path: root/.checksetup_lib/lib/perl5/CPAN/Meta/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.checksetup_lib/lib/perl5/CPAN/Meta/')
1 files changed, 951 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.checksetup_lib/lib/perl5/CPAN/Meta/ b/.checksetup_lib/lib/perl5/CPAN/Meta/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..746abd63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.checksetup_lib/lib/perl5/CPAN/Meta/
@@ -0,0 +1,951 @@
+use 5.008001; # sane UTF-8 support
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package CPAN::Meta::YAML; # git description: v1.68-2-gcc5324e
+# XXX-INGY is 5.8.1 too old/broken for utf8?
+# XXX-XDG Lancaster consensus was that it was sufficient until
+# proven otherwise
+$CPAN::Meta::YAML::VERSION = '0.018';
+; # original $VERSION removed by Doppelgaenger
+# The CPAN::Meta::YAML API.
+# These are the currently documented API functions/methods and
+# exports:
+use Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw{ Exporter };
+our @EXPORT = qw{ Load Dump };
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw{ LoadFile DumpFile freeze thaw };
+# Functional/Export API:
+sub Dump {
+ return CPAN::Meta::YAML->new(@_)->_dump_string;
+# XXX-INGY Returning last document seems a bad behavior.
+# XXX-XDG I think first would seem more natural, but I don't know
+# that it's worth changing now
+sub Load {
+ my $self = CPAN::Meta::YAML->_load_string(@_);
+ if ( wantarray ) {
+ return @$self;
+ } else {
+ # To match, return the last document
+ return $self->[-1];
+ }
+# XXX-INGY Do we really need freeze and thaw?
+# XXX-XDG I don't think so. I'd support deprecating them.
+ *freeze = \&Dump;
+ *thaw = \&Load;
+sub DumpFile {
+ my $file = shift;
+ return CPAN::Meta::YAML->new(@_)->_dump_file($file);
+sub LoadFile {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $self = CPAN::Meta::YAML->_load_file($file);
+ if ( wantarray ) {
+ return @$self;
+ } else {
+ # Return only the last document to match,
+ return $self->[-1];
+ }
+# Object Oriented API:
+# Create an empty CPAN::Meta::YAML object
+# XXX-INGY Why do we use ARRAY object?
+# NOTE: I get it now, but I think it's confusing and not needed.
+# Will change it on a branch later, for review.
+# XXX-XDG I don't support changing it yet. It's a very well-documented
+# "API" of CPAN::Meta::YAML. I'd support deprecating it, but Adam suggested
+# we not change it until's own OO API is established so that
+# users only have one API change to digest, not two
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ bless [ @_ ], $class;
+# XXX-INGY It probably doesn't matter, and it's probably too late to
+# change, but 'read/write' are the wrong names. Read and Write
+# are actions that take data from storage to memory
+# characters/strings. These take the data to/from storage to native
+# Perl objects, which the terms dump and load are meant. As long as
+# this is a legacy quirk to CPAN::Meta::YAML it's ok, but I'd prefer not
+# to add new {read,write}_* methods to this API.
+sub read_string {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_load_string(@_);
+sub write_string {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_dump_string(@_);
+sub read {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_load_file(@_);
+sub write {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_dump_file(@_);
+# Constants
+# Printed form of the unprintable characters in the lowest range
+# of ASCII characters, listed by ASCII ordinal position.
+my @UNPRINTABLE = qw(
+ 0 x01 x02 x03 x04 x05 x06 a
+ b t n v f r x0E x0F
+ x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17
+ x18 x19 x1A e x1C x1D x1E x1F
+# Printable characters for escapes
+my %UNESCAPES = (
+ 0 => "\x00", z => "\x00", N => "\x85",
+ a => "\x07", b => "\x08", t => "\x09",
+ n => "\x0a", v => "\x0b", f => "\x0c",
+ r => "\x0d", e => "\x1b", '\\' => '\\',
+# I(ngy) need to decide if these values should be quoted in
+# CPAN::Meta::YAML or not. Probably yes.
