path: root/Bugzilla/API/1_0/Resource/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Bugzilla/API/1_0/Resource/')
1 files changed, 890 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Bugzilla/API/1_0/Resource/ b/Bugzilla/API/1_0/Resource/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..297be1510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bugzilla/API/1_0/Resource/
@@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+package Bugzilla::API::1_0::Resource::FlagType;
+use 5.10.1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Bugzilla::API::1_0::Constants;
+use Bugzilla::API::1_0::Util;
+use Bugzilla::Component;
+use Bugzilla::Constants;
+use Bugzilla::Error;
+use Bugzilla::FlagType;
+use Bugzilla::Product;
+use Bugzilla::Util qw(trim);
+use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
+use Moo;
+extends 'Bugzilla::API::1_0::Resource';
+# Constants #
+use constant READ_ONLY => qw(
+ get
+use constant PUBLIC_METHODS => qw(
+ create
+ get
+ update
+ my $rest_resources = [
+ qr{^/flag_type$}, {
+ POST => {
+ method => 'create',
+ success_code => STATUS_CREATED
+ }
+ },
+ qr{^/flag_type/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$}, {
+ GET => {
+ method => 'get',
+ params => sub {
+ return { product => $_[0],
+ component => $_[1] };
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ qr{^/flag_type/([^/]+)$}, {
+ GET => {
+ method => 'get',
+ params => sub {
+ return { product => $_[0] };
+ }
+ },
+ PUT => {
+ method => 'update',
+ params => sub {
+ my $param = $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ? 'ids' : 'names';
+ return { $param => [ $_[0] ] };
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ];
+ return $rest_resources;
+# Methods #
+sub get {
+ my ($self, $params) = @_;
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db();
+ my $user = Bugzilla->user;
+ defined $params->{product}
+ || ThrowCodeError('param_required',
+ { function => 'Bug.flag_types',
+ param => 'product' });
+ my $product = delete $params->{product};
+ my $component = delete $params->{component};
+ $product = Bugzilla::Product->check({ name => $product, cache => 1 });
+ $component = Bugzilla::Component->check(
+ { name => $component, product => $product, cache => 1 }) if $component;
+ my $flag_params = { product_id => $product->id };
+ $flag_params->{component_id} = $component->id if $component;
+ my $matched_flag_types = Bugzilla::FlagType::match($flag_params);
+ my $flag_types = { bug => [], attachment => [] };
+ foreach my $flag_type (@$matched_flag_types) {
+ push(@{ $flag_types->{bug} }, $self->_flagtype_to_hash($flag_type, $product))
+ if $flag_type->target_type eq 'bug';
+ push(@{ $flag_types->{attachment} }, $self->_flagtype_to_hash($flag_type, $product))
+ if $flag_type->target_type eq 'attachment';
+ }
+ return $flag_types;
+sub create {
+ my ($self, $params) = @_;
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+ my $user = Bugzilla->user;
+ Bugzilla->user->in_group('editcomponents')
+ || scalar(@{$user->get_products_by_permission('editcomponents')})
+ || ThrowUserError("auth_failure", { group => "editcomponents",
+ action => "add",
+ object => "flagtypes" });
+ $params->{name} || ThrowCodeError('param_required', { param => 'name' });
+ $params->{description} || ThrowCodeError('param_required', { param => 'description' });
+ my %args = (
+ sortkey => 1,
+ name => undef,
+ inclusions => ['0:0'], # Default to __ALL__:__ALL__
+ cc_list => '',
+ description => undef,
+ is_requestable => 'on',
+ exclusions => [],
+ is_multiplicable => 'on',
+ request_group => '',
+ is_active => 'on',
+ is_specifically_requestable => 'on',
+ target_type => 'bug',
+ grant_group => '',
+ );
+ foreach my $key (keys %args) {
+ $args{$key} = $params->{$key} if defined($params->{$key});
+ }
+ $args{name} = trim($params->{name});
+ $args{description} = trim($params->{description});
+ # Is specifically requestable is actually is_requesteeable
+ if (exists $args{is_specifically_requestable}) {
+ $args{is_requesteeble} = delete $args{is_specifically_requestable};
+ }
+ # Default is on for the tickbox flags.
