path: root/process_bug.cgi
diff options
mode: <>1998-09-16 06:49:23 +0200 <>1998-09-16 06:49:23 +0200
commit4727e6c09f88e63f02e6c8f359862d0c0942ed36 (patch)
tree3dec365d9db2c17d4c4ab9eb5297650d09ab24ec /process_bug.cgi
parentd8a4482db94592c936565841ab1a6703fca27d2d (diff)
Everything has been ported to now run under Perl.
Diffstat (limited to 'process_bug.cgi')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 221 deletions
diff --git a/process_bug.cgi b/process_bug.cgi
index 6fc7c01bb..d6af0fca2 100755
--- a/process_bug.cgi
+++ b/process_bug.cgi
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#! /usr/bonsaitools/bin/mysqltcl
-# -*- Mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -w
+# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
@@ -19,293 +19,293 @@
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
-source "CGI.tcl"
-puts "Content-type: text/html\n"
-if {![cequal $FORM(product) $dontchange]} {
- set prod [FormData product]
- set vok [expr [lsearch -exact $versions($prod) \
- [FormData version]] >= 0]
- set cok [expr [lsearch -exact $components($prod) \
- [FormData component]] >= 0]
- if {!$vok || !$cok} {
- puts "<H1>Changing product means changing version and component.</H1>"
- puts "You have chosen a new product, and now the version and/or"
- puts "component fields are not correct. (Or, possibly, the bug did"
- puts "not have a valid component or version field in the first place.)"
- puts "Anyway, please set the version and component now.<p>"
- puts "<form>"
- puts "<table>"
- puts "<tr>"
- puts "<td align=right><b>Product:</b></td>"
- puts "<td>$prod</td>"
- puts "</tr><tr>"
- puts "<td align=right><b>Version:</b></td>"
- puts "<td>[Version_element [FormData version] $prod]</td>"
- puts "</tr><tr>"
- puts "<td align=right><b>Component:</b></td>"
- puts "<td>[Component_element [FormData component] $prod]</td>"
- puts "</tr>"
- puts "</table>"
- foreach i [array names FORM] {
- if {[lsearch -exact {version component} $i] < 0} {
- puts "<input type=hidden name=$i value=\"[value_quote $FORM($i)]\">"
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+require "";
+# Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once":
+use vars %::versions,
+ %::components,
+ %::COOKIE;
+print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
+if ($::FORM{'product'} ne $::dontchange) {
+ my $prod = $::FORM{'product'};
+ my $vok = lsearch($::versions{$prod}, $::FORM{'version'}) >= 0;
+ my $cok = lsearch($::components{$prod}, $::FORM{'component'}) >= 0;
+ if (!$vok || !$cok) {
+ print "<H1>Changing product means changing version and component.</H1>\n";
+ print "You have chosen a new product, and now the version and/or\n";
+ print "component fields are not correct. (Or, possibly, the bug did\n";
+ print "not have a valid component or version field in the first place.)\n";
+ print "Anyway, please set the version and component now.<p>\n";
+ print "<form>\n";
+ print "<table>\n";
+ print "<tr>\n";
+ print "<td align=right><b>Product:</b></td>\n";
+ print "<td>$prod</td>\n";
+ print "</tr><tr>\n";
+ print "<td align=right><b>Version:</b></td>\n";
+ print "<td>" . Version_element($::FORM{'version'}, $prod) . "</td>\n";
+ print "</tr><tr>\n";
+ print "<td align=right><b>Component:</b></td>\n";
+ print "<td>" . Component_element($::FORM{'component'}, $prod) . "</td>\n";
+ print "</tr>\n";
+ print "</table>\n";
+ foreach my $i (keys %::FORM) {
+ if ($i ne 'version' && $i ne 'component') {
+ print "<input type=hidden name=$i value=\"" .