+# These 3 values have special meaning when unquoted and using the
+# default YAML schema. They need quotes if they are strings.
+my %QUOTE = map { $_ => 1 } qw{
+ null true false
+# The commented out form is simpler, but overloaded the Perl regex
+# engine due to recursion and backtracking problems on strings
+# larger than 32,000ish characters. Keep it for reference purposes.
+# qr/\"((?:\\.|[^\"])*)\"/
+my $re_capture_double_quoted = qr/\"([^\\"]*(?:\\.[^\\"]*)*)\"/;
+my $re_capture_single_quoted = qr/\'([^\']*(?:\'\'[^\']*)*)\'/;
+# unquoted re gets trailing space that needs to be stripped
+my $re_capture_unquoted_key = qr/([^:]+(?::+\S(?:[^:]*|.*?(?=:)))*)(?=\s*\:(?:\s+|$))/;
+my $re_trailing_comment = qr/(?:\s+\#.*)?/;
+my $re_key_value_separator = qr/\s*:(?:\s+(?:\#.*)?|$)/;
+# CPAN::Meta::YAML Implementation.
+# These are the private methods that do all the work. They may change
+# at any time.
+# Loader functions:
+# Create an object from a file
+sub _load_file {
+ my $class = ref $_[0] ? ref shift : shift;
+ # Check the file
+ my $file = shift or $class->_error( 'You did not specify a file name' );
+ $class->_error( "File '$file' does not exist" )
+ unless -e $file;
+ $class->_error( "'$file' is a directory, not a file" )
+ unless -f _;
+ $class->_error( "Insufficient permissions to read '$file'" )
+ unless -r _;
+ # Open unbuffered with strict UTF-8 decoding and no translation layers
+ open( my $fh, "<:unix:encoding(UTF-8)", $file );
+ unless ( $fh ) {
+ $class->_error("Failed to open file '$file': $!");
+ }
+ # flock if available (or warn if not possible for OS-specific reasons)
+ if ( _can_flock() ) {
+ flock( $fh, Fcntl::LOCK_SH() )
+ or warn "Couldn't lock '$file' for reading: $!";
+ }
+ # slurp the contents
+ my $contents = eval {
+ use warnings FATAL => 'utf8';
+ local $/;
+ <$fh>
+ };
+ if ( my $err = $@ ) {
+ $class->_error("Error reading from file '$file': $err");
+ }
+ # close the file (release the lock)
+ unless ( close $fh ) {
+ $class->_error("Failed to close file '$file': $!");
+ }
+ $class->_load_string( $contents );
+# Create an object from a string
+sub _load_string {
+ my $class = ref $_[0] ? ref shift : shift;
+ my $self = bless [], $class;
+ my $string = $_[0];
+ eval {
+ unless ( defined $string ) {
+ die \"Did not provide a string to load";
+ }
+ # Check if Perl has it marked as characters, but it's internally
+ # inconsistent. E.g. maybe latin1 got read on a :utf8 layer
+ if ( utf8::is_utf8($string) && ! utf8::valid($string) ) {
+ die \<<'...';
+Read an invalid UTF-8 string (maybe mixed UTF-8 and 8-bit character set).
+Did you decode with lax ":utf8" instead of strict ":encoding(UTF-8)"?
+ }
+ # Ensure Unicode character semantics, even for 0x80-0xff
+ utf8::upgrade($string);
+ # Check for and strip any leading UTF-8 BOM
+ $string =~ s/^\x{FEFF}//;
+ # Check for some special cases
+ return $self unless length $string;
+ # Split the file into lines
+ my @lines = grep { ! /^\s*(?:\#.*)?\z/ }
+ split /(?:\015{1,2}\012|\015|\012)/, $string;
+ # Strip the initial YAML header
+ @lines and $lines[0] =~ /^\%YAML[: ][\d\.]+.*\z/ and shift @lines;
+ # A nibbling parser
+ my $in_document = 0;
+ while ( @lines ) {
+ # Do we have a document header?