+ # If the user has set them to 'off' then undefine them so the flags are not ticked
+ foreach my $arg_name (qw(is_requestable is_multiplicable is_active is_requesteeble)) {
+ if (defined($args{$arg_name}) && ($args{$arg_name} eq '0')) {
+ $args{$arg_name} = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ # Process group inclusions and exclusions
+ $args{inclusions} = _process_lists($params->{inclusions}) if defined $params->{inclusions};
+ $args{exclusions} = _process_lists($params->{exclusions}) if defined $params->{exclusions};
+ my $flagtype = Bugzilla::FlagType->create(\%args);
+ return { id => as_int($flagtype->id) };
+sub update {
+ my ($self, $params) = @_;
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+ my $user = Bugzilla->user;
+ Bugzilla->login(LOGIN_REQUIRED);
+ $user->in_group('editcomponents')
+ || scalar(@{$user->get_products_by_permission('editcomponents')})
+ || ThrowUserError("auth_failure", { group => "editcomponents",
+ action => "edit",
+ object => "flagtypes" });
+ defined($params->{names}) || defined($params->{ids})
+ || ThrowCodeError('params_required',
+ { function => 'FlagType.update', params => ['ids', 'names'] });
+ # Get the list of unique flag type ids we are updating
+ my @flag_type_ids = defined($params->{ids}) ? @{$params->{ids}} : ();
+ if (defined $params->{names}) {
+ push @flag_type_ids, map { $_->id }
+ @{ Bugzilla::FlagType::match({ name => $params->{names} }) };
+ }
+ @flag_type_ids = uniq @flag_type_ids;
+ # We delete names and ids to keep only new values to set.
+ delete $params->{names};
+ delete $params->{ids};
+ # Process group inclusions and exclusions
+ # We removed them from $params because these are handled differently
+ my $inclusions = _process_lists(delete $params->{inclusions}) if defined $params->{inclusions};
+ my $exclusions = _process_lists(delete $params->{exclusions}) if defined $params->{exclusions};
+ $dbh->bz_start_transaction();
+ my %changes = ();
+ foreach my $flag_type_id (@flag_type_ids) {
+ my ($flagtype, $can_fully_edit) = $user->check_can_admin_flagtype($flag_type_id);
+ if ($can_fully_edit) {
+ $flagtype->set_all($params);
+ }
+ elsif (scalar keys %$params) {
+ ThrowUserError('flag_type_not_editable', { flagtype => $flagtype });
+ }
+ # Process the clusions
+ foreach my $type ('inclusions', 'exclusions') {
+ my $clusions = $type eq 'inclusions' ? $inclusions : $exclusions;
+ next if not defined $clusions;
+ my @extra_clusions = ();
+ if (!$user->in_group('editcomponents')) {
+ my $products = $user->get_products_by_permission('editcomponents');
+ # Bring back the products the user cannot edit.
+ foreach my $item (values %{$flagtype->$type}) {
+ my ($prod_id, $comp_id) = split(':', $item);
+ push(@extra_clusions, $item) unless grep { $_->id == $prod_id } @$products;
+ }
+ }
+ $flagtype->set_clusions({
+ $type => [@$clusions, @extra_clusions],
+ });
+ }
+ my $returned_changes = $flagtype->update();
+ $changes{$flagtype->id} = {
+ name => $flagtype->name,
+ changes => $returned_changes,
+ };
+ }
+ $dbh->bz_commit_transaction();
+ my @result;
+ foreach my $flag_type_id (keys %changes) {
+ my %hash = (
+ id => as_int($flag_type_id),
+ name => as_string($changes{$flag_type_id}{name}),
+ changes => {},
+ );
+ foreach my $field (keys %{ $changes{$flag_type_id}{changes} }) {
+ my $change = $changes{$flag_type_id}{changes}{$field};
+ $hash{changes}{$field} = {
+ removed => as_string($change->[0]),
+ added => as_string($change->[1])
+ };
+ }
+ push(@result, \%hash);
+ }
+ return { flagtypes => \@result };
+sub _flagtype_to_hash {
+ my ($self, $flagtype, $product) = @_;
+ my $user = Bugzilla->user;
+ my @values = ('X');
+ push(@values, '?') if ($flagtype->is_requestable && $user->can_request_flag($flagtype));
+ push(@values, '+', '-') if $user->can_set_flag($flagtype);
+ my $item = {
+ id => as_int($flagtype->id),
+ name => as_string($flagtype->name),
+ description => as_string($flagtype->description),
+ type => as_string($flagtype->target_type),
+ values => \@values,
+ is_active => as_boolean($flagtype->is_active),
+ is_requesteeble => as_boolean($flagtype->is_requesteeble),
+ is_multiplicable => as_boolean($flagtype->is_multiplicable)
