path: root/.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.vim')
7 files changed, 1017 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/.VimballRecord b/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/.VimballRecord
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f82efbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/.VimballRecord
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+SudoEdit-0.19.vmb: call delete('/home/flo/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/autoload/SudoEdit.vim')|call delete('/home/flo/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/doc/SudoEdit.txt')|call delete('/home/flo/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/plugin/SudoEdit.vim')|call delete('/home/flo/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/autoload/sudo.cmd')
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/autoload/SudoEdit.vim b/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/autoload/SudoEdit.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a136c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/autoload/SudoEdit.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+" SudoEdit.vim - Use sudo/su for writing/reading files with Vim
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------
+" Version: 0.19
+" Authors: Christian Brabandt <>
+" Last Change: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 22:29:27 +0200
+" Script:
+" License: VIM License
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 2709 19 :AutoInstall: SudoEdit.vim
+" Functions: "{{{1
+let s:dir=fnamemodify(expand("<sfile>"), ':p:h')
+fu! <sid>Init() "{{{2
+" Which Tool for super-user access to use
+" Will be tried in order, first tool that is found will be used
+" (e.g. you could use ssh)
+" You can specify one in your .vimrc using the
+" global variable g:sudoAuth
+" each time check, whether the authentication
+" method changed (e.g. the User set a variable)
+" if !exists("s:AuthTool")
+ let s:sudoAuth=" sudo su "
+ if <sid>Is("mac")
+ let s:sudoAuth = "security ". s:sudoAuth
+ elseif <sid>Is("win")
+ let s:sudoAuth = "runas elevate ". s:sudoAuth
+ endif
+ if exists("g:sudoAuth")
+ let s:sudoAuth = g:sudoAuth .' '. s:sudoAuth
+ endif
+ " Specify the parameter to use for the auth tool e.g. su uses "-c", but
+ " for su, it will be autodetected, sudo does not need one, for ssh use
+ " "root@localhost"
+ "
+ " You can also use this parameter if you do not want to become root
+ " but any other user
+ "
+ " You can specify this parameter in your .vimrc using the
+ " global variable g:sudoAuthArg
+ if !exists("g:sudoAuthArg")
+ let s:sudoAuthArg=""
+ else
+ let s:sudoAuthArg=g:sudoAuthArg
+ endif
+ let s:AuthTool = <sid>CheckAuthTool(split(s:sudoAuth, '\s'))
+ if empty(s:AuthTool)
+ call <sid>echoWarn("No authentication tool found, aborting!")
+ throw "sudo:noTool"
+ endif
+ if s:AuthTool[0] == "su" && empty(s:sudoAuthArg)
+ let s:sudoAuthArg="-c"
+ elseif s:AuthTool[0] == "security" && empty(s:sudoAuthArg)
+ let s:sudoAuthArg="execute-with-privileges"
+ elseif s:AuthTool[0] == "runas" && empty(s:sudoAuthArg)
+ let s:sudoAuthArg = "/noprofile /user:\"Administrator\""
+ endif
+ if <sid>Is("win")
+ if !exists("s:writable_file")
+ " Write into public directory so everybody can access it
+ " easily
+ let s:writable_file = (empty(expand("$PUBLIC")) ?
+ \ expand("$TEMP") : expand("$PUBLIC") ).
+ \ '\vim_temp.txt'
+ let s:writable_file = shellescape(fnamemodify(s:writable_file, ':p:8'))
+ endif
+ else
+ let s:writable_file = tempname()
+ endif
+ call <sid>SudoAskPasswd()
+ call add(s:AuthTool, s:sudoAuthArg . " ")
+ if !exists("s:error_dir")
+ let s:error_dir = tempname()
+ call <sid>Mkdir(s:error_dir)
+ let s:error_file = s:error_dir. '/error'
+ if <sid>Is("win")
+ let s:error_file = s:error_dir. '\error'
+ let s:error_file = fnamemodify(s:error_file, ':p:8')
+ endif
+ endif
+" endif
+ " Stack of messages
+ let s:msg = []
+fu! <sid>Mkdir(dir) "{{{2
+ " First remove the directory, it might still be there from last call
+ let dir = shellescape(a:dir)
+ call SudoEdit#Rmdir(dir)
+ call system("mkdir ". dir)
+ " Clean up on Exit
+ if !exists('#SudoEditExit#VimLeave')
+ augroup SudoEditExit
+ au!
+ " Clean up when quitting Vim
+ exe "au VimLeave * :call SudoEdit#Rmdir(".dir. ")"
+ augroup END
+ endif
+fu! <sid>LocalSettings(values, readflag) "{{{2
+ if empty(a:values)
+ " Set shellrediraction temporarily
+ " This is used to get su working right!
+ let o_srr = &srr
+ " avoid W11 warning
+ let o_ar = &l:ar
+ let &srr = '>'
+ setl ar
+ let o_tti = &t_ti
+ let o_tte = &t_te
+ " Turn off screen switching
+ set t_ti= t_te=
+ " Set shell to something sane (zsh, doesn't allow to override files using
+ " > redirection, issue #24, hopefully POSIX sh works everywhere)
+ let o_shell = &shell
+ if !<sid>Is("win")
+ set shell=sh
+ endif
+ call <sid>Init()
+ return [o_srr, o_ar, o_tti, o_tte, o_shell]
+ else
+ " Make sure, persistent undo information is written
+ " but only for valid files and not empty ones
+ let file=substitute(expand("%"), '^sudo:', '', '')
+ try
+ if has("persistent_undo")
+ let undofile = undofile(file)
+ if !empty(file) &&
+ \!<sid>CheckNetrwFile(@%) && !empty(undofile) &&
+ \ &l:udf
+ if !a:readflag
+ " Force reading in the buffer to avoid stupid W13 warning
+ " don't do this in GUI mode, so one does not have to enter
+ " the password again (Leave the W13 warning)
+ if !has("gui_running") && exists("s:new_file") && s:new_file
+ "sil call <sid>SudoRead(file)
+ " Be careful, :e! within a BufWriteCmd can crash Vim!
+ exe "e!" file
+ endif
+ if empty(glob(undofile)) &&
+ \ &undodir =~ '^\.\($\|,\)'
+ " Can't create undofile
+ call add(s:msg, "Can't create undofile in current " .
+ \ "directory, skipping writing undofiles!")
+ throw "sudo:undofileError"
+ endif
+ call <sid>Exec("wundo! ". fnameescape(undofile(file)))
+ if empty(glob(fnameescape(undofile(file))))
+ " Writing undofile not possible
+ call add(s:msg, "Error occured, when writing undofile")
+ return
+ endif
+ if <sid>is("unix") && !empty(undofile)
+ let ufile = string(shellescape(undofile, 1))
+ let perm = system("stat -c '%u:%g' " .
+ \ shellescape(file, 1))[:-2]
+ " Make sure, undo file is readable for current user
+ let cmd = printf("!%s sh -c 'test -f %s && ".
+ \ "chown %s -- %s && ",
+ \ join(s:AuthTool, ' '), ufile, perm, ufile)
+ let cmd .= printf("chmod a+r -- %s 2>%s'", ufile, shellescape(s:error_file))
+ if has("gui_running")
+ call <sid>echoWarn("Enter password again for".
+ \ " setting permissions of the undofile")
+ endif
+ call <sid>Exec(cmd)
+ "call system(cmd)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif " has("persistent_undo")
+ catch
+ " no-op
+ finally
+ " Make sure W11 warning is triggered and consumed by 'ar' setting
+ checktime
+ " Reset old settings
+ " shellredirection
+ let &srr = a:values[0]
+ " Screen switchting codes, and shell
+ let [ &t_ti, &t_te, &shell ] = a:values[2:4]
+ " Reset autoread option
+ let &l:ar = a:values[1]
+ endtry
+ endif
+fu! <sid>CheckAuthTool(Authlist) "{{{2
+ for tool in a:Authlist
+ if executable(tool) ||
+ \ (tool == 'uac' && <sid>Is("win")) "enable experimental support for UAC on windows
+ return [tool]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ echoerr "No tool found for authentication. Is sudo/su installed and in your $PATH?"
+ echoerr "Try setting g:sudoAuth and g:sudoAuthArg"
+ return []
+fu! <sid>echoWarn(mess) "{{{2
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echomsg a:mess
+ echohl Normal
+fu! <sid>SudoRead(file) "{{{2
+ sil %d _
+ if <sid>Is("win")
+ let file=shellescape(fnamemodify(a:file, ':p:8'))
+ let cmd= '!'. s:dir.'\sudo.cmd dummy read '. file.
+ \ ' '. s:writable_file. ' '.
+ \ join(s:AuthTool, ' ')
+ else
+ let cmd='cat ' . shellescape(a:file,1) . ' 2>'. shellescape(s:error_file)
+ if s:AuthTool[0] =~ '^su$'
+ let cmd='"' . cmd . '" --'
+ endif
+ let cmd=':0r! ' . join(s:AuthTool, ' ') . cmd
+ endif
+ call <sid>Exec(cmd)
+ if v:shell_error
+ echoerr "Error reading ". a:file . "! Password wrong?"
+ throw "sudo:readError"
+ endif
+ if <sid>Is("win")
+ if !filereadable(s:writable_file[1:-2])
+ call add(s:msg, "Temporary file ". s:writable_file.
+ \ " does not exist. Probably access was denied!")
+ throw "sudo:readError"
+ else
+ exe ':0r ' s:writable_file[1:-2]
+ endif
+ endif
+ sil $d _
+ if has("persistent_undo")
+ " Force reading undofile, if one exists
+ if filereadable(undofile(a:file))
+ exe "sil rundo" escape(undofile(a:file), '%')
+ endif
+ endif
+ filetype detect
+ set nomod
+fu! <sid>SudoWrite(file) range "{{{2
+ if s:AuthTool[0] == 'su'
+ " Workaround since su cannot be run with :w !
+ exe a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline . 'w! ' . s:writable_file
+ let cmd=':!' . join(s:AuthTool, ' ') . '"mv ' . s:writable_file . ' ' .
+ \ shellescape(a:file,1) . '" --'
+ else
+ if <sid>Is("win")
+ exe a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline . 'w! ' . s:writable_file[1:-2]
+ let cmd= '!'. s:dir.'\sudo.cmd dummy write '. shellescape(fnamemodify(a:file, ':p:8')).
+ \ ' '. s:writable_file. ' '. join(s:AuthTool, ' ')
+ else
+ let cmd=printf('tee >/dev/null 2>%s %s',shellescape(s:error_file), shellescape(a:file,1))
+ let cmd=a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline . 'w !' .
+ \ join(s:AuthTool, ' ') . cmd
+ endif
+ endif
+ if <sid>CheckNetrwFile(a:file) && exists(":NetUserPass") == 2
+ let protocol = matchstr(a:file, '^[^:]:')
+ call <sid>echoWarn('Using Netrw for writing')
+ let uid = input(protocol . ' username: ')
+ let passwd = inputsecret('password: ')
+ call NetUserPass(uid, passwd)
+ " Write using Netrw
+ w
+ else
+ let s:new_file = 0
+ if empty(glob(a:file))
+ let s:new_file = 1
+ endif
+ call <sid>Exec(cmd)
+ endif
+ if v:shell_error
+ throw "sudo:writeError"
+ endif
+ " Write successful
+ if &mod
+ setl nomod
+ endif
+fu! <sid>Stats(file) "{{{2
+ ":w echoes a string like this by default:
+ ""SudoEdit.vim" 108L, 2595C geschrieben
+ return '"' . a:file . '" ' . line('$') . 'L, ' . getfsize(expand(a:file)) . 'C written'
+fu! <sid>Is(os) "{{{2
+ if (a:os == "win")
+ return has("win32") || has("win16") || has("win64")
+ elseif (a:os == "mac")
+ return has("mac") || has("macunix")
+ elseif (a:os == "unix")
+ return has("unix") || has("macunix")
+ endif
+fu! <sid>Mes(msg) "{{{2
+ if !(exists("g:sudoDebug") && g:sudoDebug)
+ redr!
+ if empty(s:msg)
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ for mess in a:msg
+ echo mess
+ endfor
+ let s:msg=[]
+fu! <sid>Exception(msg) "{{{2
+ echohl Error
+ echomsg a:msg
+ if exists("g:sudoDebug") && g:sudoDebug
+ echo v:throwpoint
+ else
+ echohl Normal
+ call input("Hit enter to continue")
+ endif
+ echohl Normal
+fu! <sid>CheckNetrwFile(file) "{{{2
+ return a:file =~ '^\%(dav\|fetch\|ftp\|http\|rcp\|rsync\|scp\|sftp\):'
+fu! <sid>SudoAskPasswd() "{{{2
+ if s:AuthTool[0] != 'sudo' ||
+ \ s:AuthTool[0] =~ 'SUDO_ASKPASS' ||
+ \ ( exists("g:sudo_no_gui") && g:sudo_no_gui == 1) ||
+ \ !has("unix") ||
+ \ !exists("$DISPLAY")
+ return
+ endif
+ let askpwd = ["/usr/lib/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass",
+ \ "/usr/bin/ksshaskpass",
+ \ "/usr/lib/ssh/x11-ssh-askpass" ]
+ if exists("g:sudo_askpass")
+ let askpwd = insert(askpwd, g:sudo_askpass, 0)
+ endif
+ let sudo_arg = '-A'
+ let sudo_askpass = expand("$SUDO_ASKPASS")
+ if sudo_askpass != "$SUDO_ASKPASS"
+ let list = [ sudo_askpass ] + askpwd
+ else
+ let list = askpwd
+ endif
+ for item in list
+ if executable(item)
+ " give environment value to sudo, so -A knows
+ " which program to call
+ if (s:AuthTool[0] !~ 'SUDO_ASKPASS')
+ call insert(s:AuthTool, 'SUDO_ASKPASS='.shellescape(item,1), 0)
+ call add(s:AuthTool, '-A')
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+fu! <sid>Exec(cmd) "{{{2
+ let cmd = a:cmd
+ if exists("g:sudoDebug") && g:sudoDebug
+ let cmd = substitute(a:cmd, '2>'.shellescape(s:error_file), '', 'g')
+ let cmd = 'verb '. cmd
+ call <sid>echoWarn(cmd)
+ exe cmd
+ " probably hit-enter prompt is shown
+ else
+ if has("gui_running")
+ exe cmd
+ else
+ silent exe cmd
+ " avoid hit-enter prompt
+ redraw!
+ endif
+ endif
+ if filereadable(s:error_file) && getfsize(s:error_file) > 0
+ let error=readfile(s:error_file)
+ call add(s:msg, join(error, "\n"))
+ call delete(s:error_file)
+ endif
+fu! SudoEdit#Rmdir(dir) "{{{2
+ if <sid>Is("win")
+ sil! call system("rd /s /q ". a:dir)
+ else
+ sil! call system("rm -rf -- ". a:dir)
+ endif
+fu! SudoEdit#SudoDo(readflag, force, file) range "{{{2
+ try
+ let _settings=<sid>LocalSettings([], 1)
+ catch /sudo:noTool/
+ call <sid>LocalSettings(_settings, a:readflag)
+ return
+ endtry
+ let s:use_sudo_protocol_handler = 0
+ if empty(a:file)
+ let file = expand("%")
+ else
+ let file = expand(a:file)
+ if empty(file)
+ let file = a:file " expand() might fail (issue #17)
+ endif
+ if file =~ '^sudo:'
+ let s:use_sudo_protocol_handler = 1
+ let file = substitute(file, '^sudo:', '', '')
+ endif
+ let file = fnamemodify(file, ':p')
+ endif
+ if empty(file)
+ call <sid>echoWarn("Cannot write file. Please enter filename for writing!")
+ call <sid>LocalSettings(_settings, 1)
+ return
+ endif
+ try
+ if a:readflag
+ if !&mod || !empty(a:force)
+ call <sid>SudoRead(file)
+ else
+ call add(s:msg, "Buffer modified, not reloading!")
+ return
+ endif
+ else
+ if !&mod && empty(a:force) && empty(a:file)
+ call add(s:msg, "Buffer not modified, not writing!")
+ return
+ endif
+ exe a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline . 'call <sid>SudoWrite(file)'
+ call add(s:msg, <sid>Stats(file))
+ endif
+ catch /sudo:writeError/
+ call <sid>Exception("There was an error writing the file!")
+ return
+ catch /sudo:readError/
+ call <sid>Exception("There was an error reading the file ". file. " !")
+ return
+ finally
+ " Delete temporary file
+ call delete(s:writable_file)
+ call <sid>LocalSettings(_settings, a:readflag)
+ call <sid>Mes(s:msg)
+ endtry
+ if file !~ 'sudo:' && s:use_sudo_protocol_handler
+ let file = 'sudo:' . fnamemodify(file, ':p')
+ endif
+ if s:use_sudo_protocol_handler ||
+ \ empty(expand("%")) ||
+ \ file != expand("%")
+ exe ':sil f ' . file
+ filetype detect
+ endif
+" Modeline {{{1
+" vim: set fdm=marker fdl=0 ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et: }}}
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/autoload/sudo.cmd b/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/autoload/sudo.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f919cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/autoload/sudo.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+@echo off
+setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
+set "batchPath=%~0"
+setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
+:: File to write to
+set dummy=%1
+set mode=%2
+set myfile=%3
+set newcontent=%4
+set sudo=%5
+if '%sudo%' == 'uac' goto checkPrivileges
+if '%dummy%' == 'ELEV' goto gotPrivileges
+:: Use runas or something alike to elevate priviliges, but
+:: first parse parameter for runas
+:: Windows cmd.exe is very clumsy to use ;(
+set params=%1
+if [%1]==[] goto afterloop
+set params=%params% %1
+goto loop
+:: Use runas or so to elevate rights
+echo ***************************************
+echo Calling %sudo% for Privilege Escalation
+echo ***************************************
+if '%mode%' == 'write' (
+ %sudo% %params% "cmd.exe /c type %newcontent% >%myfile%"
+ ) else (
+ %sudo% %params% "cmd.exe /c type %myfile% >%newcontent%"
+ )
+goto end
+:: Use UAC to elevate rights, idea taken from:
+set vbs="%temp%\GetPrivileges.vbs"
+:: Check if we already have system priviliges
+>NUL 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"
+if '%errorlevel%' EQU '0' (goto gotPrivileges) else (goto getPrivileges)
+echo **************************************
+echo Invoking UAC for Privilege Escalation
+echo **************************************
+echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > %vbs%
+echo UAC.ShellExecute "!batchPath!", "ELEV !mode! "!myfile!" "!newcontent!"" , "", "runas", 1 >> %vbs%
+:: Run VBS script
+exit /B
+::setlocal & pushd .
+:: Doesn't work?
+if exist %vbs% (del %vbs%)
+pushd "%CD%"
+cd /d "%~dp0"
+if '%mode%' == 'write' (
+ cmd.exe /c type %newcontent% > %myfile%
+) else (
+ cmd.exe /c type %myfile% > %newcontent%
+if '%errorlevel%' NEQ 0 echo "An error occured"
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/doc/SudoEdit.txt b/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/doc/SudoEdit.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e2ff92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/doc/SudoEdit.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+*SudoEdit.txt* Edit Files using Sudo/su
+Author: Christian Brabandt <>
+Version: Vers 0.19 Wed, 14 Aug 2013 22:29:27 +0200
+Copyright: (c) 2009-2013 by Christian Brabandt *SudoEdit-copyright*
+ The VIM LICENSE applies to SudoEdit.vim and SudoEdit.txt
+ (see |copyright|) except use SudoEdit instead of "Vim".
+1. Contents *SudoEdit* *SudoEdit-contents*
+ 1. Contents......................................: |SudoEdit-contents|
+ 2. SudoEdit Manual...............................: |SudoEdit-manual|
+ 1 SudoEdit: SudoRead............................: |SudoRead|
+ 2 SudoEdit: SudoWrite...........................: |SudoWrite|
+ 3. SudoEdit Configuration........................: |SudoEdit-config|
+ 1 SudoEdit on Windows...........................: |SudoEdit-Win|
+ 4. SudoEdit Debugging............................: |SudoEdit-debug|
+ 5. SudoEdit F.A.Q................................: |SudoEdit-faq|
+ 6. SudoEdit History..............................: |SudoEdit-history|
+2. SudoEdit Manual *SudoEdit-manual*
+This plugin enables vim to read files, using sudo or su or any other tool that
+can be used for changing the authentication of a user. Therefore it needs any
+of sudo or su installed and usable by the user. This means, you have to know
+the credentials to authenticate yourself as somebody else.
+That's why this plugin probably won't work on Windows, but you might be able
+to configure it to use a method that works on Windows (see |SudoEdit-config|)
+By default SudoEdit will first try to use sudo and if sudo is not found it
+will fall back and try to use su. Note, that you might have to configure these
+tools, before they can use them successfully.
+SudoEdit requires at least a Vim Version 7 with patch 111 installed. Patch 111
+introduced the |shellescape()| functionality. On a Mac (using MacVim), it uses
+the command "security execute-with-privileges" to query for your password, on
+Unix, it can make use of graphical password dialog tools like
+ssh-gnome-askpass (see |g:sudo_askpass|)
+The SudoEdit Plugin provides 2 Commands:
+2.1 SudoRead *SudoRead*
+ :SudoRead[!] [file]
+SudoRead will read the given file name using any of the configured methods for
+superuser authtication. It basically does something like this: >
+ :r !sudo cat file
+If no filename is given, SudoRead will try to reread the current file name.
+If the current buffer does not contain any file, it will abort. If the !
+argument is used, the current buffer contents will be discarded, if it was
+SudoRead provides file completion, so you can use <Tab> on the commandline to
+specify the file to read.
+For compatibility with the old sudo.vim Plugin, SudoEdit.vim also supports
+reading and writing using the protocol sudo: So instead of using :SudoRead
+/etc/fstab you can also use :e sudo:/etc/fstab (which does not provide
+filename completion)
+2.2 SudoWrite *SudoWrite*
+ :[range]SudoWrite[!] [file]
+SudoWrite will write the given file using any of the configured methods for
+superuser authtication. It basically does something like this: >
+ :w !sudo tee >/dev/null file
+If no filename is given, SudoWrite will try to write the current file name.
+If the current buffer does not contain any file, it will abort.
+You can specify a range to write just like |:w|. If no range is given, it will
+write the whole file. If the bang argument is not given, the buffer will only
+be written, if it was modified.
+Again, you can use the protocol handler sudo: for writing.
+3. SudoEdit Configuration *SudoEdit-config*
+By default SudoEdit will try to use sudo and if it is not found, it will try
+to use su. Just because SudoEdit finds either sudo or su installed, does not
+mean, that you can already use it. You might have to configure it and of
+course you need to have the credentials for super-user access.
+ *g:sudoAuth*
+The tool to use for authentication is can be changed by setting the variable
+g:sudoAuth. If this variable exists, SudoEdit will first try to use the
+specified tool before falling back to either sudo or su (in that order).
+For example, you could use ssh to use as authentication tool by setting
+g:sudoAuth in your .vimrc as follows: >
+ let g:sudoAuth="ssh"
+ *g:sudoAuthArg*
+The variable g:sudoAuthArg specifies how to use the given authentication tool.
+You can specify additional parameters that will be used. You could for example
+also define here which user to change to. By default, SudoEdit will try to
+become the superuser e.g. root.
+If you want to use ssh as authentication facility, you can set g:sudoAuthArg
+as follows in your .vimrc: >
+ let g:sudoAuthArg="root@localhost"
+For su, you would use g:sudoAuthArg="-c", but you do not have to set it, the
+plugin will automatically use -c if it detects, that su is used.
+ *g:sudo_no_gui* *g:sudo_askpass*
+If the plugin uses sudo for authenticating and the plugin finds any of
+gnome-ssh-askpass, ksshaskpass or x11-ssh-askpass and a graphical Display
+connection is possible, the plugin uses the first of the tools it finds to
+display a graphical dialog, in which you can enter the password. If you like
+to specify a different tool, you can set the g:sudo_askpass variable to
+specify a different tool to use, e.g. >
+ :let g:sudo_askpass='/usr/lib/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass'
+to make use of gnome-ssh-askpass for querying the password.
+If you like to disable this, set the variable g:sudo_no_gui, e.g. >
+ :let g:sudo_no_gui=1
+3.1 SudoEdit on Windows *SudoEdit-Win*
+It should be possible to use SudoEdit on Windows using the runas command. The
+plugin should by default try to detect when it runs under Windows and either
+try to use runas or elevate. For this to work, those commands need to be in
+your %PATH% and be executable. For runas, SudoEdit tries to simply run the
+command like this: >
+ runas /noprofile /user:Administrator "type file"
+while elevate would simply use: >
+ elevate "type file"
+This has not yet been tested, but if you have successfully setup SudoEdit on
+Windows, please let me know, so that the procedure can be properly documented.
+Alternatively, it should be possible to setup SudoEdit to use the ShellRunAs,
+sudowin or the Surun command and configuring the plugin using the |g:sudoAuth|
+and |g:sudoAuthArg| variables.
+If you need to use a different administrator account for Windows, I suggest
+that you set the |g:sudoAuthArg| variable, e.g. setting: >
+ :let g:sudoAuthArg = '/noprofile /user:\"AdminUser@MyDomain\"'
+to let SudoEdit use the AdminUser within the domain MyDomain for administrator
+For further help on this topic see those links:
+Alternatively, on recent Windows versions, you can use the builtin UAC system
+and have a batch script automatically elevated, which will do the writing and
+reading of the file. This method is rather experimental and might not work in
+all cases. To make use of UAC set the g:sudoAuth variable to the string "uac":
+ :let g:sudoAuth="uac"
+4. SudoEdit Debugging *SudoEdit-debug*
+You can debug this plugin and the shell code that will be executed by
+setting: >
+ let g:sudoDebug=1
+This ensures, that debug messages will be appended to the |message-history|.
+5. SudoEdit F.A.Q. *SudoEdit-faq*
+1) This plugin isn't working, while executing the same commands on the
+ shell works fine using sudo.
+Make sure, that requiretty is not set. If it is set, you won't be able to use
+sudo from within vim.
+2) Vim is frozen!
+Vim is probably waiting for the password but not redrawing correctly. You
+should be able to enter your passphrase followed by Enter blindly and Vim
+should respond again. In this case, try, if setting the g:sudoDebug variable
+in your .vimrc helps >
+ :let g:sudoDebug = 1
+That should make the plugin output some more information and you should be
+able to see the password prompt.
+3) The plugin is still not working!
+Write me an email (look in the first line for my mail address), append the
+debug messages and tell me what exactly is not working. I will look into it
+and if there is a bug fix this plugin.
+4) The plugin does not create undo-files. What's wrong?
+It is not directly possible to create undofiles in write-protected
+directories, therefore, when your 'undodir' setting contains '.' (the
+default), the plugin won't simply write the undofile. If you want undofiles to
+work, set the 'undodir' option to a directory, that is writable.
+5) Great work!
+Write me an email (look in the first line for my mail address). And if you are
+really happy, vote for the plugin and consider looking at my Amazon whishlist:
+6) Plugin Feedback *SudoEdit-feedback*
+Feedback is always welcome. If you like the plugin, please rate it at the
+You can also follow the development of the plugin at github:
+Please don't hesitate to report any bugs to the maintainer, mentioned in the
+third line of this document.
+6. SudoEdit History *SudoEdit-history*
+ 0.19: Aug 14, 2013 "{{{1
+ - |SudoWrite| should always write if a filename has been given
+ (issue #23, reported by Daniel Hahler, thanks!)
+ - Better filename completion for |SudoWrite| and |SudoRead|
+ commands (issue #20 reported by Daniel Hahler, thanks!)
+ - Fix error in VimLeave autocommand (issue #22, reported by Daniel
+ Hahler, thanks!)
+ - reset 'shell' value (issue #24, reported by Raghavendra Prabhu,
+ thanks!)
+ 0.18: Feb 16, 2013 "{{{1
+ - expand() may return empty filenames (issue #17
+ patch by Daniel Hahler, thanks!)
+ - better exception handling (issue #19)
+ - included sudo.cmd for better usage on Windows
+ - enable sudo.cmd to use UAC optionally
+ 0.17: Aug 20, 2012 "{{{1
+ - Guard against a vim without persistent_undo feature
+ - fix variable typo
+ (
+ patch by NagatoPain, thanks!)
+ 0.16: May 17, 2012 "{{{1
+ - Make the plugin usable on Windows |SudoEdit-Win|
+ 0.15: May 08, 2012 "{{{1
+ - fix Syntax error (reported by Gary Johnson, thanks!)
+ 0.14: Apr 30, 2012 "{{{1
+ - fix issue #15
+ (
+ reported by Lenin Lee, thanks!)
+ 0.13: Apr 28, 2012 "{{{1
+ - in graphical Vim, display messages, so one knows, that one needs
+ to enter the password (reported by Rob Shinn, thanks!)
+ - Allow bang attribute to |SudoRead| and |SudoWrite|
+ - Make use of graphical dialogs for sudo to read the passwords, if
+ possible
+ - Better debugging
+ - Code cleanup
+ - better filename completion with :SudoRead/SudoWrite (now also
+ supports completing sudo: protocol handler)
+ 0.12: Jan 31, 2012 "{{{1
+ - Avoid redraw when changing permissions of the undofile
+ - Don't move cursor on Reading/Writing
+ (issue,
+ reported by Daniel Hahler, Thanks!)
+ - Support for calling Netrw with another userid/password
+ (issue,
+ reported by Daniel Hahler, Thanks!)
+ - Autocmds for Writing did not fire (issue
+, partly by
+ Raghavendra D Prabhu, Thanks!)
+ - Newly created files are not set 'nomodified' (issue
+, reported by
+ Daniel Hahler, Thanks!)
+ - Can't create undofiles in write-protected directories (issue
+, reported by
+ Matias Kangasjärvelä, Thanks!)
+ 0.11: Dec 15, 2011 "{{{1
+ -change owner of undofile to that of the edited super-user file,
+ so vim will automatically load the undofile when opening that
+ file the next time (reported by Sean Farley and blueyed, thanks!)
+ -Only set the filename using :f when writing to another file
+ ( and also
+ patch by
+ Daniel Hahler, thanks!)
+ -fix
+ (fix permissions and path of the undofile, partly by Daniel
+ Hahler, thanks!)
+ -Don't reread the file and write undofiles for empty files
+ ( reported by
+ Daniel Hahler, thanks!)
+ 0.10: Nov 18, 2011 "{{{1
+ -fix
+ (exception "emptyfile" not caught, reported by Daniel Hahler,
+ thanks!)
+ -fix
+ (Avoid W13 error, reported by Daniel Hahler, thanks!)
+ -fix
+ (Write undofiles, reported by Daniel Hahler, thanks!)
+ 0.8: Apr 20, 2010 "{{{1
+ - Made plugin autoloadable so the code is only loaded,
+ when necessary
+ 0.7: Oct 26, 2009 "{{{1
+ - Support for reading/writing using sudo: protocol handler
+ - Added Debugging capabilities
+ 0.6: July 14, 2009 "{{{1
+ - Fix minor bug, that prevents setting the filename correctly
+ when writing.
+ 0.5: July 08, 2009 "{{{1
+ - Enables the plugin for |GetLatestVimScripts|
+ 0.4: July 08, 2009 "{{{1
+ - First release
+ - Added Documentation
+ 0.3: July 07, 2009 "{{{1
+ - Internal version, added su support
+ - Added configuration variables
+ 0.2: July 07, 2009 "{{{1
+ - Internal version, Working sudo support
+ - Created plugin
+ 0.1: July 07, 2009 "{{{1
+ - Internal version, First working version, using simple commands
+Modeline: "{{{1
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/doc/tags b/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/doc/tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..624a26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/doc/tags
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+SudoEdit SudoEdit.txt /*SudoEdit*
+SudoEdit-Win SudoEdit.txt /*SudoEdit-Win*
+SudoEdit-config SudoEdit.txt /*SudoEdit-config*
+SudoEdit-contents SudoEdit.txt /*SudoEdit-contents*
+SudoEdit-copyright SudoEdit.txt /*SudoEdit-copyright*
+SudoEdit-debug SudoEdit.txt /*SudoEdit-debug*
+SudoEdit-faq SudoEdit.txt /*SudoEdit-faq*
+SudoEdit-feedback SudoEdit.txt /*SudoEdit-feedback*
+SudoEdit-history SudoEdit.txt /*SudoEdit-history*
+SudoEdit-manual SudoEdit.txt /*SudoEdit-manual*
+SudoEdit.txt SudoEdit.txt /*SudoEdit.txt*
+SudoRead SudoEdit.txt /*SudoRead*
+SudoWrite SudoEdit.txt /*SudoWrite*
+g:sudoAuth SudoEdit.txt /*g:sudoAuth*
+g:sudoAuthArg SudoEdit.txt /*g:sudoAuthArg*
+g:sudo_askpass SudoEdit.txt /*g:sudo_askpass*
+g:sudo_no_gui SudoEdit.txt /*g:sudo_no_gui*
diff --git a/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/plugin/SudoEdit.vim b/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/plugin/SudoEdit.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1943d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/bundle/SudoEdit/plugin/SudoEdit.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+" SudoEdit.vim - Use sudo/su for writing/reading files with Vim
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------
+" Version: 0.19
+" Authors: Christian Brabandt <>
+" Last Change: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 22:29:27 +0200
+" Script:
+" License: VIM License
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 2709 19 :AutoInstall: SudoEdit.vim
+" Documentation: see :h SudoEdit.txt
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Load Once: {{{1
+if exists("g:loaded_sudoedit") || &cp
+ finish
+let g:loaded_sudoedit = 1
+let s:keepcpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+if v:version < 700 || ( v:version == 700 && !has("patch111"))
+ echomsg 'SudoEdit: You need at least Vim 7.0 with patch111'
+ finish
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Functions {{{1
+func! <sid>ExpandFiles(A, L, P) "{{{
+ if a:A =~ '^s\%[udo]$'
+ return [ "sudo:" ]
+ endif
+ let pat = matchstr(a:A, '^\(s\%[udo:]\)\?\zs.*')
+ "let gpat = (pat[0] =~ '[./]' ? pat : './'.pat). '*'
+ let gpat = (empty(pat) ? '*' : pat)
+ if gpat !~# '[*?]$'
+ " add star pattern for globbing
+ let gpat .= '*'
+ endif
+ " Patch 7.3.465 introduced the list parameter to glob()
+ if v:version > 703 || (v:version == 703 && has('patch465'))
+ let res = glob(gpat, 1, 1)
+ else
+ let res = split(glob(gpat, 1),"\n")
+ endif
+ call filter(res, '!empty(v:val)')
+ call filter(res, 'v:val =~ pat')
+ call map(res, 'isdirectory(v:val) ? v:val.''/'':v:val')
+ if a:A =~ '^s\%[udo:]'
+ call map(res, '''sudo:''.v:val')
+ endif
+ return res
+" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Public Interface {{{1
+" Define User-Commands and Autocommand "{{{
+" Dirty hack, to make winsaveview work, ugly but works.
+" because functions with range argument reset the cursor position!
+com! -complete=customlist,<sid>ExpandFiles -bang -range=% -nargs=? SudoWrite
+ \ :let s:a=winsaveview()|
+ \ :<line1>,<line2>call SudoEdit#SudoDo(0, <q-bang>, <q-args>)|
+ \ call winrestview(s:a)
+com! -complete=customlist,<sid>ExpandFiles -bang -nargs=? SudoRead
+ \ :let s:a=winsaveview()|
+ \ :call SudoEdit#SudoDo(1, <q-bang>, <q-args>) |
+ \ call winrestview(s:a)
+" This would be nicer, but look at the function, it isn't really prettier!
+"com! -complete=file -range=% -nargs=? SudoWrite
+" \ :call SudoEdit#SudoWritePrepare(<q-args>, <line1>,<line2>)
+augroup Sudo
+ autocmd!
+ au BufReadCmd,FileReadCmd sudo:/*,sudo:* SudoRead <afile>
+ au BufWriteCmd,FileWriteCmd sudo:/*,sudo:* SudoWrite <afile>
+augroup END
+" =====================================================================
+" Restoration And Modelines: {{{1
+let &cpo= s:keepcpo
+unlet s:keepcpo
+" Modeline {{{1
+" vim: fdm=marker sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 fdl=0
diff --git a/.vim/plugin/sudo.vim b/.vim/plugin/sudo.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index a2c6f50..0000000
--- a/.vim/plugin/sudo.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-" sudo.vim: A vim plugin by Rich Paul (
-" This script eases use of vim with sudo by adding the ability to
-" edit one file with root privleges without running the whole
-" session that way.
-" Usage: put it in the plugin directory, and
-" (command line): vim sudo:/etc/passwd
-" (within vim): :e sudo:/etc/passwd
-" sudo will ask for your password if need be.
-" Requires:
-" sudo package installed
-" decent OS (sorry, no windows, unless cygwin has sudo now?)
-" Provides:
-" URL handler, sudo: scheme
-" 2 autocommands
-" Commands:
-" SudoRead
-" SudoWrite
-" ToDo:
-" Allow one to sudo to users other than root.
-" Quote the file name better.
-if exists("s:seen") && !exists("s:debug")
- finish
-let s:seen=1
-"let s:debug=1
-function! SudoRead(url)
- if a:url=="<afile>"
- let file=expand(a:url)
- else
- let file=a:url
- endif
- let prot=matchstr(file,'^\(sudo\)\ze:')
- if '' != prot
- let file=strpart(file,strlen(prot)+1)
- endif
- :0,$d
- call setline(1,"foo")
- exec '1read !sudo cat "'.file.'" '
- :1d
- set nomod
- :filetype detect
-function! SudoWrite (url) abort
- if a:url=="<afile>"
- let file=expand(a:url)
- else
- let file=a:url
- endif
- let prot=matchstr(file,'^\(sudo\)\ze:')
- if '' != prot
- let file=strpart(file,strlen(prot)+1)
- endif
- set nomod
- exec '%write !sudo tee >/dev/null "'.file.'"'
-command! -nargs=1 SudoRead call SudoRead(<f-args>)
-command! -nargs=1 SudoWrite call SudoWrite(<f-args>)
-augroup Sudo
- autocmd!
- au BufReadCmd sudo:*,sudo:*/* SudoRead <afile>
- au FileReadCmd sudo:*,sudo:*/* SudoRead <afile>
- au BufWriteCmd sudo:*,sudo:*/* SudoWrite <afile>
- au FileWriteCmd sudo:*,sudo:*/* SudoWrite <afile>
-augroup END