+ value_quote($::FORM{$i}) . "\">\n";
- puts "<input type=submit value=Commit>"
- puts "</form>"
- puts "</hr>"
- puts "<a href=query.cgi>Cancel all this and go back to the query page.</a>"
- exit
+ print "<input type=submit value=Commit>\n";
+ print "</form>\n";
+ print "</hr>\n";
+ print "<a href=query.cgi>Cancel all this and go back to the query page.</a>\n";
+ exit;
-if {[info exists FORM(id)]} {
- set idlist $FORM(id)
+my @idlist;
+if (defined $::FORM{'id'}) {
+ push @idlist, $::FORM{'id'};
} else {
- set idlist {}
- foreach i [array names FORM] {
- if {[string match "id_*" $i]} {
- lappend idlist [crange $i 3 end]
+ foreach my $i (keys %::FORM) {
+ if ($i =~ /^id_/) {
+ push @idlist, substr($i, 3);
-if {![info exists FORM(who)]} {
- set FORM(who) $COOKIE(Bugzilla_login)
+if (!defined $::FORM{'who'}) {
+ $::FORM{'who'} = $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'};
-puts "<TITLE>Update Bug $idlist</TITLE>"
-if {[info exists FORM(id)]} {
- navigation_header
+print "<TITLE>Update Bug " . join(" ", @idlist) . "</TITLE>\n";
+if (defined $::FORM{'id'}) {
+ navigation_header();
-puts "<HR>"
-set query "update bugs\nset"
-set comma ""
-umask 0
-proc DoComma {} {
- global query comma
- append query "$comma\n "
- set comma ","
+print "<HR>\n";
+$::query = "update bugs\nset";
+$::comma = "";
+sub DoComma {
+ $::query .= "$::comma\n ";
+ $::comma = ",";
-proc ChangeStatus {str} {
- global dontchange query
- if {![cequal $str $dontchange]} {
- DoComma
- append query "bug_status = '$str'"
+sub ChangeStatus {
+ my ($str) = (@_);
+ if ($str ne $::dontchange) {
+ DoComma();
+ $::query .= "bug_status = '$str'";
-proc ChangeResolution {str} {
- global dontchange query
- if {![cequal $str $dontchange]} {
- DoComma
- append query "resolution = '$str'"
+sub ChangeResolution {
+ my ($str) = (@_);
+ if ($str ne $::dontchange) {
+ DoComma();
+ $::query .= "resolution = '$str'";
-foreach field {rep_platform priority bug_severity url summary \
- component bug_file_loc short_desc \
- product version component} {
- if {[info exists FORM($field)]} {
- if {![cequal $FORM($field) $dontchange]} {
- DoComma
- regsub -all "'" [FormData $field] "''" value
- append query "$field = '$value'"
+foreach my $field ("rep_platform", "priority", "bug_severity", "url",
+ "summary", "component", "bug_file_loc", "short_desc",
+ "product", "version", "component") {
+ if (defined $::FORM{$field}) {
+ if ($::FORM{$field} ne $::dontchange) {
+ DoComma();
+ $::query .= "$field = " . SqlQuote($::FORM{$field});
-switch -exact $FORM(knob) {
- none {}
- accept {
- ChangeStatus ASSIGNED
- }
- clearresolution {
- ChangeResolution {}
- }
- resolve {
- ChangeStatus RESOLVED
- ChangeResolution $FORM(resolution)
- }
- reassign {
- ChangeStatus NEW
- DoComma
- set newid [DBNameToIdAndCheck $FORM(assigned_to)]
- append query "assigned_to = $newid"
- }
- reassignbycomponent {
- if {[cequal $FORM(component) $dontchange]} {
- puts "You must specify a component whose owner should get assigned"
- puts "these bugs."
+SWITCH: for ($::FORM{'knob'}) {
+ /^none$/ && do {
+ last SWITCH;
+ };
+ /^accept$/ && do {
+ ChangeStatus('ASSIGNED');
+ last SWITCH;
+ };
+ /^clearresolution$/ && do {
+ ChangeResolution('');
+ last SWITCH;
+ };
+ /^resolve$/ && do {
+ ChangeStatus('RESOLVED');
+ ChangeResolution($::FORM{'resolution'});
+ last SWITCH;
+ };
+ /^reassign$/ && do {
+ ChangeStatus('NEW');
+ DoComma();
+ my $newid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($::FORM{'assigned_to'});
+ $::query .= "assigned_to = $newid";
+ last SWITCH;
+ };
+ /^reassignbycomponent$/ && do {
+ if ($::FORM{'component'} eq $::dontchange) {
+ print "You must specify a component whose owner should get\n";
+ print "assigned these bugs.\n";
exit 0
- ChangeStatus NEW
- DoComma
- SendSQL "select initialowner from components
-where program='[SqlQuote $FORM(product)]'
-and value='[SqlQuote $FORM(component)]'"
- set newname [lindex [FetchSQLData] 0]
- set newid [DBNameToIdAndCheck $newname 1]
- append query "assigned_to = $newid"
- }
- reopen {
- ChangeStatus REOPENED
- }
- verify {
- ChangeStatus VERIFIED
- }
- close {
- ChangeStatus CLOSED
- }
- duplicate {
- ChangeStatus RESOLVED
- ChangeResolution DUPLICATE
- set num $FORM(dup_id)
- if {[catch {incr num}]} {
- puts "You must specify a bug number of which this bug is a"
- puts "duplicate. The bug has not been changed."
