path: root/qa/t/webservice_bug_add_attachment.t
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Diffstat (limited to 'qa/t/webservice_bug_add_attachment.t')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/t/webservice_bug_add_attachment.t b/qa/t/webservice_bug_add_attachment.t
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ea0ca76a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/t/webservice_bug_add_attachment.t
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib qw(lib);
+use QA::Util;
+use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64 decode_base64);
+use Test::More tests => 187;
+my ($config, $xmlrpc, $jsonrpc, $jsonrpc_get) = get_rpc_clients();
+use constant INVALID_BUG_ID => -1;
+use constant INVALID_BUG_ALIAS => random_string(20);
+use constant PRIVS_USER => 'QA_Selenium_TEST';
+sub attach {
+ my ($id, $override) = @_;
+ my %fields = (
+ ids => [$id],
+ data => 'data-' . random_string(100),
+ file_name => 'file_name-' . random_string(60),
+ summary => 'summary-' . random_string(100),
+ content_type => 'text/plain',
+ comment => 'comment-' . random_string(100),
+ );
+ foreach my $key (keys %{ $override || {} }) {
+ my $value = $override->{$key};
+ if (defined $value) {
+ $fields{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ else {
+ delete $fields{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ return \%fields;
+my ($public_bug, $private_bug) =
+ $xmlrpc->bz_create_test_bugs('private');
+my $public_id = $public_bug->{id};
+my $private_id = $private_bug->{id};
+my @tests = (
+ # Permissions
+ { args => attach($public_id),
+ error => 'You must log in',
+ test => 'Logged-out user cannot add an attachment to a public bug',
+ },
+ { args => attach($private_id),
+ error => "You must log in",
+ test => 'Logged-out user cannot add an attachment to a private bug',
+ },
+ { user => 'editbugs',
+ args => attach($private_id),
+ error => "not authorized to access",
+ test => "Editbugs user can't add an attachment to a private bug",
+ },
+ # Test ID parameter
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach(undef, { ids => undef }),
+ error => 'a ids argument',
+ test => 'Failing to pass the "ids" param fails',
+ },
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach(INVALID_BUG_ID),
+ error => "not a valid bug number",
+ test => 'Passing invalid bug id returns error "Invalid Bug ID"',
+ },
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach(''),
+ error => "You must enter a valid bug number",
+ test => 'Passing empty bug id returns error "Invalid Bug ID"',
+ },
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach(INVALID_BUG_ALIAS),
+ error => "nor an alias to a bug",
+ test => 'Passing invalid bug alias returns error "Invalid Bug Alias"',
+ },
+ # Test Comment parameter
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach($public_id, { data => undef }),
+ error => 'a data argument',
+ test => 'Failing to pass the "data" parameter fails',
+ },
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach($public_id, { data => '' }),
+ error => "The file you are trying to attach is empty",
+ test => 'Passing empty data fails',
+ },
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach($public_id, { data => random_string(300_000) }),
+ error => "Attachments cannot be more than",
+ test => "Passing an attachment that's too large fails",
+ },
+ # Test the private parameter
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach($public_id, { is_private => 1 }),
+ error => 'attachments as private',
+ test => 'Unprivileged user cannot add a private attachment'
+ },
+ # Content-type
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach($public_id, { content_type => 'foo/bar' }),
+ error => "Valid types must be of the form",
+ test => "Well-formed but invalid content type fails",
+ },
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach($public_id, { content_type => undef }),
+ error => 'Valid types must be of the form',
+ test => "Failing to pass content_type fails",
+ },
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach($public_id, { content_type => '' }),
+ error => 'Valid types must be of the form',
+ test => "Empty content type fails",
+ },
+ # Summary
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach($public_id, { summary => undef }),
+ error => 'You must enter a description for the attachment',
+ test => "Failing to pass summary fails",
+ },
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach($public_id, { summary => '' }),
+ error => 'You must enter a description for the attachment',
+ test => "Empty summary fails",
+ },
+ # Filename
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach($public_id, { file_name => undef }),
+ error => 'You did not specify a file to attach',
+ test => "Failing to pass file_name fails",
+ },
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach($public_id, { file_name => '' }),
+ error => 'You did not specify a file to attach',
+ test => "Empty file_name fails",
+ },
+ # Success tests
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach($public_id),
+ test => 'Unprivileged user can add an attachment to a public bug',
+ },
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach($public_id, { is_patch => 1, content_type => undef }),
+ test => 'Attaching a patch with no content type works',
+ },
+ { user => 'unprivileged',
+ args => attach($public_id, { is_patch => 1,
+ content_type => 'application/octet-stream' }),
+ test => 'Attaching a patch with a bad content_type works',
+ },
+ { user => PRIVS_USER,
+ args => attach($private_id),
+ test => 'Privileged user can add an attachment to a private bug',
+ },
+ { user => PRIVS_USER,
+ args => attach($public_id, { is_private => 1 }),
+ test => 'Insidergroup user can add a private attachment',
+ },
+$jsonrpc_get->bz_call_fail('Bug.add_attachment', attach($public_id),
+ 'must use HTTP POST', 'add_attachment fails over GET');
+foreach my $rpc ($jsonrpc, $xmlrpc) {
+ $rpc->bz_run_tests(tests => \@tests, method => 'Bug.add_attachment',
+ post_success => \&post_success, pre_call => \&pre_call);
+# We have to encode data manually when using JSON-RPC, else it fails.
+sub pre_call {
+ my ($t, $rpc) = @_;
+ return if !$rpc->isa('QA::RPC::JSONRPC');
+ return if !defined $t->{args}->{data};
+ $t->{args}->{data} = encode_base64($t->{args}->{data}, '');
+sub post_success {
+ my ($call, $t, $rpc) = @_;
+ my $ids = [ keys %{ $call->result->{attachments} } ];
+ $call = $rpc->bz_call_success("Bug.attachments", {attachment_ids => $ids});
+ my $attachments = $call->result->{attachments};
+ foreach my $id (keys %$attachments) {
+ my $attachment = $attachments->{$id};
+ if ($t->{args}->{is_private}) {
+ ok($attachment->{is_private},
+ $rpc->TYPE . ": Attachment $id is private");
+ }
+ else {
+ ok(!$attachment->{is_private},
+ $rpc->TYPE . ": Attachment $id is NOT private");
+ }
+ if ($t->{args}->{is_patch}) {
+ is($attachment->{content_type}, 'text/plain',
+ $rpc->TYPE . ": Patch $id content type is text/plain");
+ }
+ else {
+ is($attachment->{content_type}, $t->{args}->{content_type},
+ $rpc->TYPE . ": Attachment $id content type is correct");
+ }
+ if ($rpc->isa('QA::RPC::JSONRPC')) {
+ # We encoded data in pre_call(), so we have to restore it to its original content.
+ $t->{args}->{data} = decode_base64($t->{args}->{data});
+ $attachment->{data} = decode_base64($attachment->{data});
+ }
+ is($attachment->{data}, $t->{args}->{data},
+ $rpc->TYPE . ": Attachment $id data is correct");
+ }