path: root/xt/selenium/flags2.t
diff options
authorDavid Lawrence <>2016-02-26 18:57:55 +0100
committerDavid Lawrence <>2016-02-26 18:57:55 +0100
commit9b6ec1f545da1cc4088ddf9cc117747954e58e65 (patch)
tree6cc3eb342a740b795052e587756f6c33438b772a /xt/selenium/flags2.t
parent6f70920f2d2bb038a371e3cb3debff44f7001fa8 (diff)
Bug 1069799 - move the QA repository into the main repository
Diffstat (limited to 'xt/selenium/flags2.t')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xt/selenium/flags2.t b/xt/selenium/flags2.t
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b921612c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xt/selenium/flags2.t
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+use 5.10.1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use lib "$RealBin/../lib";
+use Test::More "no_plan";
+use QA::Util;
+# 2nd script about flags. This one is focused on flag behavior #
+# when moving a bug from one product/component to another one. #
+# We have to upload files from the local computer. This requires
+# chrome privileges.
+my ($sel, $config) = get_selenium(CHROME_MODE);
+# Start by creating a flag type for bugs.
+log_in($sel, $config, 'admin');
+$sel->title_is("Administer Flag Types");
+$sel->click_ok("link=Create Flag Type for Bugs");
+$sel->title_is("Create Flag Type for Bugs");
+$sel->type_ok("name", "selenium");
+$sel->type_ok("description", "Available in TestProduct and Another Product/c1");
+$sel->add_selection_ok("inclusion_to_remove", "label=__Any__:__Any__");
+$sel->title_is("Create Flag Type for Bugs");
+$sel->select_ok("product", "label=TestProduct");
+$sel->selected_label_is("component", "__Any__");
+$sel->title_is("Create Flag Type for Bugs");
+$sel->select_ok("product", "label=Another Product");
+$sel->select_ok("component", "label=c1");
+$sel->title_is("Create Flag Type for Bugs");
+# This flag type must have a higher sortkey than the one we will create later.
+# The reason is that link=selenium will catch the first link with this name in
+# the UI, so when the second flag type with this name is created, we have to
+# catch it, not this one (which will be unique for now, so no worry to find it).
+$sel->type_ok("sortkey", 100);
+$sel->value_is("is_active", "on");
+$sel->value_is("is_requestable", "on");
+$sel->value_is("is_multiplicable", "off");
+$sel->select_ok("grant_group", "label=editbugs");
+$sel->select_ok("request_group", "label=canconfirm");
+$sel->title_is("Flag Type 'selenium' Created");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("The flag type selenium has been created.");
+# Store the flag type ID.
+my $flag_url = $sel->get_location();
+$flag_url =~ /id=(\d+)/;
+my $flagtype1_id = $1;
+# Now create a flag type for attachments in 'Another Product'.
+$sel->click_ok("link=Create Flag Type For Attachments");
+$sel->title_is("Create Flag Type for Attachments");
+$sel->type_ok("name", "selenium_review");
+$sel->type_ok("description", "Review flag used by Selenium");
+$sel->add_selection_ok("inclusion_to_remove", "label=__Any__:__Any__");
+$sel->title_is("Create Flag Type for Attachments");
+$sel->select_ok("product", "label=Another Product");
+$sel->title_is("Create Flag Type for Attachments");
+$sel->type_ok("sortkey", 100);
+$sel->value_is("is_active", "on");
+$sel->value_is("is_requestable", "on");
+$sel->value_is("is_multiplicable", "off");
+$sel->selected_label_is("grant_group", "(no group)");
+$sel->selected_label_is("request_group", "(no group)");
+$sel->title_is("Flag Type 'selenium_review' Created");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("The flag type selenium_review has been created.");
+# Store the flag type ID.
+$flag_url = $sel->get_location();
+$flag_url =~ /id=(\d+)/;
+my $aflagtype1_id = $1;
+# Create a 2nd flag type for attachments, with the same name
+# as the 1st one, but now *excluded* from 'Another Product'.
+$sel->click_ok("link=Create Flag Type For Attachments");
+$sel->type_ok("name", "selenium_review");
+$sel->type_ok("description", "Another review flag used by Selenium");
+$sel->select_ok("product", "label=Another Product");
+$sel->title_is("Create Flag Type for Attachments");
+$sel->type_ok("sortkey", 50);
+$sel->value_is("is_active", "on");
+$sel->value_is("is_requestable", "on");
+$sel->value_is("is_multiplicable", "on");
+$sel->select_ok("grant_group", "label=editbugs");
+$sel->select_ok("request_group", "label=canconfirm");
+$sel->title_is("Flag Type 'selenium_review' Created");
+# Store the flag type ID.
+$flag_url = $sel->get_location();
+$flag_url =~ /id=(\d+)/;
+my $aflagtype2_id = $1;
+# We are done with the admin tasks. Now play with flags in bugs.
+file_bug_in_product($sel, 'TestProduct');
+$sel->select_ok("flag_type-$flagtype1_id", "label=+");
+my $bug_summary = "The selenium flag should be kept on product change";
+$sel->type_ok("short_desc", $bug_summary);
+$sel->type_ok("comment", "pom");
+$sel->click_ok('//input[@value="Add an attachment"]');
+$sel->type_ok("data", $config->{attachment_file});
+$sel->type_ok("description", "small patch");
+$sel->value_is("ispatch", "on");
+ok(!$sel->is_element_present("flag_type-$aflagtype1_id"), "Flag type $aflagtype1_id not available in TestProduct");
+$sel->select_ok("flag_type-$aflagtype2_id", "label=-");
+my $bug1_id = create_bug($sel, $bug_summary);
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("$config->{admin_user_username}: selenium");
+my $flag1_id = $sel->get_attribute('//select[@title="Available in TestProduct and Another Product/c1"]@id');
+$flag1_id =~ s/flag-//;
+$sel->selected_label_is("flag-$flag1_id", "+");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("$config->{admin_user_username}: selenium_review-");
+# Now move the bug into the 'Another Product' product.
+# Both the bug and attachment flags should survive.
+$sel->select_ok("product", "label=Another Product");
+$sel->type_ok("comment", "Moving to Another Product / c1. The flag should be preserved.");
+$sel->title_is("Verify New Product Details...");
+$sel->select_ok("component", "label=c1");
+edit_bug_and_return($sel, $bug1_id, $bug_summary, {id => "change_product"});
+$sel->selected_label_is("flag-$flag1_id", "+");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("$config->{admin_user_username}: selenium_review-");
+# Now moving the bug into the c2 component. The bug flag
+# won't survive, but the attachment flag should.
+$sel->type_ok("comment", "Moving to c2. The selenium flag will be deleted.");
+$sel->select_ok("component", "label=c2");
+edit_bug_and_return($sel, $bug1_id, $bug_summary);
+ok(!$sel->is_element_present("flag-$flag1_id"), "The selenium bug flag didn't survive");
+ok(!$sel->is_element_present("flag_type-$flagtype1_id"), "The selenium flag type doesn't exist");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("$config->{admin_user_username}: selenium_review-");
+# File a bug in 'Another Product / c2' and assign it
+# to a powerless user, so that he can move it later.
+file_bug_in_product($sel, 'Another Product');
+$sel->select_ok("component", "label=c2");
+$sel->type_ok("assigned_to", $config->{unprivileged_user_login});
+ok(!$sel->is_editable("flag_type-$flagtype1_id"), "The selenium bug flag type is displayed but not selectable");
+$sel->select_ok("component", "label=c1");
+$sel->is_editable_ok("flag_type-$flagtype1_id", "The selenium bug flag type is not selectable");
+$sel->select_ok("flag_type-$flagtype1_id", "label=?");
+my $bug_summary2 = "Create a new selenium flag for c2";
+$sel->type_ok("short_desc", $bug_summary2);
+$sel->type_ok("comment", ".");
+my $bug2_id = create_bug($sel, $bug_summary2);
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("$config->{admin_user_username}: selenium");
+my $flag2_id = $sel->get_attribute('//select[@title="Available in TestProduct and Another Product/c1"]@id');
+$flag2_id =~ s/flag-//;
+$sel->selected_label_is("flag-$flag2_id", '?');
+# Create a 2nd bug flag type, again named 'selenium', but now
+# for the 'Another Product / c2' component only.