+ if ( $lines[0] =~ /^---\s*(?:(.+)\s*)?\z/ ) {
+ # Handle scalar documents
+ shift @lines;
+ if ( defined $1 and $1 !~ /^(?:\#.+|\%YAML[: ][\d\.]+)\z/ ) {
+ push @$self,
+ $self->_load_scalar( "$1", [ undef ], \@lines );
+ next;
+ }
+ $in_document = 1;
+ }
+ if ( ! @lines or $lines[0] =~ /^(?:---|\.\.\.)/ ) {
+ # A naked document
+ push @$self, undef;
+ while ( @lines and $lines[0] !~ /^---/ ) {
+ shift @lines;
+ }
+ $in_document = 0;
+ # XXX The final '-+$' is to look for -- which ends up being an
+ # error later.
+ } elsif ( ! $in_document && @$self ) {
+ # only the first document can be explicit
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML failed to classify the line '$lines[0]'";
+ } elsif ( $lines[0] =~ /^\s*\-(?:\s|$|-+$)/ ) {
+ # An array at the root
+ my $document = [ ];
+ push @$self, $document;
+ $self->_load_array( $document, [ 0 ], \@lines );
+ } elsif ( $lines[0] =~ /^(\s*)\S/ ) {
+ # A hash at the root
+ my $document = { };
+ push @$self, $document;
+ $self->_load_hash( $document, [ length($1) ], \@lines );
+ } else {
+ # Shouldn't get here. @lines have whitespace-only lines
+ # stripped, and previous match is a line with any
+ # non-whitespace. So this clause should only be reachable via
+ # a perlbug where \s is not symmetric with \S
+ # uncoverable statement
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML failed to classify the line '$lines[0]'";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ my $err = $@;
+ if ( ref $err eq 'SCALAR' ) {
+ $self->_error(${$err});
+ } elsif ( $err ) {
+ $self->_error($err);
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub _unquote_single {
+ my ($self, $string) = @_;
+ return '' unless length $string;
+ $string =~ s/\'\'/\'/g;
+ return $string;
+sub _unquote_double {
+ my ($self, $string) = @_;
+ return '' unless length $string;
+ $string =~ s/\\"/"/g;
+ $string =~
+ s{\\([Nnever\\fartz0b]|x([0-9a-fA-F]{2}))}
+ {(length($1)>1)?pack("H2",$2):$UNESCAPES{$1}}gex;
+ return $string;
+# Load a YAML scalar string to the actual Perl scalar
+sub _load_scalar {
+ my ($self, $string, $indent, $lines) = @_;
+ # Trim trailing whitespace
+ $string =~ s/\s*\z//;
+ # Explitic null/undef
+ return undef if $string eq '~';
+ # Single quote
+ if ( $string =~ /^$re_capture_single_quoted$re_trailing_comment\z/ ) {
+ return $self->_unquote_single($1);
+ }
+ # Double quote.
+ if ( $string =~ /^$re_capture_double_quoted$re_trailing_comment\z/ ) {
+ return $self->_unquote_double($1);
+ }
+ # Special cases
+ if ( $string =~ /^[\'\"!&]/ ) {
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML does not support a feature in line '$string'";
+ }
+ return {} if $string =~ /^{}(?:\s+\#.*)?\z/;
+ return [] if $string =~ /^\[\](?:\s+\#.*)?\z/;
+ # Regular unquoted string
+ if ( $string !~ /^[>|]/ ) {
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML found illegal characters in plain scalar: '$string'"
+ if $string =~ /^(?:-(?:\s|$)|[\@\%\`])/ or
+ $string =~ /:(?:\s|$)/;
+ $string =~ s/\s+#.*\z//;
+ return $string;
+ }
+ # Error
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML failed to find multi-line scalar content" unless @$lines;
+ # Check the indent depth
+ $lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)/;
+ $indent->[-1] = length("$1");
+ if ( defined $indent->[-2] and $indent->[-1] <= $indent->[-2] ) {
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML found bad indenting in line '$lines->[0]'";
+ }
+ # Pull the lines
+ my @multiline = ();
+ while ( @$lines ) {
+ $lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)/;
+ last unless length($1) >= $indent->[-1];
+ push @multiline, substr(shift(@$lines), length($1));
+ }
+ my $j = (substr($string, 0, 1) eq '>') ? ' ' : "\n";
+ my $t = (substr($string, 1, 1) eq '-') ? '' : "\n";
+ return join( $j, @multiline ) . $t;
+# Load an array
+sub _load_array {
+ my ($self, $array, $indent, $lines) = @_;
+ while ( @$lines ) {
+ # Check for a new document
+ if ( $lines->[0] =~ /^(?:---|\.\.\.)/ ) {
+ while ( @$lines and $lines->[0] !~ /^---/ ) {
+ shift @$lines;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # Check the indent level
+ $lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)/;
+ if ( length($1) < $indent->[-1] ) {
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ( length($1) > $indent->[-1] ) {
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML found bad indenting in line '$lines->[0]'";
+ }
+ if ( $lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*\-\s+)[^\'\"]\S*\s*:(?:\s+|$)/ ) {
+ # Inline nested hash
+ my $indent2 = length("$1");
+ $lines->[0] =~ s/-/ /;
+ push @$array, { };
+ $self->_load_hash( $array->[-1], [ @$indent, $indent2 ], $lines );
+ } elsif ( $lines->[0] =~ /^\s*\-\s*\z/ ) {
+ shift @$lines;
+ unless ( @$lines ) {
+ push @$array, undef;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( $lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)\-/ ) {
+ my $indent2 = length("$1");
+ if ( $indent->[-1] == $indent2 ) {
+ # Null array entry
+ push @$array, undef;
+ } else {
+ # Naked indenter
+ push @$array, [ ];
+ $self->_load_array(
+ $array->[-1], [ @$indent, $indent2 ], $lines
+ );
+ }
+ } elsif ( $lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)\S/ ) {
+ push @$array, { };
+ $self->_load_hash(
+ $array->[-1], [ @$indent, length("$1") ], $lines
+ );
+ } else {
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML failed to classify line '$lines->[0]'";
+ }
+ } elsif ( $lines->[0] =~ /^\s*\-(\s*)(.+?)\s*\z/ ) {
+ # Array entry with a value
+ shift @$lines;
+ push @$array, $self->_load_scalar(
+ "$2", [ @$indent, undef ], $lines
+ );
+ } elsif ( defined $indent->[-2] and $indent->[-1] == $indent->[-2] ) {
+ # This is probably a structure like the following...
+ # ---
+ # foo:
+ # - list
+ # bar: value
+ #
+ # ... so lets return and let the hash parser handle it
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML failed to classify line '$lines->[0]'";
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+# Load a hash
+sub _load_hash {
+ my ($self, $hash, $indent, $lines) = @_;
+ while ( @$lines ) {
+ # Check for a new document
+ if ( $lines->[0] =~ /^(?:---|\.\.\.)/ ) {
+ while ( @$lines and $lines->[0] !~ /^---/ ) {
+ shift @$lines;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # Check the indent level
+ $lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)/;
+ if ( length($1) < $indent->[-1] ) {
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ( length($1) > $indent->[-1] ) {
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML found bad indenting in line '$lines->[0]'";
+ }
+ # Find the key
+ my $key;
+ # Quoted keys
+ if ( $lines->[0] =~
+ s/^\s*$re_capture_single_quoted$re_key_value_separator//
+ ) {
+ $key = $self->_unquote_single($1);
+ }
+ elsif ( $lines->[0] =~
+ s/^\s*$re_capture_double_quoted$re_key_value_separator//
+ ) {
+ $key = $self->_unquote_double($1);
+ }
+ elsif ( $lines->[0] =~
+ s/^\s*$re_capture_unquoted_key$re_key_value_separator//
+ ) {
+ $key = $1;
+ $key =~ s/\s+$//;
+ }
+ elsif ( $lines->[0] =~ /^\s*\?/ ) {
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML does not support a feature in line '$lines->[0]'";
+ }
+ else {
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML failed to classify line '$lines->[0]'";
+ }
+ if ( exists $hash->{$key} ) {
+ warn "CPAN::Meta::YAML found a duplicate key '$key' in line '$lines->[0]'";
+ }
+ # Do we have a value?
+ if ( length $lines->[0] ) {
+ # Yes
+ $hash->{$key} = $self->_load_scalar(
+ shift(@$lines), [ @$indent, undef ], $lines
+ );
+ } else {
+ # An indent
+ shift @$lines;
+ unless ( @$lines ) {
+ $hash->{$key} = undef;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( $lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)-/ ) {
+ $hash->{$key} = [];
+ $self->_load_array(
+ $hash->{$key}, [ @$indent, length($1) ], $lines
+ );
+ } elsif ( $lines->[0] =~ /^(\s*)./ ) {
+ my $indent2 = length("$1");
+ if ( $indent->[-1] >= $indent2 ) {
+ # Null hash entry
+ $hash->{$key} = undef;
+ } else {
+ $hash->{$key} = {};
+ $self->_load_hash(
+ $hash->{$key}, [ @$indent, length($1) ], $lines
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+# Dumper functions:
+# Save an object to a file
+sub _dump_file {
+ my $self = shift;
+ require Fcntl;
+ # Check the file
+ my $file = shift or $self->_error( 'You did not specify a file name' );
+ my $fh;
+ # flock if available (or warn if not possible for OS-specific reasons)
+ if ( _can_flock() ) {
+ # Open without truncation (truncate comes after lock)
+ my $flags = Fcntl::O_WRONLY()|Fcntl::O_CREAT();
+ sysopen( $fh, $file, $flags );
+ unless ( $fh ) {
+ $self->_error("Failed to open file '$file' for writing: $!");
+ }
+ # Use no translation and strict UTF-8
+ binmode( $fh, ":raw:encoding(UTF-8)");
+ flock( $fh, Fcntl::LOCK_EX() )
+ or warn "Couldn't lock '$file' for reading: $!";
+ # truncate and spew contents
+ truncate $fh, 0;
+ seek $fh, 0, 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ open $fh, ">:unix:encoding(UTF-8)", $file;
+ }
+ # serialize and spew to the handle
+ print {$fh} $self->_dump_string;
+ # close the file (release the lock)
+ unless ( close $fh ) {
+ $self->_error("Failed to close file '$file': $!");
+ }
+ return 1;
+# Save an object to a string
+sub _dump_string {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return '' unless ref $self && @$self;
+ # Iterate over the documents
+ my $indent = 0;
+ my @lines = ();
+ eval {
+ foreach my $cursor ( @$self ) {
+ push @lines, '---';
+ # An empty document
+ if ( ! defined $cursor ) {
+ # Do nothing
+ # A scalar document
+ } elsif ( ! ref $cursor ) {
+ $lines[-1] .= ' ' . $self->_dump_scalar( $cursor );
+ # A list at the root
+ } elsif ( ref $cursor eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ unless ( @$cursor ) {
+ $lines[-1] .= ' []';
+ next;
+ }
+ push @lines, $self->_dump_array( $cursor, $indent, {} );
+ # A hash at the root
+ } elsif ( ref $cursor eq 'HASH' ) {
+ unless ( %$cursor ) {
+ $lines[-1] .= ' {}';
+ next;
+ }
+ push @lines, $self->_dump_hash( $cursor, $indent, {} );
+ } else {
+ die \("Cannot serialize " . ref($cursor));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if ( ref $@ eq 'SCALAR' ) {
+ $self->_error(${$@});
+ } elsif ( $@ ) {
+ $self->_error($@);
+ }
+ join '', map { "$_\n" } @lines;
+sub _has_internal_string_value {
+ my $value = shift;
+ my $b_obj = B::svref_2object(\$value); # for round trip problem
+ return $b_obj->FLAGS & B::SVf_POK();
+sub _dump_scalar {
+ my $string = $_[1];
+ my $is_key = $_[2];
+ # Check this before checking length or it winds up looking like a string!
