path: root/
diff options
authorFlorian Pritz <>2015-09-18 12:17:24 +0200
committerFlorian Pritz <>2015-09-18 12:17:24 +0200
commit1bea04a96d981686205aed88b27b60673f1e0e50 (patch)
tree006fd1485a0d31ad5de72c5764c45137710fed41 /
parentb06096a7aa6a5506b9e8f153a311ccbcdaf789e7 (diff)
Drop old fb-client and adjust Makefile
Signed-off-by: Florian Pritz <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 461 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fe6392..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
-# Author: Florian "Bluewind" Pritz <>
-# Contributor: Moritz Wilhelmy
-# Licensed under GPLv3
-# (see COPYING for full license text)
-# Optional dependency: xclip
-# the calling conventions for stat(1) are highly system dependent
-stat='stat -c %s' # GNU stat(1) is the default since most people have it
-case "`uname -s`" in
- *BSD) stat='stat -f %z';;
- Minix) stat='stat -size';;
- Darwin)
- stat='stat -f %z'
- clipboard_cmd=pbcopy
- ;;
-if [ -z "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]; then
-if [ -e "$config_file" ]; then
- . "$config_file"
-default_curlopts=(-# -L -A "$useragent" --speed-time 30 --speed-limit 1 --connect-timeout 10)
-base64_encode() {
- if type base64 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
- printf "%s" "$1" | base64
- elif type openssl 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
- printf "%s" "$1" | openssl enc -base64
- else
- printf "%s\n" "Warning: can't find base64 nor openssl executable" >&2
- printf "%s\n" " filename of uploaded file will be set to stdin" >&2
- printf "%s\n" "stdin"
- fi
-request_helper() {
- # available modes are: d, u, m
- mode=$1
- url=$2
- file=$3
- # if available use the external helper, else fall back to calling curl
- if [ -x "$libdir/fb-helper" ]; then
- helperopts=(-u "$url")
- if [ "$debug" ]; then
- helperopts+=(-D)
- fi
- if [ -e "$apikey_file" ]; then
- helperopts+=(-a $apikey_file)
- fi
- if [ "$mode" = "u" ]; then
- helperopts+=(-f "$file")
- fi
- if [ "$mode" = "m" ]; then
- for id in "${multipaste_ids[@]}"; do
- helperopts+=(-F "ids[]=$id")
- done
- fi
- $libdir/fb-helper "${helperopts[@]}"
- else
- curlopts=(${default_curlopts[@]})
- require_executable curl
- if [ -e "$apikey_file" ]; then
- curlopts+=("-F" "apikey=<${apikey_file}")
- else
- curlopts+=("-n")
- fi
- if [ "$debug" ]; then
- curlopts+=("-v")
- fi
- if [ "$mode" = "m" ]; then
- for id in "${multipaste_ids[@]}"; do
- curlopts+=(-F "ids[]=$id")
- done
- fi
- if [ "$mode" = "d" ]; then
- curlopts+=("-s")
- fi
- if [ "$mode" = "u" ]; then
- basefilename=`basename -- "$file"`
- if [ "`$stat -- "$file"`" -eq "0" ] || printf "%s" "$basefilename" | grep -F -q ","; then
- if [ "`wc -c < "$file"`" -eq "0" ]; then
- printf "%s\n" "Error: skipping 0-byte file: \"$file\"" >&2
- return 1
- fi
- base64fn="`base64_encode "$basefilename"`"
- curl "${curlopts[@]}" -F "file=@-" -F "filename=$base64fn" "$url" < "$file" -o /dev/stdout
- else
- curl "${curlopts[@]}" -F "file=@$file" "$url" -o /dev/stdout
- fi
- else
- curl "${curlopts[@]}" "$url"
- fi
- fi
-require_executable() {
- if ! type $1 >/dev/null; then
- printf "%s\n" "Error: $1 not found. Please install." >&2
- exit 1
- fi
-is_url() {
- if printf "%s" "$i" | grep -qE "^(f|ht)tp(s)?://.+"; then
- return 0
- fi
- return 1
-is_pastebin_url() {
- if printf "%s" "$i" | grep -qE "^$pastebin.+"; then
- return 0
- fi
- return 1
-do_tar_upload() {
- if [ "$compress" = "1" ]; then
- file="$tmpdir/$filename.tar.gz"
- tar -cf - -- "$@" | gzip -n -c > "$file" || return 1
