path: root/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..768053126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/..";
+use lib "$Bin/../lib";
+use Bugzilla;
+use Bugzilla::Constants;
+use Bugzilla::Product;
+use Bugzilla::User;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $config = {
+ # filter by assignee, product or component
+ assignee => '',
+ product => '',
+ component => '',
+ unassigned => '',
+ # severities
+ severity => 'major,critical,blocker',
+ # time in hours to wait before paging/warning
+ major_alarm => 24,
+ major_warn => 20,
+ critical_alarm => 8,
+ critical_warn => 5,
+ blocker_alarm => 0,
+ blocker_warn => 0,
+ any_alarm => 24,
+ any_warn => 20,
+my $usage = <<EOF;
+ the filter determines which bugs to check, either by assignee, product or the
+ product's component. For backward compatibility, if just an email address is
+ provided, it will be used as the assignee.
+ --assignee <email> filter bugs by assignee
+ --product <name> filter bugs by product name
+ --component <name> filter bugs by product's component name
+ --unassigned <email> set the unassigned user (default: $config->{unassigned})
+ by default alerts and warnings will be generated for 'major', 'critical', and
+ 'blocker' bugs. you can alter this list with the 'severity' switch.
+ setting severity to 'any' will result in alerting on unassigned bugs
+ regardless of severity.
+ --severity <major|critical|blocker>[,..]
+ --severity any
+ time in hours to wait before paging or warning.
+ --major_alarm <hours> (default: $config->{major_alarm})
+ --major_warn <hours> (default: $config->{major_warn})
+ --critical_alarm <hours> (default: $config->{critical_alarm})
+ --critical_warn <hours> (default: $config->{critical_warn})
+ --blocker_alarm <hours> (default: $config->{blocker_alarm})
+ --blocker_warn <hours> (default: $config->{blocker_warn})
+ when severity checking is set to "any", use the any_* switches instead:
+ --any_alarm <hours> (default: $config->{any_alarm})
+ --any_warn <hours> (default: $config->{any_warn})
+ --assignee server-ops\@mozilla-org.bugs
+ server-ops\@mozilla-org.bugs
+ --product 'Release Engineering' \
+ --component 'Loan Requests' \
+ --severity any --any_warn 24 --any_alarm 24
+die($usage) unless GetOptions(
+ 'assignee=s' => \$config->{assignee},
+ 'product=s' => \$config->{product},
+ 'component=s' => \$config->{component},
+ 'severity=s' => \$config->{severity},
+ 'major_alarm=i' => \$config->{major_alarm},
+ 'major_warn=i' => \$config->{major_warn},
+ 'critical_alarm=i' => \$config->{critical_alarm},
+ 'critical_warn=i' => \$config->{critical_warn},
+ 'blocker_alarm=i' => \$config->{blocker_alarm},
+ 'blocker_warn=i' => \$config->{blocker_warn},
+ 'any_alarm=i' => \$config->{any_alarm},
+ 'any_warn=i' => \$config->{any_warn},
+ 'help|?' => \$config->{help},
+$config->{assignee} = $ARGV[0] if !$config->{assignee} && @ARGV;
+die $usage if
+ $config->{help}
+ || !($config->{assignee} || $config->{product})
+ || ($config->{assignee} && $config->{product})
+ || ($config->{component} && !$config->{product})
+ || !$config->{severity};
+use constant NAGIOS_OK => 0;
+use constant NAGIOS_WARNING => 1;
+use constant NAGIOS_CRITICAL => 2;
+use constant NAGIOS_NAMES => [qw( OK WARNING CRITICAL )];
+my $dbh = Bugzilla->switch_to_shadow_db;
+my $any_severity = $config->{severity} eq 'any';
+my ($where, @values);
+if ($config->{assignee}) {
+ $where = 'bugs.assigned_to = ?';
+ push @values, Bugzilla::User->check({ name => $config->{assignee} })->id;
+} elsif ($config->{component}) {
+ $where = 'bugs.product_id = ? AND bugs.component_id = ? AND bugs.assigned_to = ?';
+ my $product = Bugzilla::Product->check({ name => $config->{product} });
+ push @values, $product->id;
+ push @values, Bugzilla::Component->check({ product => $product, name => $config->{component} })->id;
+ push @values, Bugzilla::User->check({ name => $config->{unassigned} })->id;
+} else {
+ $where = 'bugs.product_id = ? AND bugs.assigned_to = ?';
+ push @values, Bugzilla::Product->check({ name => $config->{product} })->id;
+ push @values, Bugzilla::User->check({ name => $config->{unassigned} })->id;
+if (!$any_severity) {
+ $where .= ' AND bug_severity IN (' .
+ join(',', map { $dbh->quote($_) } split(/,/, $config->{severity})) . ')';
+my $sql = <<EOF;
+ SELECT bug_id, bug_severity, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bugs.creation_ts) AS ts
+ FROM bugs
+ WHERE $where
+ AND COALESCE(resolution, '') = ''
+my $bugs = {
+ 'major' => [],
+ 'critical' => [],
+ 'blocker' => [],
+ 'any' => [],
+my $current_state = NAGIOS_OK;
+my $current_time = time;
+foreach my $bug (@{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }, @values) }) {
+ my $severity = $any_severity ? 'any' : $bug->{bug_severity};
+ my $age = ($current_time - $bug->{ts}) / 3600;
+ if ($age > $config->{"${severity}_alarm"}) {
+ $current_state = NAGIOS_CRITICAL;
+ push @{$bugs->{$severity}}, $bug->{bug_id};
+ } elsif ($age > $config->{"${severity}_warn"}) {
+ if ($current_state < NAGIOS_WARNING) {
+ $current_state = NAGIOS_WARNING;
+ }
+ push @{$bugs->{$severity}}, $bug->{bug_id};
+ }
+print "bugs " . NAGIOS_NAMES->[$current_state] . ": ";
+if ($current_state == NAGIOS_OK) {
+ if ($config->{severity} eq 'any') {
+ print "No unassigned bugs found.";
+ } else {
+ print "No $config->{severity} bugs found."
+ }
+foreach my $severity (qw( blocker critical major any )) {
+ my $list = $bugs->{$severity};
+ if (@$list) {
+ printf
+ "%s %s %s found" . join(',', @$list) . " ",
+ scalar(@$list),
+ ($any_severity ? 'unassigned' : $severity),
+ (scalar(@$list) == 1 ? 'bug' : 'bugs');
+ }
+print "\n";
+exit $current_state;