+ };
+ if ($product) {
+ my $inclusions = $self->_flagtype_clusions_to_hash($flagtype->inclusions, $product->id);
+ my $exclusions = $self->_flagtype_clusions_to_hash($flagtype->exclusions, $product->id);
+ # if we have both inclusions and exclusions, the exclusions are redundant
+ $exclusions = [] if @$inclusions && @$exclusions;
+ # no need to return anything if there's just "any component"
+ $item->{inclusions} = $inclusions if @$inclusions && $inclusions->[0] ne '';
+ $item->{exclusions} = $exclusions if @$exclusions && $exclusions->[0] ne '';
+ }
+ return $item;
+sub _flagtype_clusions_to_hash {
+ my ($self, $clusions, $product_id) = @_;
+ my $result = [];
+ foreach my $key (keys %$clusions) {
+ my ($prod_id, $comp_id) = split(/:/, $clusions->{$key}, 2);
+ if ($prod_id == 0 || $prod_id == $product_id) {
+ if ($comp_id) {
+ my $component = Bugzilla::Component->new({ id => $comp_id, cache => 1 });
+ push @$result, $component->name;
+ }
+ else {
+ return [ '' ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub _process_lists {
+ my $list = shift;
+ my $user = Bugzilla->user;
+ my @products;
+ if ($user->in_group('editcomponents')) {
+ @products = Bugzilla::Product->get_all;
+ }
+ else {
+ @products = @{$user->get_products_by_permission('editcomponents')};
+ }
+ my @component_list;
+ foreach my $item (@$list) {
+ # A hash with products as the key and component names as the values
+ if(ref($item) eq 'HASH') {
+ while (my ($product_name, $component_names) = each %$item) {
+ my $product = Bugzilla::Product->check({name => $product_name});
+ unless (grep { $product->name eq $_->name } @products) {
+ ThrowUserError('product_access_denied', { name => $product_name });
+ }
+ my @component_ids;
+ foreach my $comp_name (@$component_names) {
+ my $component = Bugzilla::Component->check({product => $product, name => $comp_name});
+ ThrowCodeError('param_invalid', { param => $comp_name}) unless defined $component;
+ push @component_list, $product->id . ':' . $component->id;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif(!ref($item)) {
+ # These are whole products
+ my $product = Bugzilla::Product->check({name => $item});
+ unless (grep { $product->name eq $_->name } @products) {
+ ThrowUserError('product_access_denied', { name => $item });
+ }
+ push @component_list, $product->id . ':0';
+ }
+ else {
+ # The user has passed something invalid
+ ThrowCodeError('param_invalid', { param => $item });
+ }
+ }
+ return \@component_list;
+=head1 NAME
+Bugzilla::API::1_0::Resource::FlagType - API for creating flags.
+This part of the Bugzilla API allows you to create new flags
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Get Flag Types
+=item C<get>
+=item B<Description>
+Get information about valid flag types that can be set for bugs and attachments.
+=item B<REST>
+You have several options for retreiving information about flag types. The first
+part is the request method and the rest is the related path needed.
+To get information about all flag types for a product:
+GET /rest/flag_type/<product>
+To get information about flag_types for a product and component:
+GET /rest/flag_type/<product>/<component>
+The returned data format is the same as below.
+=item B<Params>
+You must pass a product name and an optional component name.
+=item C<product> (string) - The name of a valid product.
+=item C<component> (string) - An optional valid component name associated with the product.
+=item B<Returns>
+A hash containing two keys, C<bug> and C<attachment>. Each key value is an array of hashes,
+containing the following keys:
+=item C<id>
+C<int> An integer id uniquely identifying this flag type.
+=item C<name>
+C<string> The name for the flag type.
+=item C<type>
+C<string> The target of the flag type which is either C<bug> or C<attachment>.
+=item C<description>
+C<string> The description of the flag type.
+=item C<values>
+C<array> An array of string values that the user can set on the flag type.
+=item C<is_requesteeble>
+C<boolean> Users can ask specific other users to set flags of this type.
+=item C<is_multiplicable>
+C<boolean> Multiple flags of this type can be set for the same bug or attachment.
