path: root/.vim/autoload/AlignMaps.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.vim/autoload/AlignMaps.vim')
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/autoload/AlignMaps.vim b/.vim/autoload/AlignMaps.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ace2de8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/autoload/AlignMaps.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+" AlignMaps.vim : support functions for AlignMaps
+" Author: Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
+" Date: Mar 03, 2009
+" Version: 41
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Load Once: {{{1
+if &cp || exists("g:loaded_AlignMaps")
+ finish
+let g:loaded_AlignMaps= "v41"
+let s:keepcpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" =====================================================================
+" Functions: {{{1
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" AlignMaps#WrapperStart: {{{2
+fun! AlignMaps#WrapperStart(vis) range
+" call Dfunc("AlignMaps#WrapperStart(vis=".a:vis.")")
+ if a:vis
+ norm! '<ma'>
+ endif
+ if line("'y") == 0 || line("'z") == 0 || !exists("s:alignmaps_wrapcnt") || s:alignmaps_wrapcnt <= 0
+" call Decho("wrapper initialization")
+ let s:alignmaps_wrapcnt = 1
+ let s:alignmaps_keepgd = &gdefault
+ let s:alignmaps_keepsearch = @/
+ let s:alignmaps_keepch = &ch
+ let s:alignmaps_keepmy = SaveMark("'y")
+ let s:alignmaps_keepmz = SaveMark("'z")
+ let s:alignmaps_posn = SaveWinPosn(0)
+ " set up fencepost blank lines
+ put =''
+ norm! mz'a
+ put! =''
+ ky
+ let s:alignmaps_zline = line("'z")
+ exe "'y,'zs/@/\177/ge"
+ else
+" call Decho("embedded wrapper")
+ let s:alignmaps_wrapcnt = s:alignmaps_wrapcnt + 1
+ norm! 'yjma'zk
+ endif
+ " change some settings to align-standard values
+ set nogd
+ set ch=2
+ AlignPush
+ norm! 'zk
+" call Dret("AlignMaps#WrapperStart : alignmaps_wrapcnt=".s:alignmaps_wrapcnt." my=".line("'y")." mz=".line("'z"))
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" AlignMaps#WrapperEnd: {{{2
+fun! AlignMaps#WrapperEnd() range
+" call Dfunc("AlignMaps#WrapperEnd() alignmaps_wrapcnt=".s:alignmaps_wrapcnt." my=".line("'y")." mz=".line("'z"))
+ " remove trailing white space introduced by whatever in the modification zone
+ 'y,'zs/ \+$//e
+ " restore AlignCtrl settings
+ AlignPop
+ let s:alignmaps_wrapcnt= s:alignmaps_wrapcnt - 1
+ if s:alignmaps_wrapcnt <= 0
+ " initial wrapper ending
+ exe "'y,'zs/\177/@/ge"
+ " if the 'z line hasn't moved, then go ahead and restore window position
+ let zstationary= s:alignmaps_zline == line("'z")
+ " remove fencepost blank lines.
+ " restore 'a
+ norm! 'yjmakdd'zdd
+ " restore original 'y, 'z, and window positioning
+ call RestoreMark(s:alignmaps_keepmy)
+ call RestoreMark(s:alignmaps_keepmz)
+ if zstationary > 0
+ call RestoreWinPosn(s:alignmaps_posn)
+" call Decho("restored window positioning")
+ endif
+ " restoration of options
+ let &gd= s:alignmaps_keepgd
+ let &ch= s:alignmaps_keepch
+ let @/ = s:alignmaps_keepsearch
+ " remove script variables
+ unlet s:alignmaps_keepch
+ unlet s:alignmaps_keepsearch
+ unlet s:alignmaps_keepmy
+ unlet s:alignmaps_keepmz
+ unlet s:alignmaps_keepgd
+ unlet s:alignmaps_posn
+ endif
+" call Dret("AlignMaps#WrapperEnd : alignmaps_wrapcnt=".s:alignmaps_wrapcnt." my=".line("'y")." mz=".line("'z"))
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" AlignMaps#StdAlign: some semi-standard align calls {{{2
+fun! AlignMaps#StdAlign(mode) range
+" call Dfunc("AlignMaps#StdAlign(mode=".a:mode.")")
+ if a:mode == 1
+ " align on @
+" call Decho("align on @")
+ AlignCtrl mIp1P1=l @
+ 'a,.Align
+ elseif a:mode == 2
+ " align on @, retaining all initial white space on each line
+" call Decho("align on @, retaining all initial white space on each line")
+ AlignCtrl mWp1P1=l @
+ 'a,.Align
+ elseif a:mode == 3
+ " like mode 2, but ignore /* */-style comments
+" call Decho("like mode 2, but ignore /* */-style comments")
+ AlignCtrl v ^\s*/[/*]
+ AlignCtrl mWp1P1=l @
+ 'a,.Align
+ else
+ echoerr "(AlignMaps) AlignMaps#StdAlign doesn't support mode#".a:mode
+ endif
+" call Dret("AlignMaps#StdAlign")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" AlignMaps#CharJoiner: joins lines which end in the given character (spaces {{{2
+" at end are ignored)
+fun! AlignMaps#CharJoiner(chr)
+" call Dfunc("AlignMaps#CharJoiner(chr=".a:chr.")")
+ let aline = line("'a")
+ let rep = line(".") - aline
+ while rep > 0
+ norm! 'a
+ while match(getline(aline),a:chr . "\s*$") != -1 && rep >= 0
+ " while = at end-of-line, delete it and join with next
+ norm! 'a$
+ j!
+ let rep = rep - 1
+ endwhile
+ " update rep(eat) count
+ let rep = rep - 1
+ if rep <= 0
+ " terminate loop if at end-of-block
+ break
+ endif
+ " prepare for next line
+ norm! jma
+ let aline = line("'a")
+ endwhile
+" call Dret("AlignMaps#CharJoiner")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" AlignMaps#Equals: supports \t= and \T= {{{2
+fun! AlignMaps#Equals() range
+" call Dfunc("AlignMaps#Equals()")
+ 'a,'zs/\s\+\([*/+\-%|&\~^]\==\)/ \1/e
+ 'a,'zs@ \+\([*/+\-%|&\~^]\)=@\1=@ge
+ 'a,'zs/==/\="\<Char-0x0f>\<Char-0x0f>"/ge
+ 'a,'zs/\([!<>:]\)=/\=submatch(1)."\<Char-0x0f>"/ge
+ norm g'zk
+ AlignCtrl mIp1P1=l =
+ AlignCtrl g =
+ 'a,'z-1Align
+ 'a,'z-1s@\([*/+\-%|&\~^!=]\)\( \+\)=@\2\1=@ge
+ 'a,'z-1s/\( \+\);/;\1/ge
+ if &ft == "c" || &ft == "cpp"
+" call Decho("exception for ".&ft)
+ 'a,'z-1v/^\s*\/[*/]/s/\/[*/]/@&@/e
+ 'a,'z-1v/^\s*\/[*/]/s/\*\//@&/e
+ if exists("g:mapleader")
+ exe "norm 'zk"
+ call AlignMaps#StdAlign(1)
+ else
+ exe "norm 'zk"
+ call AlignMaps#StdAlign(1)
+ endif
+ 'y,'zs/^\(\s*\) @/\1/e
+ endif
+ 'a,'z-1s/\%x0f/=/ge
+ 'y,'zs/ @//eg
+" call Dret("AlignMaps#Equals")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" AlignMaps#Afnc: useful for splitting one-line function beginnings {{{2
+" into one line per argument format
+fun! AlignMaps#Afnc()
+" call Dfunc("AlignMaps#Afnc()")
+ " keep display quiet
+ let chkeep = &ch
+ let gdkeep = &gd
+ let vekeep = &ve
+ set ch=2 nogd ve=
+ " will use marks y,z ; save current values
+ let mykeep = SaveMark("'y")
+ let mzkeep = SaveMark("'z")
+ " Find beginning of function -- be careful to skip over comments
+ let cmmntid = synIDtrans(hlID("Comment"))
+ let stringid = synIDtrans(hlID("String"))
+ exe "norm! ]]"
+ while search(")","bW") != 0
+" call Decho("line=".line(".")." col=".col("."))
+ let parenid= synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1))
+ if parenid != cmmntid && parenid != stringid
+ break
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ norm! %my
+ s/(\s*\(\S\)/(\r \1/e
+ exe "norm! `y%"
+ s/)\s*\(\/[*/]\)/)\r\1/e
+ exe "norm! `y%mz"
+ 'y,'zs/\s\+$//e
+ 'y,'zs/^\s\+//e
+ 'y+1,'zs/^/ /
+ " insert newline after every comma only one parenthesis deep
+ sil! exe "norm! `y\<right>h"
+ let parens = 1
+ let cmmnt = 0
+ let cmmntline= -1
+ while parens >= 1
+" call Decho("parens=".parens." @a=".@a)
+ exe 'norm! ma "ay`a '
+ if @a == "("
+ let parens= parens + 1
+ elseif @a == ")"
+ let parens= parens - 1
+ " comment bypass: /* ... */ or //...
+ elseif cmmnt == 0 && @a == '/'
+ let cmmnt= 1
+ elseif cmmnt == 1
+ if @a == '/'
+ let cmmnt = 2 " //...
+ let cmmntline= line(".")
+ elseif @a == '*'
+ let cmmnt= 3 " /*...
+ else
+ let cmmnt= 0
+ endif
+ elseif cmmnt == 2 && line(".") != cmmntline
+ let cmmnt = 0
+ let cmmntline= -1
+ elseif cmmnt == 3 && @a == '*'
+ let cmmnt= 4
+ elseif cmmnt == 4
+ if @a == '/'
+ let cmmnt= 0 " ...*/
+ elseif @a != '*'
+ let cmmnt= 3
+ endif
+ elseif @a == "," && parens == 1 && cmmnt == 0
+ exe "norm! i\<CR>\<Esc>"
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ norm! `y%mz%
+ sil! 'y,'zg/^\s*$/d
+ " perform substitutes to mark fields for Align
+ sil! 'y+1,'zv/^\//s/^\s\+\(\S\)/ \1/e
+ sil! 'y+1,'zv/^\//s/\(\S\)\s\+/\1 /eg
+ sil! 'y+1,'zv/^\//s/\* \+/*/ge
+ sil! 'y+1,'zv/^\//s/\w\zs\s*\*/ */ge
+ " func
+ " ws <- declaration -> <-ptr -> <-var-> <-[array][] -> <-glop-> <-end->
+ sil! 'y+1,'zv/^\//s/^\s*\(\(\K\k*\s*\)\+\)\s\+\([(*]*\)\s*\(\K\k*\)\s*\(\(\[.\{-}]\)*\)\s*\(.\{-}\)\=\s*\([,)]\)\s*$/ \1@#\3@\4\5@\7\8/e
+ sil! 'y+1,'z+1g/^\s*\/[*/]/norm! kJ
+ sil! 'y+1,'z+1s%/[*/]%@&@%ge
+ sil! 'y+1,'z+1s%*/%@&%ge
+ AlignCtrl mIp0P0=l @
+ sil! 'y+1,'zAlign
+ sil! 'y,'zs%@\(/[*/]\)@%\t\1 %e
+ sil! 'y,'zs%@\*/% */%e
+ sil! 'y,'zs/@\([,)]\)/\1/
+ sil! 'y,'zs/@/ /
+ AlignCtrl mIlrp0P0= # @
+ sil! 'y+1,'zAlign
+ sil! 'y+1,'zs/#/ /
+ sil! 'y+1,'zs/@//
+ sil! 'y+1,'zs/\(\s\+\)\([,)]\)/\2\1/e
+ " Restore
+ call RestoreMark(mykeep)
+ call RestoreMark(mzkeep)
+ let &ch= chkeep
+ let &gd= gdkeep
+ let &ve= vekeep
+" call Dret("AlignMaps#Afnc")
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" AlignMaps#FixMultiDec: converts a type arg,arg,arg; line to multiple lines {{{2
+fun! AlignMaps#FixMultiDec()
+" call Dfunc("AlignMaps#FixMultiDec()")
+ " save register x
+ let xkeep = @x
+ let curline = getline(".")
+" call Decho("curline<".curline.">")
+ " Get the type. I'm assuming one type per line (ie. int x; double y; on one line will not be handled properly)
+ let @x=substitute(curline,'^\(\s*[a-zA-Z_ \t][a-zA-Z0-9_ \t]*\)\s\+[(*]*\h.*$','\1','')
+" call Decho("@x<".@x.">")
+ " transform line
+ exe 's/,/;\r'.@x.' /ge'
+ "restore register x
+ let @x= xkeep
+" call Dret("AlignMaps#FixMultiDec : my=".line("'y")." mz=".line("'z"))
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Restore: {{{1
+let &cpo= s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
+" vim: ts=4 fdm=marker