path: root/.vim/autoload
diff options
authorFlorian Pritz <>2011-01-17 21:17:22 +0100
committerFlorian Pritz <>2011-01-17 21:17:22 +0100
commitd16669342859464f34d5d42a9cacc846d1439cc8 (patch)
treeb62ca624a4268f687d1cf76a673c22a3cf588a1c /.vim/autoload
parent70f0ef31d89e361cb7c37de9b1b73a829c41c9a4 (diff)
add vim tabular plugin
Signed-off-by: Florian Pritz <>
Diffstat (limited to '.vim/autoload')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/autoload/tabular.vim b/.vim/autoload/tabular.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ed6033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/autoload/tabular.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+" Tabular: Align columnar data using regex-designated column boundaries
+" Maintainer: Matthew Wozniski (
+" Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 00:35:34 -0400
+" Version: 0.1
+" Stupid vimscript crap {{{1
+let s:savecpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Private Functions {{{1
+" Return the number of bytes in a string after expanding tabs to spaces. {{{2
+" This expansion is done based on the current value of 'tabstop'
+function! s:Strlen(string)
+ let rv = 0
+ let i = 0
+ for char in split(a:string, '\zs')
+ if char == "\t"
+ let rv += &ts - i
+ let i = 0
+ else
+ let rv += 1
+ let i = (i + 1) % &ts
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return rv
+" Align a string within a field {{{2
+" These functions do not trim leading and trailing spaces.
+" Right align 'string' in a field of size 'fieldwidth'
+function! s:Right(string, fieldwidth)
+ let spaces = a:fieldwidth - s:Strlen(a:string)
+ return matchstr(a:string, '^\s*') . repeat(" ", spaces) . substitute(a:string, '^\s*', '', '')
+" Left align 'string' in a field of size 'fieldwidth'
+function! s:Left(string, fieldwidth)
+ let spaces = a:fieldwidth - s:Strlen(a:string)
+ return a:string . repeat(" ", spaces)
+" Center align 'string' in a field of size 'fieldwidth'
+function! s:Center(string, fieldwidth)
+ let spaces = a:fieldwidth - s:Strlen(a:string)
+ let right = spaces / 2
+ let left = right + (right * 2 != spaces)
+ return repeat(" ", left) . a:string . repeat(" ", right)
+" Remove spaces around a string {{{2
+" Remove all trailing spaces from a string.
+function! s:StripTrailingSpaces(string)
+ return matchstr(a:string, '^.\{-}\ze\s*$')
+" Remove all leading spaces from a string.
+function! s:StripLeadingSpaces(string)
+ return matchstr(a:string, '^\s*\zs.*$')
+" Split a string into fields and delimiters {{{2
+" Like split(), but include the delimiters as elements
+" All odd numbered elements are delimiters
+" All even numbered elements are non-delimiters (including zero)
+function! s:SplitDelim(string, delim)
+ let rv = []
+ let beg = 0
+ let idx = 0
+ let len = len(a:string)
+ while 1
+ let mid = match(a:string, a:delim, beg, 1)
+ if mid == -1 || mid == len
+ break
+ endif
+ let matchstr = matchstr(a:string, a:delim, beg, 1)
+ let length = strlen(matchstr)
+ if beg < mid
+ let rv += [ a:string[beg : mid-1] ]
+ else
+ let rv += [ "" ]
+ endif
+ let beg = mid + length
+ let idx = beg
+ if beg == mid
+ " Empty match, advance "beg" by one to avoid infinite loop
+ let rv += [ "" ]
+ let beg += 1
+ else " beg > mid
+ let rv += [ a:string[mid : beg-1] ]
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ let rv += [ strpart(a:string, idx) ]
+ return rv
+" Replace lines from `start' to `start + len - 1' with the given strings. {{{2
+" If more lines are needed to show all strings, they will be added.
+" If there are too few strings to fill all lines, lines will be removed.
+function! s:SetLines(start, len, strings)
+ if a:start > line('$') + 1 || a:start < 1
+ throw "Invalid start line!"
+ endif
+ if len(a:strings) > a:len
+ let fensave = &fen
+ let view = winsaveview()
+ call append(a:start + a:len - 1, repeat([''], len(a:strings) - a:len))
+ call winrestview(view)
+ let &fen = fensave
+ elseif len(a:strings) < a:len
+ let fensave = &fen
+ let view = winsaveview()
+ sil exe (a:start + len(a:strings)) . ',' . (a:start + a:len - 1) . 'd_'
+ call winrestview(view)
+ let &fen = fensave
+ endif
+ call setline(a:start, a:strings)
+" Runs the given commandstring argument as an expression. {{{2
+" The commandstring expression is expected to reference the a:lines argument.
