path: root/editvalues.cgi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'editvalues.cgi')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/editvalues.cgi b/editvalues.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8231dab5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editvalues.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
+# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
+# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# rights and limitations under the License.
+# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
+# Contributor(s): Max Kanat-Alexander <>
+# This is a script to edit the values of fields that have drop-down
+# or select boxes. It is largely a copy of editmilestones.cgi, but
+# with some cleanup.
+use strict;
+use lib ".";
+use Bugzilla;
+use Bugzilla::Util;
+use Bugzilla::Error;
+use Bugzilla::Constants;
+use Bugzilla::Config qw(:DEFAULT :locations);
+# List of different tables that contain the changeable field values
+# (the old "enums.") Keep them in alphabetical order by their
+# English name from field-descs.html.tmpl.
+# Format: Array of valid field names.
+# Admins may add resolution and bug_status to this list, but they
+# do so at their own risk.
+our @valid_fields = ('op_sys', 'rep_platform', 'priority', 'bug_severity',);
+# Subroutines
+# Returns whether or not the specified table exists in the @tables array.
+sub FieldExists ($) {
+ my ($field) = @_;
+ return lsearch(\@valid_fields, $field) >= 0;
+# Same as FieldExists, but emits and error and dies if it fails.
+sub FieldMustExist ($) {
+ my ($field)= @_;
+ $field ||
+ ThrowUserError('fieldname_not_specified');
+ # Is it a valid field to be editing?
+ FieldExists($field) ||
+ ThrowUserError('fieldname_invalid', {'field' => $field});
+# Returns if the specified value exists for the field specified.
+sub ValueExists ($$) {
+ my ($field, $value) = @_;
+ FieldMustExist($field);
+ trick_taint($field);
+ # Value is safe because it's being passed only to a SELECT
+ # statement via a placeholder.
+ trick_taint($value);
+ my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+ my $value_count =
+ $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $field "
+ . " WHERE value = ?", undef, $value);
+ return $value_count;
+# Same check as ValueExists, emits an error text and dies if it fails.
+sub ValueMustExist ($$) {
+ my ($field, $value)= @_;
+ # Values may not be empty (it's very difficult to deal
+ # with empty values in the admin interface).
+ trim($value) || ThrowUserError('fieldvalue_not_specified');
+ # Does it exist in the DB?
+ ValueExists($field, $value) ||
+ ThrowUserError('fieldvalue_doesnt_exist', {'value' => $value,
+ 'field' => $field});
+# Main Body Execution
+# require the user to have logged in
+my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
+my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
+my $template = Bugzilla->template;
+my $vars = {};
+print $cgi->header();
+exists Bugzilla->user->groups->{'editcomponents'} ||
+ ThrowUserError('auth_failure', {group => "editcomponents",
+ action => "edit",
+ object => "field values"});
+# often-used variables
+my $field = trim($cgi->param('field') || '');
+my $value = trim($cgi->param('value') || '');
+my $sortkey = trim($cgi->param('sortkey') || '0');
+my $action = trim($cgi->param('action') || '');
+# field = '' -> Show nice list of fields
+unless ($field) {
+ # Convert @valid_fields into the format that select-field wants.
+ my @field_list = ();
+ foreach my $field_name (@valid_fields) {
+ push(@field_list, {name => $field_name});
+ }
+ $vars->{'fields'} = \@field_list;
+ $template->process("admin/fieldvalues/select-field.html.tmpl",
+ $vars)
+ || ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
+ exit;
+# action='' -> Show nice list of values.
+unless ($action) {
+ FieldMustExist($field);
+ # Now we know the $field is valid.
+ trick_taint($field);
+ my $fieldvalues =
+ $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT value AS name, sortkey"
+ . " FROM $field ORDER BY sortkey, value",
+ {Slice =>{}});
+ $vars->{'field'} = $field;
+ $vars->{'values'} = $fieldvalues;
+ $template->process("admin/fieldvalues/list.html.tmpl",
+ $vars)
+ || ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
+ exit;
+# action='add' -> show form for adding new field value.
+# (next action will be 'new')
+if ($action eq 'add') {
+ FieldMustExist($field);
+ $vars->{'value'} = $value;
+ $vars->{'field'} = $field;
+ $template->process("admin/fieldvalues/create.html.tmpl",
+ $vars)
+ || ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
+ exit;
+# action='new' -> add field value entered in the 'action=add' screen
+if ($action eq 'new') {
+ FieldMustExist($field);
+ trick_taint($field);
+ # Cleanups and validity checks
+ $value || ThrowUserError('fieldvalue_undefined');
+ if (length($value) > 60) {
+ ThrowUserError('fieldvalue_name_too_long',
+ {'value' => $value});
+ }
+ # Need to store in case detaint_natural() clears the sortkey
+ my $stored_sortkey = $sortkey;
+ if (!detaint_natural($sortkey)) {
+ ThrowUserError('fieldvalue_sortkey_invalid',
+ {'name' => $field,
+ 'sortkey' => $stored_sortkey});
+ }
+ if (ValueExists($field, $value)) {
+ ThrowUserError('fieldvalue_already_exists',
+ {'field' => $field,
+ 'value' => $value});
+ }
+ # Value is only used in a SELECT placeholder and through the HTML filter.