+=item B<Errors>
+=item 106 (Product Access Denied)
+Either the product does not exist or you don't have access to it.
+=item 51 (Invalid Component)
+The component provided does not exist in the product.
+=item B<History>
+=item Added in Bugzilla B<5.0>.
+=head2 Create Flag
+=item C<create>
+=item B<Description>
+Creates a new FlagType
+=item B<REST>
+POST /rest/flag_type
+The params to include in the POST body as well as the returned data format,
+are the same as below.
+=item B<Params>
+At a minimum the following two arguments must be supplied:
+=item C<name> (string) - The name of the new Flag Type.
+=item C<description> (string) - A description for the Flag Type object.
+=item B<Returns>
+C<int> flag_id
+The ID of the new FlagType object is returned.
+=item B<Params>
+=item name B<required>
+C<string> A short name identifying this type.
+=item description B<required>
+C<string> A comprehensive description of this type.
+=item inclusions B<optional>
+An array of strings or a hash containing product names, and optionally
+component names. If you provide a string, the flag type will be shown on
+all bugs in that product. If you provide a hash, the key represents the
+product name, and the value is the components of the product to be included.
+For example:
+ [ 'FooProduct',
+ {
+ BarProduct => [ 'C1', 'C3' ],
+ BazProduct => [ 'C7' ]
+ }
+ ]
+This flag will be added to B<All> components of I<FooProduct>,
+components C1 and C3 of I<BarProduct>, and C7 of I<BazProduct>.
+=item exclusions B<optional>
+An array of strings or hashes containing product names. This uses the same
+fromat as inclusions.
+This will exclude the flag from all products and components specified.
+=item sortkey B<optional>
+C<int> A number between 1 and 32767 by which this type will be sorted when
+displayed to users in a list; ignore if you don't care what order the types
+appear in or if you want them to appear in alphabetical order.
+=item is_active B<optional>
+C<boolean> Flag of this type appear in the UI and can be set. Default is B<true>.
+=item is_requestable B<optional>
+C<boolean> Users can ask for flags of this type to be set. Default is B<true>.
+=item cc_list B<optional>
+C<array> An array of strings. If the flag type is requestable, who should
+receive e-mail notification of requests. This is an array of e-mail addresses
+which do not need to be Bugzilla logins.
+=item is_specifically_requestable B<optional>
+C<boolean> Users can ask specific other users to set flags of this type as
+opposed to just asking the wind. Default is B<true>.
+=item is_multiplicable B<optional>
+C<boolean> Multiple flags of this type can be set on the same bug. Default is B<true>.
+=item grant_group B<optional>
+C<string> The group allowed to grant/deny flags of this type (to allow all
+users to grant/deny these flags, select no group). Default is B<no group>.
+=item request_group B<optional>
+C<string> If flags of this type are requestable, the group allowed to request
+them (to allow all users to request these flags, select no group). Note that
+the request group alone has no effect if the grant group is not defined!
+Default is B<no group>.
+=item B<Errors>
+=item 51 (Group Does Not Exist)
+The group name you entered does not exist, or you do not have access to it.
+=item 105 (Unknown component)
+The component does not exist for this product.
+=item 106 (Product Access Denied)
+Either the product does not exist or you don't have editcomponents privileges
+to it.
+=item 501 (Illegal Email Address)
+One of the e-mail address in the CC list is invalid. An e-mail in the CC
+list does NOT need to be a valid Bugzilla user.
+=item 1101 (Flag Type Name invalid)
+You must specify a non-blank name for this flag type. It must
+no contain spaces or commas, and must be 50 characters or less.
+=item 1102 (Flag type must have description)
+You must specify a description for this flag type.
+=item 1103 (Flag type CC list is invalid
+The CC list must be 200 characters or less.
+=item 1104 (Flag Type Sort Key Not Valid)
+The sort key is not a valid number.
+=item 1105 (Flag Type Not Editable)
+This flag type is not available for the products you can administer. Therefore
+you can not edit attributes of the flag type, other than the inclusion and
+exclusion list.
+=item B<History>
+=item Added in Bugzilla B<5.0>.
+=head2 update
+=item B<Description>
+This allows you to update a flag type in Bugzilla.
+=item B<REST>
+PUT /rest/flag_type/<product_id_or_name>
+The params to include in the PUT body as well as the returned data format,
+are the same as below. The C<ids> and C<names> params will be overridden as
+it is pulled from the URL path.
+=item B<Params>
+B<Note:> The following parameters specify which products you are updating.
+You must set one or both of these parameters.
+=item C<ids>
+C<array> of C<int>s. Numeric ids of the flag types that you wish to update.
+=item C<names>
+C<array> of C<string>s. Names of the flag types that you wish to update. If
+many flag types have the same name, this will change ALL of them.
+B<Note:> The following parameters specify the new values you want to set for
+the products you are updating.
+=item name
+C<string> A short name identifying this type.
+=item description
+C<string> A comprehensive description of this type.
+=item inclusions B<optional>
+An array of strings or a hash containing product names, and optionally
+component names. If you provide a string, the flag type will be shown on
+all bugs in that product. If you provide a hash, the key represents the
+product name, and the value is the components of the product to be included.
+for example
+ [ 'FooProduct',
+ {
+ BarProduct => [ 'C1', 'C3' ],
+ BazProduct => [ 'C7' ]
+ }
+ ]
+This flag will be added to B<All> components of I<FooProduct>,
+components C1 and C3 of I<BarProduct>, and C7 of I<BazProduct>.
+=item exclusions B<optional>
+An array of strings or hashes containing product names.
+This uses the same fromat as inclusions.
+This will exclude the flag from all products and components specified.
+=item sortkey
+C<int> A number between 1 and 32767 by which this type will be sorted when
+displayed to users in a list; ignore if you don't care what order the types
+appear in or if you want them to appear in alphabetical order.
+=item is_active
+C<boolean> Flag of this type appear in the UI and can be set.
+=item is_requestable
+C<boolean> Users can ask for flags of this type to be set.
+=item cc_list
+C<array> An array of strings. If the flag type is requestable, who should
+receive e-mail notification of requests. This is an array of e-mail addresses
+which do not need to be Bugzilla logins.
+=item is_specifically_requestable
+C<boolean> Users can ask specific other users to set flags of this type as
+opposed to just asking the wind.
+=item is_multiplicable
+C<boolean> Multiple flags of this type can be set on the same bug.
+=item grant_group
+C<string> The group allowed to grant/deny flags of this type (to allow all
+users to grant/deny these flags, select no group).
+=item request_group
+C<string> If flags of this type are requestable, the group allowed to request
+them (to allow all users to request these flags, select no group). Note that
+the request group alone has no effect if the grant group is not defined!
+=item B<Returns>
+A C<hash> with a single field "flagtypes". This points to an array of hashes
+with the following fields:
+=item C<id>
+C<int> The id of the product that was updated.
+=item C<name>
+C<string> The name of the product that was updated.
+=item C<changes>
+C<hash> The changes that were actually done on this product. The keys are
+the names of the fields that were changed, and the values are a hash
+with two keys:
+=item C<added>
+C<string> The value that this field was changed to.
+=item C<removed>
+C<string> The value that was previously set in this field.
+Note that booleans will be represented with the strings '1' and '0'.
+Here's an example of what a return value might look like:
+ {
+ products => [
+ {
+ id => 123,
+ changes => {
+ name => {
+ removed => 'FooFlagType',
+ added => 'BarFlagType'
+ },
+ is_requestable => {
+ removed => '1',
+ added => '0',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+=item B<Errors>
+=item 51 (Group Does Not Exist)
+The group name you entered does not exist, or you do not have access to it.
+=item 105 (Unknown component)
+The component does not exist for this product.
+=item 106 (Product Access Denied)
+Either the product does not exist or you don't have editcomponents privileges
+to it.
+=item 501 (Illegal Email Address)
+One of the e-mail address in the CC list is invalid. An e-mail in the CC
+list does NOT need to be a valid Bugzilla user.
+=item 1101 (Flag Type Name invalid)
+You must specify a non-blank name for this flag type. It must
+no contain spaces or commas, and must be 50 characters or less.
+=item 1102 (Flag type must have description)
+You must specify a description for this flag type.
+=item 1103 (Flag type CC list is invalid
+The CC list must be 200 characters or less.
+=item 1104 (Flag Type Sort Key Not Valid)
+The sort key is not a valid number.
+=item 1105 (Flag Type Not Editable)
+This flag type is not available for the products you can administer. Therefore
+you can not edit attributes of the flag type, other than the inclusion and
+exclusion list.
+=item B<History>
+=item Added in Bugzilla B<5.0>.
+=head1 B<Methods in need of POD>