+" If the commandstring expression returns a list the items of that list will
+" replace the items in a:lines, otherwise the expression is assumed to have
+" modified a:lines itself.
+function! s:FilterString(lines, commandstring)
+ exe 'let rv = ' . a:commandstring
+ if type(rv) == type(a:lines) && rv isnot a:lines
+ call filter(a:lines, 0)
+ call extend(a:lines, rv)
+ endif
+" Public API {{{1
+if !exists("g:tabular_default_format")
+ let g:tabular_default_format = "l1"
+let s:formatelempat = '\%([lrc]\d\+\)'
+function! tabular#ElementFormatPattern()
+ return s:formatelempat
+" Given a list of strings and a delimiter, split each string on every
+" occurrence of the delimiter pattern, format each element according to either
+" the provided format (optional) or the default format, and join them back
+" together with enough space padding to guarantee that the nth delimiter of
+" each string is aligned.
+function! tabular#TabularizeStrings(strings, delim, ...)
+ if a:0 > 1
+ echoerr "TabularizeStrings accepts only 2 or 3 arguments (got ".(a:0+2).")"
+ return 1
+ endif
+ let formatstr = (a:0 ? a:1 : g:tabular_default_format)
+ if formatstr !~? s:formatelempat . '\+'
+ echoerr "Tabular: Invalid format \"" . formatstr . "\" specified!"
+ return 1
+ endif
+ let format = split(formatstr, s:formatelempat . '\zs')
+ let lines = map(a:strings, 's:SplitDelim(v:val, a:delim)')
+ " Strip spaces
+ " - Only from non-delimiters; spaces in delimiters must have been matched
+ " intentionally
+ " - Don't strip leading spaces from the first element; we like indenting.
+ for line in lines
+ if line[0] !~ '^\s*$'
+ let line[0] = s:StripTrailingSpaces(line[0])
+ endif
+ if len(line) >= 3
+ for i in range(2, len(line)-1, 2)
+ let line[i] = s:StripLeadingSpaces(s:StripTrailingSpaces(line[i]))
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " Find the max length of each field
+ let maxes = []
+ for line in lines
+ for i in range(len(line))
+ if i == len(maxes)
+ let maxes += [ s:Strlen(line[i]) ]
+ else
+ let maxes[i] = max( [ maxes[i], s:Strlen(line[i]) ] )
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ let lead_blank = empty(filter(copy(lines), 'v:val[0] =~ "\\S"'))
+ " Concatenate the fields, according to the format pattern.
+ for idx in range(len(lines))
+ let line = lines[idx]
+ for i in range(len(line))
+ let how = format[i % len(format)][0]
+ let pad = format[i % len(format)][1:-1]
+ if how =~? 'l'
+ let field = s:Left(line[i], maxes[i])
+ elseif how =~? 'r'
+ let field = s:Right(line[i], maxes[i])
+ elseif how =~? 'c'
+ let field = s:Center(line[i], maxes[i])
+ endif
+ let line[i] = field . (lead_blank && i == 0 ? '' : repeat(" ", pad))
+ endfor
+ let lines[idx] = s:StripTrailingSpaces(join(line, ''))
+ endfor
+" Apply 0 or more filters, in sequence, to selected text in the buffer {{{2
+" The lines to be filtered are determined as follows:
+" If the function is called with a range containing multiple lines, then
+" those lines will be used as the range.
+" If the function is called with no range or with a range of 1 line, then
+" if "includepat" is not specified,
+" that 1 line will be filtered,
+" if "includepat" is specified and that line does not match it,
+" no lines will be filtered
+" if "includepat" is specified and that line does match it,
+" all contiguous lines above and below the specified line matching the
+" pattern will be filtered.
+" The remaining arguments must each be a filter to apply to the text.
+" Each filter must either be a String evaluating to a function to be called.
+function! tabular#PipeRange(includepat, ...) range
+ let top = a:firstline
+ let bot = a:lastline
+ if a:includepat != '' && top == bot
+ if top < 0 || top > line('$') || getline(top) !~ a:includepat
+ return
+ endif
+ while top > 1 && getline(top-1) =~ a:includepat
+ let top -= 1
+ endwhile
+ while bot < line('$') && getline(bot+1) =~ a:includepat
+ let bot += 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ let lines = map(range(top, bot), 'getline(v:val)')
+ for filter in a:000
+ if type(filter) != type("")
+ echoerr "PipeRange: Bad filter: " . string(filter)
+ endif
+ call s:FilterString(lines, filter)
+ unlet filter
+ endfor
+ call s:SetLines(top, bot - top + 1, lines)
+" Stupid vimscript crap, part 2 {{{1
+let &cpo = s:savecpo
+unlet s:savecpo
+" vim:set sw=2 sts=2 fdm=marker: