path: root/qa/t/webservice_bug_create.t
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Diffstat (limited to 'qa/t/webservice_bug_create.t')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/t/webservice_bug_create.t b/qa/t/webservice_bug_create.t
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..640a714be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/t/webservice_bug_create.t
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+# Test for xmlrpc call to Bug.create() #
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib qw(lib);
+use Storable qw(dclone);
+use Test::More tests => 293;
+use QA::Util;
+use QA::Tests qw(create_bug_fields PRIVATE_BUG_USER);
+my ($config, $xmlrpc, $jsonrpc, $jsonrpc_get) = get_rpc_clients();
+# Bug.create() testing #
+my $bug_fields = create_bug_fields($config);
+# hash to contain all the possible $bug_fields values that
+# can be passed to createBug()
+my $fields = {
+ summary => {
+ undefined => {
+ faultstring => 'You must enter a summary for this bug',
+ value => undef
+ },
+ },
+ product => {
+ undefined => { faultstring => 'You must select/enter a product.', value => undef },
+ invalid =>
+ { faultstring => 'does not exist', value => 'does-not-exist' },
+ },
+ component => {
+ undefined => {
+ faultstring => 'you must first choose a component',
+ value => undef
+ },
+ invalid => {
+ faultstring => "There is no component named 'does-not-exist'",
+ value => 'does-not-exist'
+ },
+ },
+ version => {
+ undefined =>
+ { faultstring => 'You must select/enter a version.', value => undef },
+ invalid => {
+ faultstring => "There is no version named 'does-not-exist' in the",
+ value => 'does-not-exist'
+ },
+ },
+ platform => {
+ undefined =>
+ { faultstring => 'You must select/enter a Hardware.',
+ value => '' },
+ invalid => {
+ faultstring => "There is no Hardware named 'does-not-exist'.",
+ value => 'does-not-exist'
+ },
+ },
+ status => {
+ invalid => {
+ faultstring => "There is no status named 'does-not-exist'",
+ value => 'does-not-exist'
+ },
+ },
+ severity => {
+ undefined =>
+ { faultstring => 'You must select/enter a Severity.',
+ value => '' },
+ invalid => {
+ faultstring => "There is no Severity named 'does-not-exist'.",
+ value => 'does-not-exist'
+ },
+ },
+ priority => {
+ undefined =>
+ { faultstring => 'You must select/enter a Priority.',
+ value => '' },
+ invalid => {
+ faultstring => "There is no Priority named 'does-not-exist'.",
+ value => 'does-not-exist'
+ },
+ },
+ op_sys => {
+ undefined => {
+ faultstring => 'You must select/enter a OS.',
+ value => ''
+ },
+ invalid => {
+ faultstring => "There is no OS named 'does-not-exist'.",
+ value => 'does-not-exist'
+ },
+ },
+ cc => {
+ invalid => {
+ faultstring => 'not a valid username',
+ value => ['nonuserATbugillaDOTorg']
+ },
+ },
+ assigned_to => {
+ invalid => {
+ faultstring => "There is no user named 'does-not-exist'",
+ value => 'does-not-exist'
+ },
+ },
+ qa_contact => {
+ invalid => {
+ faultstring => "There is no user named 'does-not-exist'",
+ value => 'does-not-exist'
+ },
+ },
+ alias => {
+ long => {
+ faultstring => 'Bug aliases cannot be longer than 20 characters',
+ value => 'MyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyBugggggggggggggggggggggg'
+ },
+ existing => {
+ faultstring => 'already taken the alias',
+ value => 'public_bug'
+ },
+ numeric => {
+ faultstring => 'aliases cannot be merely numbers',
+ value => '12345'
+ },
+ commma_or_space_separated => {
+ faultstring => 'contains one or more commas or spaces',
+ value => 'Bug 12345'
+ },
+ },
+ groups => {
+ non_existent => {
+ faultstring => 'either this group does not exist, or you are not allowed to restrict bugs to this group',
+ value => [random_string(20)],
+ },
+ },
+ comment_is_private => {
+ invalid => {
+ faultstring => 'you are not allowed to.+comments.+private',
+ value => 1,
+ }
+ },
+$jsonrpc_get->bz_call_fail('Bug.create', $bug_fields,
+ 'must use HTTP POST', 'create fails over GET');
+my @tests = (
+ { args => $bug_fields,
+ error => "You must log in",
+ test => "Cannot file bugs as a logged-out user",
+ },
+ { user => PRIVATE_BUG_USER,
+ args => { %$bug_fields, product => 'QA-Selenium-TEST',
+ component => 'QA-Selenium-TEST',
+ target_milestone => 'QAMilestone',
+ version => 'QAVersion',
+ groups => ['QA-Selenium-TEST'],
+ # These are set here because we can't actually set them,
+ # and we need the values to be correct for post_success.
+ qa_contact => $config->{PRIVATE_BUG_USER . '_user_login'},
+ status => 'UNCONFIRMED' },
+ test => "Authorized user can file a bug against a group",
+ },
+ { user => PRIVATE_BUG_USER,
+ args => { %$bug_fields, comment_is_private => 1,
+ # These are here because PRIVATE_BUG_USER can't set them
+ # and we need their values to be correct for post_success.
+ assigned_to => $config->{'permanent_user'},
+ qa_contact => '',
+ status => 'UNCONFIRMED' },
+ test => "Insider can create a private description"
+ },
+ { user => 'editbugs',
+ args => $bug_fields,
+ test => "Creating a bug with standard values succeeds",
+ },
+# Convert the $fields tests into standard bz_run_tests format.
+foreach my $field (sort keys %$fields) {
+ my $test_values = $fields->{$field};
+ foreach my $test_name (sort keys %$test_values) {
+ my $input_fields = dclone($bug_fields);
+ my $check_value = $test_values->{$test_name}->{value};
+ my $error = $test_values->{$test_name}->{faultstring};
+ $input_fields->{$field} = $check_value;
+ my $test = { user => 'editbugs', args => $input_fields,
+ error => $error,
+ test => "$field $test_name: fails as expected" };
+ push(@tests, $test);
+ }
+sub post_success {
+ my ($call, $t, $rpc) = @_;
+ my $id = $call->result->{id};
+ ok($id, $rpc->TYPE . ": Result has an id: $id");
+ my $get_call = $rpc->bz_call_success('Bug.get', { ids => [$id] });
+ my $bug = $get_call->result->{bugs}->[0];
+ my $expect = dclone $t->{args};
+ my $comment_is_private = delete $expect->{comment_is_private};
+ $expect->{creator} = $rpc->bz_config->{$t->{user} . '_user_login'};
+ my @fields = keys %$expect;
+ $rpc->bz_test_bug(\@fields, $bug, $expect, $t);
+ my $comment_call = $rpc->bz_call_success('Bug.comments', { ids => [$id] });
+ my $comment = $comment_call->result->{bugs}->{$id}->{comments}->[0];
+ is($comment->{is_private} ? 1 : 0, $comment_is_private ? 1 : 0,
+ $rpc->TYPE . ": comment privacy is correct");
+foreach my $rpc ($jsonrpc, $xmlrpc) {
+ $rpc->bz_run_tests(tests => \@tests, method => 'Bug.create',
+ post_success => \&post_success);