+ my $has_string_flag = _has_internal_string_value($string);
+ return '~' unless defined $string;
+ return "''" unless length $string;
+ if (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($string)) {
+ # keys and values that have been used as strings get quoted
+ if ( $is_key || $has_string_flag ) {
+ return qq['$string'];
+ }
+ else {
+ return $string;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $string =~ /[\x00-\x09\x0b-\x0d\x0e-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\'\n]/ ) {
+ $string =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $string =~ s/"/\\"/g;
+ $string =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ $string =~ s/[\x85]/\\N/g;
+ $string =~ s/([\x00-\x1f])/\\$UNPRINTABLE[ord($1)]/g;
+ $string =~ s/([\x7f-\x9f])/'\x' . sprintf("%X",ord($1))/ge;
+ return qq|"$string"|;
+ }
+ if ( $string =~ /(?:^[~!@#%&*|>?:,'"`{}\[\]]|^-+$|\s|:\z)/ or
+ $QUOTE{$string}
+ ) {
+ return "'$string'";
+ }
+ return $string;
+sub _dump_array {
+ my ($self, $array, $indent, $seen) = @_;
+ if ( $seen->{refaddr($array)}++ ) {
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML does not support circular references";
+ }
+ my @lines = ();
+ foreach my $el ( @$array ) {
+ my $line = (' ' x $indent) . '-';
+ my $type = ref $el;
+ if ( ! $type ) {
+ $line .= ' ' . $self->_dump_scalar( $el );
+ push @lines, $line;
+ } elsif ( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ if ( @$el ) {
+ push @lines, $line;
+ push @lines, $self->_dump_array( $el, $indent + 1, $seen );
+ } else {
+ $line .= ' []';
+ push @lines, $line;
+ }
+ } elsif ( $type eq 'HASH' ) {
+ if ( keys %$el ) {
+ push @lines, $line;
+ push @lines, $self->_dump_hash( $el, $indent + 1, $seen );
+ } else {
+ $line .= ' {}';
+ push @lines, $line;
+ }
+ } else {
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML does not support $type references";
+ }
+ }
+ @lines;
+sub _dump_hash {
+ my ($self, $hash, $indent, $seen) = @_;
+ if ( $seen->{refaddr($hash)}++ ) {
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML does not support circular references";
+ }
+ my @lines = ();
+ foreach my $name ( sort keys %$hash ) {
+ my $el = $hash->{$name};
+ my $line = (' ' x $indent) . $self->_dump_scalar($name, 1) . ":";
+ my $type = ref $el;
+ if ( ! $type ) {
+ $line .= ' ' . $self->_dump_scalar( $el );
+ push @lines, $line;
+ } elsif ( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ if ( @$el ) {
+ push @lines, $line;
+ push @lines, $self->_dump_array( $el, $indent + 1, $seen );
+ } else {
+ $line .= ' []';
+ push @lines, $line;
+ }
+ } elsif ( $type eq 'HASH' ) {
+ if ( keys %$el ) {
+ push @lines, $line;
+ push @lines, $self->_dump_hash( $el, $indent + 1, $seen );
+ } else {
+ $line .= ' {}';
+ push @lines, $line;
+ }
+ } else {
+ die \"CPAN::Meta::YAML does not support $type references";
+ }
+ }
+ @lines;
+# DEPRECATED API methods:
+# Error storage (DEPRECATED as of 1.57)
+our $errstr = '';
+# Set error
+sub _error {
+ require Carp;
+ $errstr = $_[1];
+ $errstr =~ s/ at \S+ line \d+.*//;
+ Carp::croak( $errstr );
+# Retrieve error
+my $errstr_warned;
+sub errstr {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::carp( "CPAN::Meta::YAML->errstr and \$CPAN::Meta::YAML::errstr is deprecated" )
+ unless $errstr_warned++;
+ $errstr;
+# Helper functions. Possibly not needed.