+ trick_taint($value);
+ # Add the new field value.
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO $field ( value, sortkey )
+ VALUES ( ?, ? )");
+ $sth->execute($value, $sortkey);
+ unlink "$datadir/versioncache";
+ $vars->{'value'} = $value;
+ $vars->{'field'} = $field;
+ $template->process("admin/fieldvalues/created.html.tmpl",
+ $vars)
+ || ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
+ exit;
+# action='del' -> ask if user really wants to delete
+# (next action would be 'delete')
+if ($action eq 'del') {
+ ValueMustExist($field, $value);
+ trick_taint($field);
+ trick_taint($value);
+ # See if any bugs are still using this value.
+ $vars->{'bug_count'} =
+ $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bugs WHERE $field = ?",
+ undef, $value) || 0;
+ $vars->{'value_count'} =
+ $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $field");
+ $vars->{'value'} = $value;
+ $vars->{'field'} = $field;
+ $template->process("admin/fieldvalues/confirm-delete.html.tmpl",
+ $vars)
+ || ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
+ exit;
+# action='delete' -> really delete the field value
+if ($action eq 'delete') {
+ ValueMustExist($field, $value);
+ trick_taint($field);
+ trick_taint($value);
+ # Check if there are any bugs that still have this value.
+ my $bug_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
+ "SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE $field = ?", undef, $value);
+ if (scalar(@$bug_ids)) {
+ # You tried to delete a field that bugs are still using.
+ # You can't just delete the bugs. That's ridiculous.
+ $dbh->do('UNLOCK TABLES');
+ ThrowUserError("fieldvalue_still_has_bugs",
+ { field => $field, value => $value,
+ count => scalar(@$bug_ids) });
+ }
+ $dbh->do("DELETE FROM $field WHERE value = ?", undef, $value);
+ unlink "$datadir/versioncache";
+ $vars->{'value'} = $value;
+ $vars->{'field'} = $field;
+ $template->process("admin/fieldvalues/deleted.html.tmpl",
+ $vars)
+ || ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
+ exit;
+# action='edit' -> present the edit-value form
+# (next action would be 'update')
+if ($action eq 'edit') {
+ ValueMustExist($field, $value);
+ trick_taint($field);
+ trick_taint($value);
+ $vars->{'sortkey'} = $dbh->selectrow_array(
+ "SELECT sortkey FROM $field WHERE value = ?", undef, $value) || 0;
+ $vars->{'value'} = $value;
+ $vars->{'field'} = $field;
+ $template->process("admin/fieldvalues/edit.html.tmpl",
+ $vars)
+ || ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
+ exit;
+# action='update' -> update the field value
+if ($action eq 'update') {
+ my $valueold = trim($cgi->param('valueold') || '');
+ my $sortkeyold = trim($cgi->param('sortkeyold') || '0');
+ ValueMustExist($field, $valueold);
+ trick_taint($field);
+ trick_taint($valueold);
+ if (length($value) > 60) {
+ ThrowUserError('fieldvalue_name_too_long',
+ {'value' => $value});
+ }
+ $dbh->do("LOCK TABLES bugs WRITE, $field WRITE");
+ # Need to store because detaint_natural() will delete this if
+ # invalid
+ my $stored_sortkey = $sortkey;
+ if ($sortkey != $sortkeyold) {
+ if (!detaint_natural($sortkey)) {
+ $dbh->do('UNLOCK TABLES');
+ ThrowUserError('fieldvalue_sortkey_invalid',
+ {'name' => $field,
+ 'sortkey' => $stored_sortkey});
+ }
+ $dbh->do("UPDATE $field SET sortkey = ? WHERE value = ?",
+ undef, $sortkey, $valueold);
+ unlink "$datadir/versioncache";
+ $vars->{'updated_sortkey'} = 1;
+ $vars->{'sortkey'} = $sortkey;
+ }
+ if ($value ne $valueold) {
+ unless ($value) {
+ $dbh->do('UNLOCK TABLES');
+ ThrowUserError('fieldvalue_undefined');
+ }
+ if (ValueExists($field, $value)) {
+ $dbh->do('UNLOCK TABLES');
+ ThrowUserError('fieldvalue_already_exists',
+ {'value' => $value,
+ 'field' => $field});
+ }
+ trick_taint($value);
+ $dbh->do("UPDATE bugs SET $field = ?, delta_ts = NOW()
+ WHERE $field = ?", undef, $value, $valueold);
+ $dbh->do("UPDATE $field SET value = ? WHERE value = ?",
+ undef, $value, $valueold);
+ unlink "$datadir/versioncache";
+ $vars->{'updated_value'} = 1;
+ }
+ $dbh->do('UNLOCK TABLES');
+ $vars->{'value'} = $value;
+ $vars->{'field'} = $field;
+ $template->process("admin/fieldvalues/updated.html.tmpl",
+ $vars)
+ || ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
+ exit;
+# No valid action found
+# We can't get here without $field being defined --
+# See the unless($field) block at the top.
+ThrowUserError('no_valid_action', { field => $field } );