+$sel->title_is("Administer Flag Types");
+$sel->click_ok("link=Create Flag Type for Bugs");
+$sel->title_is("Create Flag Type for Bugs");
+$sel->type_ok("name", "selenium");
+$sel->type_ok("description", "Another flag with the selenium name");
+$sel->add_selection_ok("inclusion_to_remove", "label=__Any__:__Any__");
+$sel->title_is("Create Flag Type for Bugs");
+$sel->select_ok("product", "label=Another Product");
+$sel->select_ok("component", "label=c2");
+$sel->title_is("Create Flag Type for Bugs");
+$sel->type_ok("sortkey", 50);
+$sel->value_is("is_active", "on");
+$sel->value_is("is_requestable", "on");
+$sel->value_is("is_multiplicable", "on");
+$sel->selected_label_is("grant_group", "(no group)");
+$sel->selected_label_is("request_group", "(no group)");
+$sel->title_is("Flag Type 'selenium' Created");
+# Store the flag type ID.
+$flag_url = $sel->get_location();
+$flag_url =~ /id=(\d+)/;
+my $flagtype2_id = $1;
+# Now move the bug from c1 into c2. The bug flag should survive.
+go_to_bug($sel, $bug2_id);
+$sel->select_ok("component", "label=c2");
+ok(!$sel->is_checked("set_default_assignee"), "Moving the bug into another component must not change the assignee");
+$sel->type_ok("comment", "The selenium flag should be preserved.");
+edit_bug_and_return($sel, $bug2_id, $bug_summary2);
+$sel->selected_label_is("flag-$flag2_id", '?');
+ok(!$sel->is_element_present("flag_type-$flagtype1_id"), "Flag type not available in component c2");
+# Powerless users can edit the 'selenium' flag being in c2.
+log_in($sel, $config, 'unprivileged');
+go_to_bug($sel, $bug2_id);
+$sel->select_ok("flag-$flag2_id", "label=+");
+edit_bug_and_return($sel, $bug2_id, $bug_summary2);
+$sel->selected_label_is("flag-$flag2_id", "+");
+# But moving the bug into TestProduct will delete the flag
+# as the flag setter is not in the editbugs group.
+$sel->select_ok("product", "label=TestProduct");
+$sel->type_ok("comment", "selenium flag will be lost. I don't have editbugs privs.");
+$sel->title_is("Verify New Product Details...");
+edit_bug_and_return($sel, $bug2_id, $bug_summary2, {id => "change_product"});
+ok(!$sel->is_element_present("flag-$flag2_id"), "Flag $flag2_id deleted");
+ok(!$sel->is_element_present("flag_type-$flagtype1_id"), "Flag type 'selenium' not displayed to powerless users");
+ok(!$sel->is_element_present("flag_type-$flagtype2_id"), "Flag type not available in component c1");
+# Time to delete created flag types.
+log_in($sel, $config, 'admin');
+$sel->title_is("Administer Flag Types");
+foreach my $flagtype ([$flagtype1_id, "selenium"], [$flagtype2_id, "selenium"],
+ [$aflagtype1_id, "selenium_review"], [$aflagtype2_id, "selenium_review"])
+ my $flag_id = $flagtype->[0];
+ my $flag_name = $flagtype->[1];
+ $sel->click_ok("//a[\@href='editflagtypes.cgi?action=confirmdelete&id=$flag_id']");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME);
+ $sel->title_is("Confirm Deletion of Flag Type '$flag_name'");
+ $sel->click_ok("link=Yes, delete");
+ $sel->wait_for_page_to_load_ok(WAIT_TIME);
+ $sel->title_is("Flag Type '$flag_name' Deleted");
+ my $msg = trim($sel->get_text("message"));
+ ok($msg eq "The flag type $flag_name has been deleted.", "Flag type $flag_name deleted");