path: root/extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create')
2 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create/comment-mdn.txt.tmpl b/extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create/comment-mdn.txt.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60a443d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create/comment-mdn.txt.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ # file, You can obtain one at
+ #
+ # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+ # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ #%]
+[% USE Bugzilla %]
+[% cgi = Bugzilla.cgi +%]
+[% IF cgi.param('request_type') == 'Bug' %]
+What did you do?
+[%+ cgi.param('bug_actions') %]
+What happened?
+[%+ cgi.param('bug_actual_results') %]
+What should have happened?
+[%+ cgi.param('bug_expected_results') %]
+[% ELSIF cgi.param('request_type') == 'Feature' %]
+What problems would this solve?
+[%+ cgi.param('feature_problem_solving') %]
+Who would use this?
+[%+ cgi.param('feature_audience') %]
+What would users see?
+[%+ cgi.param('feature_interface') %]
+What would users do? What would happen as a result?
+[%+ cgi.param('feature_process') %]
+[% ELSIF cgi.param('request_type') == 'Change' %]
+What feature should be changed? Please provide the URL of the feature if possible.
+[%+ cgi.param('change_feature') %]
+What problems would this solve?
+[%+ cgi.param('change_problem_solving') %]
+Who would use this?
+[%+ cgi.param('change_audience') %]
+What would users see?
+[%+ cgi.param('change_interface') %]
+What would users do? What would happen as a result?
+[%+ cgi.param('change_process') %]
+[% END %]
+Is there anything else we should know?
+[%+ cgi.param("description") %]
diff --git a/extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create/create-mdn.html.tmpl b/extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create/create-mdn.html.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8ea5d0dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create/create-mdn.html.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ # file, You can obtain one at
+ #
+ # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+ # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ #%]
+[% PROCESS global/variables.none.tmpl %]
+[% inline_style = BLOCK %]
+strong.required:before {
+ content: "* ";
+ color: red;
+#yui-history-iframe {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 1px;
+ height: 1px;
+ visibility: hidden;
+[% END %]
+[% inline_javascript = BLOCK %]
+ var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom;
+ var Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
+ var History = YAHOO.util.History;
+ var mdn = {
+ _initial_state: 'initial',
+ _current_state: 'initial',
+ _current_type: 'Bug',
+ _required_fields: {
+ 'Bug': {
+ 'bug_actions': 'Please enter some text for "What did you do?"',
+ 'bug_actual_results': 'Please enter some text for "What happened?"',
+ 'bug_expected_results': 'Please enter some text for "What should have happened?"',
+ },
+ 'Feature': {
+ 'feature_problem_solving': 'Please enter some text for "What problems would this solve?"',
+ 'feature_audience': 'Please enter some text for "Who would use this?"',
+ 'feature_interface': 'Please enter some text for "What would users see?"',
+ 'feature_process': 'Please enter some text for "What would users do? What would happen as a result?"',
+ },
+ 'Change': {
+ 'change_feature': 'Please enter some text for "What feature should be changed? Please provide the URL of the feature if possible"',
+ 'change_problem_solving': 'Please enter some text for "What problems would this solve?"',
+ 'change_audience': 'Please enter some text for "Who would use this?"',
+ 'change_interface': 'Please enter some text for "What would users see?"',
+ 'change_process': 'Please enter some text for "What would users do? What would happen as a result?"',
+ }
+ },
+ setState: function(state, request_type, no_set_history) {
+ if (state == 'detail') {
+ request_type = request_type || this._getRadioValueByClass('request_type');
+ request_type = request_type.toLowerCase();
+ if (request_type == 'bug') {
+ Dom.get('detail_header').innerHTML = '<h2>Bug Report</h2>';
+ Dom.get('secure_type').innerHTML = 'report';
+ }
+ if (request_type == 'feature') {
+ Dom.get('detail_header').innerHTML = '<h2>Feature Request</h2>';
+ Dom.get('secure_type').innerHTML = 'request';
+ }
+ if (request_type == 'change') {
+ Dom.get('detail_header').innerHTML = '<h2>Change Request</h2>';
+ Dom.get('secure_type').innerHTML = 'request';
+ }
+ Dom.addClass('detail_' + this._current_type, 'bz_default_hidden');
+ Dom.removeClass('detail_' + request_type, 'bz_default_hidden');
+ this._current_type = request_type;
+ }
+ Dom.addClass(this._current_state + '_form', 'bz_default_hidden');
+ Dom.removeClass(state + '_form', 'bz_default_hidden');
+ this._current_state = state;
+ if (History && !no_set_history) {
+ History.navigate('h', state +
+ (request_type ? '|' + request_type : ''));
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ validateAndSubmit: function() {
+ var request_type = this._getRadioValueByClass('request_type');
+ var alert_text = '';
+ if (!isFilledOut('short_desc')) alert_text += 'Please enter a "Summary".\n';
+ for (require_type in this._required_fields) {
+ if (require_type == request_type) {
+ for (field in this._required_fields[require_type]) {
+ if (!isFilledOut(field))
+ alert_text += this._required_fields[require_type][field] + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (alert_text != '') {
+ alert(alert_text);
+ return false;
+ }
+ var whiteboard = Dom.get('status_whiteboard');
+ whiteboard.value = "[specification][type:" + request_type.toLowerCase() + "]";
+ return true;
+ },
+ _getRadioValueByClass: function(class_name) {
+ var elements = Dom.getElementsByClassName(class_name);
+ for (var i = 0, l = elements.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (elements[i].checked) return elements[i].value;
+ }
+ },
+ init: function() {
+ var bookmarked_state = History.getBookmarkedState('h');
+ this._initial_state = bookmarked_state || 'initial';
+ try {
+ History.register('h', this._initial_state, mdn.onStateChange);
+ History.initialize('yui-history-field', 'yui-history-iframe');
+ History.onReady(function () {
+ mdn.onStateChange(History.getCurrentState('h'), true);
+ });
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ console.log('error initializing history: ' + e);
+ History = false;
+ }
+ },
+ onStateChange: function(state, no_set_history) {
+ var state_data = state.split('|');
+ mdn.setState(state_data[0], state_data[1], no_set_history);
+ }
+ };
+ Event.on('show_detail', 'click', function() { mdn.setState('detail'); });
+[% END %]
+[% PROCESS global/header.html.tmpl
+ title = "Mozilla Developer Network Feedback"
+ style = inline_style
+ javascript = inline_javascript
+ yui = [ 'history' ]
+ javascript_urls = [ 'extensions/BMO/web/js/form_validate.js' ]
+<iframe id="yui-history-iframe" src="extensions/BMO/web/yui-history-iframe.txt"></iframe>
+<input id="yui-history-field" type="hidden">
+<h1>Mozilla Developer Network Feedback</h1>
+<form method="post" action="post_bug.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data"
+ onSubmit="return mdn.validateAndSubmit();">
+ <input type="hidden" name="format" value="mdn">
+ <input type="hidden" name="product" value="Mozilla Developer Network">
+ <input type="hidden" name="component" value="General">
+ <input type="hidden" name="rep_platform" value="All">
+ <input type="hidden" name="op_sys" value="Other">
+ <input type="hidden" name="version" value="unspecified">
+ <input type="hidden" name="bug_severity" id="bug_severity" value="normal">
+ <input type="hidden" name="token" value="[% token FILTER html %]">
+ <input type="hidden" name="status_whiteboard" id="status_whiteboard" value="">
+ <div id="initial_form">
+ <p>
+ <input type="radio" name="request_type" class="request_type"
+ id="request_type_bug" value="Bug" checked="checked">
+ <label for="request_type_bug">Report a [% terms.bug %]</label><br>
+ <input type="radio" name="request_type" class="request_type"
+ id="request_type_feature" value="Feature">
+ <label for="request_type_feature">Request a new feature</label><br>
+ <input type="radio" name="request_type" class="request_type"
+ id="request_type_change" value="Change">
+ <label for="request_type_change">Request a change to an existing feature</label><br>
+ <br>
+ <input id="show_detail" type="button" value="Next">
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="detail_form" class="bz_default_hidden">
+ <p id="detail_header"></p>
+ <p id="detail_summary">
+ <strong class="required">Summary</strong><br>
+ <input type="text" name="short_desc" id="short_desc" size="60">
+ </p>
+ <div id="detail_bug" class="bz_default_hidden">
+ <p>
+ <strong class="required">What did you do?</strong><br>
+ <textarea name="bug_actions" id="bug_actions" rows="5" cols="60">
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong class="required">What happened?</strong><br>
+ <textarea name="bug_actual_results" id="bug_actual_results" rows="5" cols="60"></textarea>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong class="required">What should have happened?</strong><br>
+ <textarea name="bug_expected_results" id="bug_expected_results" rows="5" cols="60"></textarea>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="detail_feature" class="bz_default_hidden">
+ <p>
+ <strong class="required">What problems would this solve?</strong><br>
+ <textarea name="feature_problem_solving" id="feature_problem_solving" rows="5" cols="60"></textarea>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong class="required">Who would use this?</strong><br>
+ <textarea name="feature_audience" id="feature_audience" rows="5" cols="60"></textarea>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong class="required">What would users see?</strong><br>
+ <textarea name="feature_interface" id="feature_interface" rows="5" cols="60"></textarea>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong class="required">What would users do? What would happen as a result?</strong><br>
+ <textarea name="feature_process" id="feature_process" rows="5" cols="60"></textarea>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="detail_change" class="bz_default_hidden">
+ <p>
+ <strong class="required">What feature should be changed? Please provide the URL of the feature if possible.</strong><br>
+ <textarea name="change_feature" id="change_feature" rows="5" cols="60"></textarea>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong class="required">What problems would this solve?</strong><br>
+ <textarea name="change_problem_solving" id="change_problem_solving" rows="5" cols="60"></textarea>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong class="required">Who would use this?</strong><br>
+ <textarea name="change_audience" id="change_audience" rows="5" cols="60"></textarea>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong class="required">What would users see?</strong><br>
+ <textarea name="change_interface" id="change_interface" rows="5" cols="60"></textarea>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong class="required">What would users do? What would happen as a result?</strong><br>
+ <textarea name="change_process" id="change_process" rows="5" cols="60"></textarea>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <p id="detail_description">
+ <strong>Is there anything else we should know?</strong><br>
+ <textarea name="description" id="description" rows="5" cols="60"></textarea>
+ </p>
+ <p id="detail_secure">
+ [% sec_group = sec_groups.${} || sec_groups._default %]
+ <input type="checkbox" name="groups" id="groups" value="[% sec_group FILTER html %]">
+ <label for="groups"><strong>This <span id="secure_type">report</span> is about a problem
+ that is putting users at risk. It should be kept hidden from the public until it is
+ resolved.</strong></label>
+ </p>
+ <input type="submit" id="commit" value="Submit"></td>
+ </div>
+ mdn.init();
+[% PROCESS global/footer.html.tmpl %]