path: root/qa/t/test_default_groups.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qa/t/test_default_groups.t')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/t/test_default_groups.t b/qa/t/test_default_groups.t
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9875bc847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/t/test_default_groups.t
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib qw(lib);
+use Test::More "no_plan";
+use QA::Util;
+my ($sel, $config) = get_selenium();
+# Turn on the makeproductgroups parameter. Create a new product and check that
+# it has automatically a group created for it with the same name.
+log_in($sel, $config, 'admin');
+set_parameters($sel, { "Group Security" => {"makeproductgroups-on" => undef} });
+$sel->type_ok("product", "ready_to_die");
+$sel->type_ok("description", "will die");
+$sel->select_ok("default_op_sys_id", "Unspecified");
+$sel->select_ok("default_platform_id", "Unspecified");
+$sel->title_is("Product Created");
+$sel->title_is("Edit Groups");
+$sel->title_is("Change Group: ready_to_die");
+my $group_url = $sel->get_location();
+$group_url =~ /group=(\d+)/;
+my $group1_id = $1;
+$sel->value_is("desc", "Access to bugs in the ready_to_die product");
+my @groups = $sel->get_select_options("members_remove");
+ok((grep { $_ eq 'admin' } @groups), "'admin' inherits group membership");
+@groups = $sel->get_select_options("bless_from_remove");
+ok((grep { $_ eq 'admin' } @groups), "'admin' inherits can bless group membership");
+# Check that the automatically created product group has the membercontrol
+# for it set to Default and othercontrol set to NA.
+edit_product($sel, "ready_to_die");
+$sel->click_ok("link=Edit Group Access Controls:");
+$sel->title_is("Edit Group Controls for ready_to_die");
+$sel->value_is("entry_$group1_id", "off");
+$sel->value_is("canedit_$group1_id", "off");
+$sel->selected_label_is("membercontrol_$group1_id", "Default");
+$sel->selected_label_is("othercontrol_$group1_id", "NA");
+edit_product($sel, "ready_to_die");
+$sel->title_is("Delete Product 'ready_to_die'");
+$sel->title_is("Product Deleted");
+# The product has been deleted, but the group must survive.
+$sel->title_is("Edit Groups");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("Access to bugs in the ready_to_die product");
+# Create a new product. As the "ready_to_die" group already exists,
+# a new "ready_to_die_" one must be created.
+$sel->type_ok("product", "ready_to_die");
+$sel->type_ok("description", "will die");
+$sel->select_ok("default_op_sys_id", "Unspecified");
+$sel->select_ok("default_platform_id", "Unspecified");
+$sel->title_is("Product Created");
+$sel->title_is("Edit Groups");
+$sel->title_is("Change Group: ready_to_die_");
+$group_url = $sel->get_location();
+$group_url =~ /group=(\d+)/;
+my $group2_id = $1;
+$sel->value_is("desc", "Access to bugs in the ready_to_die product");
+@groups = $sel->get_select_options("members_remove");
+ok((grep { $_ eq 'admin' } @groups), "'admin' inherits group membership");
+@groups = $sel->get_select_options("bless_from_remove");
+ok((grep { $_ eq 'admin' } @groups), "'admin' inherits can bless group membership");
+$sel->value_is("isactive", "on");
+# Check group settings. The old 'ready_to_die' group has no relationship
+# with this new product, despite its identical name.
+edit_product($sel, "ready_to_die");
+$sel->click_ok("link=Edit Group Access Controls:");
+$sel->title_is("Edit Group Controls for ready_to_die");
+$sel->value_is("entry_$group1_id", "off");
+$sel->value_is("entry_$group2_id", "off");
+$sel->value_is("canedit_$group1_id", "off");
+$sel->value_is("canedit_$group2_id", "off");
+$sel->selected_label_is("membercontrol_$group1_id", "NA");
+$sel->selected_label_is("othercontrol_$group1_id", "NA");
+$sel->selected_label_is("membercontrol_$group2_id", "Default");
+$sel->selected_label_is("othercontrol_$group2_id", "NA");
+# Delete the ready_to_die_ group. It's bound to the ready_to_die product,
+# so the deletion requires explicit agreement from the admin.
+$sel->title_is("Edit Groups");
+$sel->click_ok("//a[contains(\@href, 'editgroups.cgi?action=del&group=$group2_id')]");
+$sel->title_is("Delete group");
+$sel->is_text_present_ok("This group is tied to the following products");
+$sel->title_is("Cannot Delete Group");
+my $text = trim($sel->get_text("error_msg"));
+ok($text =~ qr/All references to this group must be removed/,
+ "Group ready_to_die_ cannot be deleted as it is bound to a product");
+$sel->title_is("Delete group");
+$sel->title_is("Group Deleted");
+$text = trim($sel->get_text("message"));
+ok($text =~ qr/The group ready_to_die_ has been deleted/, "Group ready_to_die_ has been deleted");
+edit_product($sel, "ready_to_die");
+$sel->title_is("Delete Product 'ready_to_die'");
+$sel->title_is("Product Deleted");
+# Reset the makeproductgroups parameter. Now creating a new product must
+# not create a new group, nor bind any group with it.
+set_parameters($sel, { "Group Security" => {"makeproductgroups-off" => undef} });
+$sel->type_ok("product", "ready_to_die");
+$sel->type_ok("description", "will die");
+$sel->select_ok("default_op_sys_id", "Unspecified");
+$sel->select_ok("default_platform_id", "Unspecified");
+$sel->title_is("Product Created");
+# Make sure that all group controls are set to NA for this product.
+edit_product($sel, "ready_to_die");
+$sel->title_is("Edit Product 'ready_to_die'");
+$sel->click_ok("link=Edit Group Access Controls:");
+$sel->title_is("Edit Group Controls for ready_to_die");
+$sel->value_is("entry_$group1_id", "off");
+$sel->value_is("canedit_$group1_id", "off");
+$sel->selected_label_is("membercontrol_$group1_id", "NA");
+$sel->selected_label_is("othercontrol_$group1_id", "NA");
+# Delete remaining groups and products.
+$sel->title_is("Edit Groups");
+ok(!$sel->is_text_present('ready_to_die__'), 'No ready_to_die__ group created');
+$sel->click_ok("//a[contains(\@href, 'editgroups.cgi?action=del&group=$group1_id')]");
+$sel->title_is("Delete group");
+$sel->title_is("Group Deleted");
+$text = trim($sel->get_text("message"));
+ok($text =~ /The group ready_to_die has been deleted/, "Group ready_to_die has been deleted");
+edit_product($sel, "ready_to_die");
+$sel->title_is("Delete Product 'ready_to_die'");
+$sel->title_is("Product Deleted");