+# Use to detect nv or iv
+use B;
+# XXX-INGY Is flock CPAN::Meta::YAML's responsibility?
+# Some platforms can't flock :-(
+# XXX-XDG I think it is. When reading and writing files, we ought
+# to be locking whenever possible. People (foolishly) use YAML
+# files for things like session storage, which has race issues.
+sub _can_flock {
+ if ( defined $HAS_FLOCK ) {
+ return $HAS_FLOCK;
+ }
+ else {
+ require Config;
+ my $c = \%Config::Config;
+ $HAS_FLOCK = grep { $c->{$_} } qw/d_flock d_fcntl_can_lock d_lockf/;
+ require Fcntl if $HAS_FLOCK;
+ return $HAS_FLOCK;
+ }
+# XXX-INGY Is this core in 5.8.1? Can we remove this?
+# XXX-XDG Scalar::Util 1.18 didn't land until 5.8.8, so we need this
+# Use Scalar::Util if possible, otherwise emulate it
+use Scalar::Util ();
+ local $@;
+ if ( eval { Scalar::Util->VERSION(1.18); } ) {
+ *refaddr = *Scalar::Util::refaddr;
+ }
+ else {
+ eval <<'END_PERL';
+# Scalar::Util failed to load or too old
+sub refaddr {
+ my $pkg = ref($_[0]) or return undef;
+ if ( !! UNIVERSAL::can($_[0], 'can') ) {
+ bless $_[0], 'Scalar::Util::Fake';
+ } else {
+ $pkg = undef;
+ }
+ "$_[0]" =~ /0x(\w+)/;
+ my $i = do { no warnings 'portable'; hex $1 };
+ bless $_[0], $pkg if defined $pkg;
+ $i;
+ }
+delete $CPAN::Meta::YAML::{refaddr};
+# XXX-INGY Doc notes I'm putting up here. Changing the doc when it's wrong
+# but leaving grey area stuff up here.
+# I would like to change Read/Write to Load/Dump below without
+# changing the actual API names.
+# It might be better to put Load/Dump API in the SYNOPSIS instead of the
+# dubious OO API.
+# null and bool explanations may be outdated.
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+CPAN::Meta::YAML - Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files
+=head1 VERSION
+version 0.018
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use CPAN::Meta::YAML;
+ # reading a META file
+ open $fh, "<:utf8", "META.yml";
+ $yaml_text = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+ $yaml = CPAN::Meta::YAML->read_string($yaml_text)
+ or die CPAN::Meta::YAML->errstr;
+ # finding the metadata
+ $meta = $yaml->[0];
+ # writing a META file
+ $yaml_text = $yaml->write_string
+ or die CPAN::Meta::YAML->errstr;
+ open $fh, ">:utf8", "META.yml";
+ print $fh $yaml_text;
+This module implements a subset of the YAML specification for use in reading
+and writing CPAN metadata files like F<META.yml> and F<MYMETA.yml>. It should
+not be used for any other general YAML parsing or generation task.
+NOTE: F<META.yml> (and F<MYMETA.yml>) files should be UTF-8 encoded. Users are
+responsible for proper encoding and decoding. In particular, the C<read> and
+C<write> methods do B<not> support UTF-8 and should not be used.
+=head1 SUPPORT
+This module is currently derived from L<YAML::Tiny> by Adam Kennedy. If
+there are bugs in how it parses a particular META.yml file, please file
+a bug report in the YAML::Tiny bugtracker:
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<YAML::Tiny>, L<YAML>, L<YAML::XS>
+=head1 AUTHORS
+=over 4
+=item *
+Adam Kennedy <>
+=item *
+David Golden <>
+This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Adam Kennedy.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
+# ABSTRACT: Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files