path: root/extensions/MyDashboard/lib
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Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/MyDashboard/lib')
2 files changed, 73 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/MyDashboard/lib/ b/extensions/MyDashboard/lib/
index 9f4935c9d..69af01d79 100644
--- a/extensions/MyDashboard/lib/
+++ b/extensions/MyDashboard/lib/
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::Bug;
use Bugzilla::CGI;
use Bugzilla::Search;
+use Bugzilla::Flag;
+use Bugzilla::Status qw(is_open_state);
use Bugzilla::Util qw(format_time datetime_from);
use Bugzilla::Extension::MyDashboard::Util qw(open_states quoted_open_states);
@@ -162,7 +164,7 @@ sub query_bugs {
sub query_flags {
- my ($type, $include_resolved) = @_;
+ my ($type, $include_closed) = @_;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $date_now = DateTime->now(time_zone => $user->timezone);
@@ -170,87 +172,88 @@ sub query_flags {
($type ne 'requestee' || $type ne 'requester')
|| ThrowCodeError('param_required', { param => 'type' });
- my $attach_join_clause = "flags.attach_id = attachments.attach_id";
- if (Bugzilla->params->{insidergroup} && !$user->in_group(Bugzilla->params->{insidergroup})) {
- $attach_join_clause .= " AND attachments.isprivate < 1";
+ my $match_params = { status => '?' };
+ if ($type eq 'requestee') {
+ $match_params->{'requestee_id'} = $user->id;
+ }
+ else {
+ $match_params->{'setter_id'} = $user->id;
- my $query =
- # Select columns describing each flag, the bug/attachment on which
- # it has been set, who set it, and of whom they are requesting it.
- " SELECT AS id,
- AS type,
- flags.status AS status,
- flags.bug_id AS bug_id,
- bugs.bug_status AS bug_status,
- bugs.short_desc AS bug_summary,
- flags.attach_id AS attach_id,
- attachments.ispatch AS is_patch,
- requesters.login_name AS requester,
- requestees.login_name AS requestee,
- " . $dbh->sql_date_format('flags.modification_date', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') . " AS updated
- FROM flags
- LEFT JOIN attachments
- ON ($attach_join_clause)
- INNER JOIN flagtypes
- ON flags.type_id =
- ON flags.bug_id = bugs.bug_id
- LEFT JOIN profiles AS requesters
- ON flags.setter_id = requesters.userid
- LEFT JOIN profiles AS requestees
- ON flags.requestee_id = requestees.userid
- LEFT JOIN bug_group_map AS bgmap
- ON bgmap.bug_id = bugs.bug_id
- LEFT JOIN cc AS ccmap
- ON ccmap.who = " . $user->id . "
- AND ccmap.bug_id = bugs.bug_id ";
- # Limit query to pending requests and open bugs only
- $query .= " WHERE flags.status = '?' ";
- # Limit to open bugs only unless want to include resolved
- if (!$include_resolved) {
- $query .= " AND bugs.bug_status IN (" . join(',', quoted_open_states()) . ") ";
+ my $matched = Bugzilla::Flag->match($match_params);
+ return [] if !@$matched;
+ my @unfiltered_flags;
+ my %all_bugs; # Use hash to filter out duplicates
+ foreach my $flag (@$matched) {
+ next if ($flag->attach_id && $flag->attachment->isprivate && !$user->is_insider);
+ my $data = {
+ id => $flag->id,
+ type => $flag->type->name,
+ status => $flag->status,
+ attach_id => $flag->attach_id,
+ is_patch => $flag->attach_id ? $flag->attachment->ispatch : 0,
+ bug_id => $flag->bug_id,
+ requester => $flag->setter->login,
+ requestee => $flag->requestee ? $flag->requestee->login : '',
+ updated => $flag->modification_date,
+ };
+ push(@unfiltered_flags, $data);
+ # Record bug id for later retrieval of status/summary
+ $all_bugs{$flag->{'bug_id'}}++;
- # Weed out bug the user does not have access to
- $query .= " AND ((bgmap.group_id IS NULL)
- OR bgmap.group_id IN (" . $user->groups_as_string . ")
- OR (ccmap.who IS NOT NULL AND cclist_accessible = 1)
- OR (bugs.reporter = " . $user->id . " AND bugs.reporter_accessible = 1)
- OR (bugs.assigned_to = " . $user->id .") ";
- if (Bugzilla->params->{useqacontact}) {
- $query .= " OR (bugs.qa_contact = " . $user->id . ") ";
+ # Filter the bug list based on permission to see the bug
+ my %visible_bugs = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $user->visible_bugs([ keys %all_bugs ]) };
+ return [] if !scalar keys %visible_bugs;
+ # Get all bug statuses and summaries in one query instead of loading
+ # many separate bug objects
+ my $bug_rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT bug_id, bug_status, short_desc
+ FROM bugs
+ WHERE " . $dbh->sql_in('bug_id', [ keys %visible_bugs ]),
+ { Slice => {} });
+ foreach my $row (@$bug_rows) {
+ $visible_bugs{$row->{'bug_id'}} = {
+ bug_status => $row->{'bug_status'},
+ short_desc => $row->{'short_desc'}
+ };
- $query .= ") ";
- # Order the records (within each group).
- my $group_order_by = " GROUP BY flags.bug_id ORDER BY flags.modification_date,";
+ # Now drop out any flags for bugs the user cannot see
+ # or if the user did not want to see closed bugs
+ my @filtered_flags;
+ foreach my $flag (@unfiltered_flags) {
+ # Skip this flag if the bug is not visible to the user
+ next if !$visible_bugs{$flag->{'bug_id'}};
- my $flags = [];
- if ($type eq 'requestee') {
- $flags = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($query .
- " AND requestees.login_name = ? " .
- $group_order_by,
- { Slice => {} }, $user->login);
- }
+ # Skip closed unless user requested closed bugs
+ next if (!$include_closed
+ && !is_open_state($visible_bugs{$flag->{'bug_id'}}->{'bug_status'}));
- if ($type eq 'requester') {
- $flags = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($query .
- " AND requesters.login_name = ? " .
- $group_order_by,
- { Slice => {} }, $user->login);
- }
+ # Include bug status and summary with each flag
+ $flag->{'bug_status'} = $visible_bugs{$flag->{'bug_id'}}->{'bug_status'};
+ $flag->{'bug_summary'} = $visible_bugs{$flag->{'bug_id'}}->{'short_desc'};
- # Format the updated date specific to the user's timezone and add the fancy version
- foreach my $flag (@$flags) {
+ # Format the updated date specific to the user's timezone
+ # and add the fancy human readable version
$flag->{'updated'} = format_time($flag->{'updated'});
my $date_then = datetime_from($flag->{'updated'});
+ $flag->{'updated_epoch'} = $date_then->epoch;
$flag->{'updated_fancy'} = time_ago($date_then, $date_now);
+ push(@filtered_flags, $flag);
- return $flags;
+ return [] if !@filtered_flags;
+ # Sort by most recently updated
+ return [ sort { $b->{'updated_epoch'} <=> $a->{'updated_epoch'} } @filtered_flags ];
diff --git a/extensions/MyDashboard/lib/ b/extensions/MyDashboard/lib/
index 1a9c212f4..69f43f322 100644
--- a/extensions/MyDashboard/lib/
+++ b/extensions/MyDashboard/lib/
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ sub run_flag_query {
{ function => 'MyDashboard.run_flag_query',
param => 'type' });
- my $include_resolved = $params->{include_resolved} || 0;
- my $results = query_flags($type, $include_resolved);
+ my $include_closed = $params->{include_closed} || 0;
+ my $results = query_flags($type, $include_closed);
return { result => { $type => $results }};