- exit
+ ChangeStatus('NEW');
+ SendSQL("select initialowner from components where program=" .
+ SqlQuote($::FORM{'product'}) . " and value=" .
+ SqlQuote($::FORM{'component'}));
+ my $newname = FetchOneColumn();
+ my $newid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($newname, 1);
+ DoComma();
+ $::query .= "assigned_to = $newid";
+ last SWITCH;
+ };
+ /^reopen$/ && do {
+ ChangeStatus('REOPENED');
+ last SWITCH;
+ };
+ /^verify$/ && do {
+ ChangeStatus('VERIFIED');
+ last SWITCH;
+ };
+ /^close$/ && do {
+ ChangeStatus('CLOSED');
+ last SWITCH;
+ };
+ /^duplicate$/ && do {
+ ChangeStatus('RESOLVED');
+ ChangeResolution('DUPLICATE');
+ my $num = trim($::FORM{'dup_id'});
+ if ($num !~ /^[0-9]*$/) {
+ print "You must specify a bug number of which this bug is a\n";
+ print "duplicate. The bug has not been changed.\n";
+ exit;
- if {$FORM(dup_id) == $FORM(id)} {
- puts "Nice try. But it doesn't really make sense to mark a bug as"
- puts "a duplicate of itself, does it?"
- exit
+ if ($::FORM{'dup_id'} == $::FORM{'id'}) {
+ print "Nice try. But it doesn't really make sense to mark a\n";
+ print "bug as a duplicate of itself, does it?\n";
+ exit;
- AppendComment $FORM(dup_id) $FORM(who) "*** Bug $FORM(id) has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***"
- append FORM(comment) "\n\n*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of $FORM(dup_id) ***"
- exec ./processmail $FORM(dup_id) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
- }
- default {
- puts "Unknown action $FORM(knob)!"
- exit
- }
+ AppendComment($::FORM{'dup_id'}, $::FORM{'who'}, "*** Bug $::FORM{'id'} has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***");
+ $::FORM{'comment'} .= "\n\n*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of $::FORM{'dup_id'} ***";
+ system("./processmail $::FORM{'dup_id'} < /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &");
+ last SWITCH;
+ };
+ # default
+ print "Unknown action $::FORM{'knob'}!\n";
+ exit;
-if {[lempty $idlist]} {
- puts "You apparently didn't choose any bugs to modify."
- puts "<p>Click <b>Back</b> and try again."
- exit
+if ($#idlist < 0) {
+ print "You apparently didn't choose any bugs to modify.\n";
+ print "<p>Click <b>Back</b> and try again.\n";
+ exit;
-if {[cequal $comma ""]} {
- set comment {}
- if {[info exists FORM(comment)]} {
- set comment $FORM(comment)
- }
- if {[cequal $comment ""]} {
- puts "Um, you apparently did not change anything on the selected bugs."
- puts "<p>Click <b>Back</b> and try again."
+if ($::comma eq "") {
+ if (!defined $::FORM{'comment'} || $::FORM{'comment'} =~ /^\s*$/) {
+ print "Um, you apparently did not change anything on the selected\n";
+ print "bugs. <p>Click <b>Back</b> and try again.\n";
-set basequery $query
+my $basequery = $::query;
-proc SnapShotBug {id} {
- global log_columns
- SendSQL "select [join $log_columns ","] from bugs where bug_id = $id"
- return [FetchSQLData]
+sub SnapShotBug {
+ my ($id) = (@_);
+ SendSQL("select " . join(',', @::log_columns) .
+ " from bugs where bug_id = $id");
+ return FetchSQLData();
-foreach id $idlist {
- SendSQL "lock tables bugs write, bugs_activity write, cc write, profiles write"
- set oldvalues [SnapShotBug $id]
+foreach my $id (@idlist) {
+ SendSQL("lock tables bugs write, bugs_activity write, cc write, profiles write");
+ my @oldvalues = SnapShotBug($id);
- set query "$basequery\nwhere bug_id = $id"
+ my $query = "$basequery\nwhere bug_id = $id";
-# puts "<PRE>$query</PRE>"
- if {![cequal $comma ""]} {
- if { [SendSQL $query] != 0 } {
- puts "<H1>Error -- Changes not applied</H1>"
- puts "OK, the database rejected the changes for some reason"
- puts "which bugzilla can't deal with. The error string returned"
- puts "was:<PRE>$oramsg(errortxt)</PRE>"
- puts "Here is the query which caused the error:"
- puts "<PRE>$query</PRE>"
- }
- while {[MoreSQLData]} {
- FetchSQLData
- }
+# print "<PRE>$query</PRE>\n";
+ if ($::comma ne "") {
+ SendSQL($query);
- if {[info exists FORM(comment)]} {
- AppendComment $id $FORM(who) [FormData comment]
+ if (defined $::FORM{'comment'}) {
+ AppendComment($id, $::FORM{'who'}, $::FORM{'comment'});
- if {[info exists FORM(cc)] && [ShowCcList $id] != [lookup FORM cc]} {
- set ccids(zz) 1
- unset ccids(zz)
- foreach person [split $FORM(cc) " ,"] {
- if {![cequal $person ""]} {
- set cid [DBNameToIdAndCheck $person]
- set ccids($cid) 1
+ if (defined $::FORM{'cc'} && ShowCcList($id) ne $::FORM{'cc'}) {
+ my %ccids;
+ foreach my $person (split(/[ ,]/, $::FORM{'cc'})) {
+ if ($person ne "") {
+ my $cid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($person);
+ $ccids{$cid} = 1;
- SendSQL "delete from cc where bug_id = $id"
- while {[MoreSQLData]} { FetchSQLData }
- foreach ccid [array names ccids] {
- SendSQL "insert into cc (bug_id, who) values ($id, $ccid)"
- while { [ MoreSQLData ] } { FetchSQLData }
+ SendSQL("delete from cc where bug_id = $id");
+ foreach my $ccid (keys %ccids) {
+ SendSQL("insert into cc (bug_id, who) values ($id, $ccid)");
-# oracommit $lhandle
- set newvalues [SnapShotBug $id]
- foreach col $log_columns {
- set old [lvarpop oldvalues]
- set new [lvarpop newvalues]
- if {![cequal $old $new]} {
- if {![info exists whoid]} {
- set whoid [DBNameToIdAndCheck $FORM(who)]
- SendSQL "select delta_ts from bugs where bug_id = $id"
- set timestamp [lindex [FetchSQLData] 0]
+ my @newvalues = SnapShotBug($id);
+ my $whoid;
+ my $timestamp;
+ foreach my $col (@::log_columns) {
+ my $old = shift @oldvalues;
+ my $new = shift @newvalues;
+ if ($old ne $new) {
+ if (!defined $whoid) {
+ $whoid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($::FORM{'who'});
+ SendSQL("select delta_ts from bugs where bug_id = $id");
+ $timestamp = FetchOneColumn();
- if {[cequal $col assigned_to]} {
- set old [DBID_to_name $old]
- set new [DBID_to_name $new]
+ if ($col eq 'assigned_to') {
+ $old = DBID_to_name($old);
+ $new = DBID_to_name($new);
- set q "insert into bugs_activity (bug_id,who,when,field,oldvalue,newvalue) values ($id,$whoid,$timestamp,'[SqlQuote $col]','[SqlQuote $old]','[SqlQuote $new]')"
+ $col = SqlQuote($col);
+ $old = SqlQuote($old);
+ $new = SqlQuote($new);
+ my $q = "insert into bugs_activity (bug_id,who,when,field,oldvalue,newvalue) values ($id,$whoid,$timestamp,$col,$old,$new)";
# puts "<pre>$q</pre>"
- SendSQL $q
+ SendSQL($q);
- puts "<TABLE BORDER=1><TD><H1>Changes Submitted</H1>"
- puts "<TD><A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$id\">Back To BUG# $id</A></TABLE>"
- flush stdout
+ print "<TABLE BORDER=1><TD><H1>Changes Submitted</H1>\n";
+ print "<TD><A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$id\">Back To BUG# $id</A></TABLE>\n";
- SendSQL "unlock tables"
+ SendSQL("unlock tables");
- exec ./processmail $id < /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &
+ system("./processmail $id < /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &");
-if {[info exists next_bug]} {
- set FORM(id) $next_bug
- puts "<HR>"
+if (defined $::next_bug) {
+ $::FORM{'id'} = $::next_bug;
+ print "<HR>\n";
- navigation_header
- source "bug_form.tcl"
+ navigation_header();
+ do "bug_form.tcl";
} else {
- puts "<BR><A HREF=\"query.cgi\">Back To Query Page</A>"
+ print "<BR><A HREF=\"query.cgi\">Back To Query Page</A>\n";