("blur", check_password_confirm);
+ $(password1_sel).on("change", check_password_confirm);
+ $(password2_sel).on("input", check_password_confirm);
+ }
+ else {
+ $("#password-features").hide();
+ }
// account disabling