- elif [ "$compress" = "2" ]; then
- file="$tmpdir/$filename.tar.xz"
- tar -cf - -- "$@" | xz -c > "$file" || return 1
- else
- file="$tmpdir/$filename.tar"
- tar -cf "$file" -- "$@" || return 1
- fi
- compress=0
- do_upload "$file" || return 1
-do_upload() {
- local extra=""
- file="$1"
- basefilename="`basename -- "$file"`"
- basedirname="`dirname -- "$file"`"
- if [ ! -r "$file" ]; then
- # sh doesn't have perror so this message can't be more precise
- printf "%s\n" "Error: File \"$file\" is not readable/not found." >&2
- return 1
- fi
- if [ -d "$file" ]; then
- cd "$basedirname"
- if [ "$compress" = "1" ]; then
- file="$tmpdir/$basefilename.tar.gz"
- tar -cf - -- "$basefilename" | gzip -n -c > "$file" || return 1
- elif [ "$compress" = "2" ]; then
- file="$tmpdir/$basefilename.tar.xz"
- tar -cf - -- "$basefilename" | xz -c > "$file" || return 1
- else
- file="$tmpdir/$basefilename.tar"
- tar -cf "$file" -- "$basefilename" || return 1
- fi
- else
- if [ "$compress" = "1" ]; then
- gzip -n -c -- "$file" > "$tmpdir/$basefilename.gz" || return 1
- file="$tmpdir/$basefilename.gz"
- elif [ "$compress" = "2" ]; then
- xz -c -- "$file" > "$tmpdir/$basefilename.xz" || return 1
- file="$tmpdir/$basefilename.xz"
- fi
- fi
- tmpfile=`mktemp "$tmpdir/data.XXXXXX"`
- if [ "`$stat -- "$file"`" -gt "$warnsize" ]; then
- warnsize=`request_helper d "$pastebin/file/get_max_size"`
- if [ "`$stat -- "$file"`" -gt "$warnsize" ]; then
- printf "%s\n" "Warning: Your upload is too big and would be rejected. Maximum size is: $warnsize bytes. Skipping..." >&2
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- request_helper u "$pastebin/file/do_upload" "$file" > $tmpfile || return 1
- sed '$d' $tmpfile >&2
- url=`tail -1 $tmpfile`"$extension"
- rm "$tmpfile"
- printf "%s\n" "$url"
- if printf "%s" "$url" | grep -qE "^https?://"; then
- if [ -z "$clipboard" ]; then
- clipboard="$url"
- else
- clipboard="$clipboard $url"
- fi
- fi
-read_stdin() {
- if tty -s; then
- printf "%s\n" "^C to exit, ^D to send"
- fi
- cat > "$1"
-read_string() {
- read -r tmp
- echo "$tmp"
-id_from_arg() {
- local regex="https?:\/\/[^\/]+\/([^\/]+).*"
- if [[ $1 =~ $regex ]]; then
- printf "%s" "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
- else
- printf "%s" "$1"
- fi
-create_apikey() {
- if [ -z "$HOST" ]; then
- HOST=`hostname`
- fi
- require_executable curl
- printf "%s" "Username: "
- read_string | tr -d "\n" > "$tmpdir/username"
- printf "%s" "Password: "
- stty -echo
- read_string | tr -d "\n" > "$tmpdir/password"
- stty echo
- printf "\n"
- curlopts=(${default_curlopts[@]})
- if [ "$debug" ]; then
- curlopts+=(-v)
- fi
- curl "${curlopts[@]}" -w "%{http_code}\n" -s -F "username=<$tmpdir/username" -F "password=<$tmpdir/password" -F "comment=fb-client $USER@$HOST" "$pastebin/user/create_apikey" > "$tmpdir/api-result"
- rm "$tmpdir/username" "$tmpdir/password"
- status_code=`tail -n 1 "$tmpdir/api-result"`
- if [ "$status_code" == "200" ]; then
- if [ ! -d "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fb-client/" ]; then
- mkdir -p "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fb-client"
- fi
- head -n 1 "$tmpdir/api-result" > "$apikey_file"
- return 0
- fi
- echo "Failed to generate API key:" >&2
- sed '$d' "$tmpdir/api-result" >&2
- return 1
-help() {
- cat <<!
-fb-client version $version
-usage: [cat |] `basename "$0"` [switches] [options] [<file(s)|ID(s)|folder(s)>]
- Upload/nopaste file(s)/stdin to and copy URL(s) to clipboard.
- Switches:
- -d <ID(s)> delete the IDs
- -g <ID(s)> download the IDs and output on stdout (use with care!)
- -m create a multipaste
- -h this help
- -v show the client version
- -H display an upload history
- -a create a new api key
- Options:
- -e <extension> extension for default highlighting (e.g. "diff")
- -n <file name> file name to use for upload when reading from stdin
- Defaults to "stdin"
- -t upload a tar file containing all files (and directories)
- -c compress the file being uploaded with gz or xz if used 2 times
- When used in conjunction with -g this decompresses the download
- -D show debugging information
-if ! type getopts >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- printf "%s\n" "Error: getopts is not supported by your shell" >&2
- exit 1
-while getopts "e:n:gmdhHatcvD" option; do
- case $option in
- e) extension="$OPTARG";;
- n) filename="$OPTARG";;
- g) get=1;;
- m) multipaste=1;;
- c) compress=`expr $compress + 1`;;
- t) tar=1;;
- d) delete=1;;
- H) display_history=1;;
- a) create_apikey=1;;
- v) printf "%s\n" "$version"; exit 0;;
- D) debug=1;;
- h|\?) help; exit 0;;
- esac
-shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
-if [[ "$#" -gt 1 && ! "$tar" ]]; then
- multipaste=1
-if [ "$compress" = "1" ]; then
- require_executable gzip
-elif [ "$compress" = "2" ]; then
- require_executable xz
-tmpdir="`mktemp -dt "fb.XXXXXX"`"
-trap "rm -rf '${tmpdir}'" EXIT TERM
-if [ "$delete" ] || [ "$get" ]; then
- if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
- printf "%s\n" "Error: no ID specified" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- for i in "$@"; do
- i=$(id_from_arg "$i")
- if [ "$delete" ]; then
- request_helper d "$pastebin/file/delete/$i" || exitcode=1
- elif [ "$get" ]; then
- if [ "$compress" = "1" ]; then
- request_helper d "$pastebin/$i" | gzip -cd || exitcode=1
- elif [ "$compress" = "2" ]; then
- request_helper d "$pastebin/$i" | xz -cd || exitcode=1
- else
- request_helper d "$pastebin/$i" || exitcode=1
- fi
- fi
- done
-elif [ "$display_history" ]; then
- request_helper d "$pastebin/file/upload_history" || exitcode=1
-elif [ "$create_apikey" ]; then
- create_apikey
- exit $?
-elif [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
- if [ "$tar" ]; then
- printf "%s\n" "Error: -t is not supported when operating on stdin" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- read_stdin "$tmpdir/$filename"
- do_upload "$tmpdir/$filename" || exitcode=1
- if [ "$tar" ]; then
- have_url=
- for i in "$@"; do
- if is_url "$i"; then
- have_url=1
- fi
- done
- if [ "$have_url" ]; then
- # TODO: support -t when passing URLs as arguments
- printf "%s\n" "Error: -t is not yet supported when operating on a URL" >&2
- exit 1
- else
- do_tar_upload "$@" || exitcode=1
- fi
- else
- for i in "$@"; do
- if is_url "$i"; then
- if [ "$multipaste" ]; then
- if is_pastebin_url "$i"; then
- multipaste_ids+=("$(id_from_arg "$i")")
- continue
- fi
- fi
- cd $tmpdir
- if ! request_helper d "$i" > "`basename "$i"`"; then
- exitcode=1
- continue
- fi
- for f in *; do
- if ! do_upload "$f"; then
- exitcode=1
- fi
- rm -f -- "$f"
- done
- else
- do_upload "$i" || exitcode=1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ "$multipaste" ]; then
- for url in $clipboard; do
- id="$(id_from_arg "$url")"
- multipaste_ids+=("$id")
- done
- tmpfile=`mktemp "$tmpdir/data.XXXXXX"`
- request_helper m "$pastebin/file/do_multipaste" > $tmpfile || exitcode=1
- sed '$d' $tmpfile >&2
- url=`tail -1 $tmpfile`"$extension"
- printf "%s\n" "$url"
- if printf "%s" "$url" | grep -qE "^https?://"; then
- clipboard="$url"
- fi
- fi
-if [ "$clipboard" != "" ]; then
- type $clipboard_cmd >/dev/null 2>&1 && printf "%s" "$clipboard" | nohup $clipboard_cmd >/dev/null 2>&1
-exit $exitcode
-#vim: set noet: