path: root/src/connections/wireless
diff options
authorJames Rayner <>2009-08-10 08:09:16 +0200
committerJames Rayner <>2009-08-10 08:09:16 +0200
commit9a3078d8cec470b3820c5597d5c8819d642e558d (patch)
tree7287f79ad908eb8cd6352b19c3e59e6bc57e4c94 /src/connections/wireless
parent280b25e1171a4609356e888066614a4dc2ecb678 (diff)
revert pryor patch
Diffstat (limited to 'src/connections/wireless')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/src/connections/wireless b/src/connections/wireless
index f316cb7..8b43ed1 100644
--- a/src/connections/wireless
+++ b/src/connections/wireless
@@ -1,378 +1,124 @@
#! /bin/bash
-# /usr/lib/network/connections/wireless
-. /etc/rc.conf
-. /etc/rc.d/functions
. /usr/lib/network/network
wireless_up() {
- load_profile "$1"
- [[ -n "$2" ]] && ESSID="$2" # JP: use the literal ESSID (though currently we only interpret wireless-dbus ESSIDs as regexps)
- . "$SUBR_DIR/8021x"
- . "$SUBR_DIR/wireless_utils"
+ load_profile $1
+ . ${SUBR_DIR}/8021x
+ . ${SUBR_DIR}/wireless
# Check if interface exists
- if [[ ! -e "/sys/class/net/$INTERFACE" ]]; then
- if ! echo "$INTERFACE" | fgrep -q ":"; then
- report_fail "Interface $INTERFACE does not exist."
+ if [[ ! -e /sys/class/net/"$INTERFACE" ]]; then
+ if ! echo "$INTERFACE"|grep ":"; then
+ err_append "interface $INTERFACE does not exist"
return 1
# Kill any lingering wpa_supplicants.
- report_debug wireless_up stop_wpa "$INTERFACE"
- stop_wpa "$INTERFACE"
+ stop_wpa $INTERFACE
# Most drivers (mac80211) need mode set before device is brought up
# Drivers generally default to managed, but set this to be sure.
- if [[ $(iwgetid -sm "$INTERFACE") -ne Managed ]]; then
- report_debug wireless_up iwconfig "$INTERFACE" mode managed
- iwconfig "$INTERFACE" mode managed
- fi
- report_debug wireless_up ifup
- wireless_control "$INTERFACE" up || return 1
- quirk prescan && iwlist "$INTERFACE" scan &> /dev/null # bcm43xx
+ if [[ "$(iwgetid -sm $INTERFACE)" -ne "Managed" ]]; then
+ iwconfig $INTERFACE mode managed
+ fi
- if quirk preessid; then # ipw3945
- if [[ -n "$AP" ]]; then # JP: enable use of AP
- # JP: Since I don't undertand why the else block below is an eval, I'm not sure
- # if this command also needs to be eval'd
- iwconfig "$INTERFACE" mode managed ap "$AP"
- else
- # JP: I don't understand why this needs to be an eval. What's wrong with just:
- # iwconfig "$INTERFACE" mode managed essid "$ESSID"
- eval "iwconfig \"$INTERFACE\" mode managed essid \"$ESSID\""
- fi
+ ifconfig $INTERFACE up
- fi
+ quirk "prescan" && iwlist $INTERFACE scan &> /dev/null # bcm43xx
+ quirk "preessid" && eval "iwconfig $INTERFACE mode managed essid \"$ESSID\"" # ipw3945
- if checkyesno "${SCAN:-no}"; then
- report_debug wireless_up scanning
- if [[ -n "$AP" ]]; then
- ESSID=$(find_ap "$INTERFACE" "$AP")
- else
- ESSID=$(find_essid "$INTERFACE" "$ESSID" "$CONNECTION") # JP: we could have left $3 null for default of treating ESSID as literal
- # but instead we explicitly pass $CONNECTION
- fi
- if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then
- report_fail "Wireless network \"$OLDESSID\" not present."
+ if checkyesno ${SCAN:-no}; then
+ if ! find_essid $INTERFACE "$ESSID"; then
+ err_append "Network not present."
return 1
# Manually set iwconfig options
- if [[ -n "$IWCONFIG" ]]; then
- report_debug wireless_up iwconfig "$INTERFACE" $IWCONFIG
- fi
+ [[ "$IWCONFIG" ]] && iwconfig $INTERFACE $IWCONFIG
# Set to 'none' if not set
- [[ -z "$SECURITY" ]] && SECURITY=none
+ [[ -z "$SECURITY" ]] && SECURITY="none"
- case "$SECURITY" in
+ case $SECURITY in
# 'none' uses iwconfig like wep. Use sane default if WEP_OPTS=""
- if [[ -z "$WEP_OPTS" ]]; then
- if [[ "$SECURITY" = wep ]]; then
- if [[ -n "$AP" ]]; then
- WEP_OPTS="ap \"$AP\" key $KEY" # JP: formerly I had "...key open $KEY"; is it correct to omit the 'open'?
- else
- WEP_OPTS="essid \"$ESSID\" key $KEY" # JP: formerly I had "...key open $KEY"; is it correct to omit the 'open'?
- fi
- else # SECURITY=none
- if [[ -n "$AP" ]]; then
- WEP_OPTS="ap \"$AP\""
- else
- WEP_OPTS="essid \"$ESSID\""
- fi
- fi
- fi
+ if [[ "$SECURITY" = "wep" ]]; then
+ WEP_OPTS="essid \"$ESSID\" key $KEY"
+ elif [[ "$SECURITY" = "none" ]]; then
+ WEP_OPTS="essid \"$ESSID\""
+ fi
- quirk predown && wireless_control "$INTERFACE" forcedown # madwifi FS#10585
+ quirk "predown" && ifconfig $INTERFACE down # madwifi FS#10585
- report_debug wireless_up iwconfig "$INTERFACE" $WEP_OPTS
- # JP: I don't understand why this needs to be an eval. What's wrong with just:
- # iwconfig "$INTERFACE" $WEP_OPTS
- if ! eval "iwconfig \"$INTERFACE\" $WEP_OPTS"; then
- report_fail "Couldn't configure wireless."
+ if ! eval iwconfig $INTERFACE $WEP_OPTS; then
+ err_append "Could not set wireless configuration."
return 1
- quirk predown && wireless_control "$INTERFACE" up # madwifi FS#10585
+ quirk "predown" && ifconfig $INTERFACE up # madwifi FS#10585
- report_debug ethernet_up wep_check
- wep_check "$INTERFACE" "$TIMEOUT" || return 1
+ wep_check $INTERFACE $TIMEOUT||return 1
# Quirk for broken drivers...
- if quirk wpaessid; then
- if [[ -n "$AP" ]]; then
- # JP: Since I don't undertand why the else block below is an eval, I'm not sure
- # if this command also needs to be eval'd
- iwconfig "$INTERFACE" ap "$AP"
- else
- # JP: I don't understand why this needs to be an eval. What's wrong with just:
- # iwconfig "$INTERFACE" essid "$ESSID"
- eval "iwconfig \"$INTERFACE\" essid \"$ESSID\""
- fi
- fi
+ quirk "wpaessid" && eval iwconfig $INTERFACE essid "\"$ESSID\""
- local WPA_CONF="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/wpa.${1// /}" # substitute spaces out
- # make empty tmp dir with correct permissions, rename it
- rm -rf "$WPA_CONF"
- mv -f $(mktemp -d) "$WPA_CONF" || return 1
- echo "ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant" >> "$WPA_CONF/wpa.conf" # we know $WPA_CONF now has no spaces, but it may have other nasty chars, so still needs to be quoted
- echo "ctrl_interface_group=${WPA_GROUP:-wheel}" >> "$WPA_CONF/wpa.conf"
+ local WPA_CONF="/tmp/wpa.${1// /}" # substitute spaces out
+ echo "ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant" >> $WPA_CONF
+ echo "ctrl_interface_group=${WPA_GROUP:-wheel}" >> $WPA_CONF
+ chmod 600 $WPA_CONF
# Generate configuration
- if [[ "${#KEY}" -eq 64 ]]; then
- echo -e "network={ \nssid=\"$ESSID\" \npsk=$KEY \n}">> "$WPA_CONF/wpa.conf"
- # JP: formerly I had { \nssid=\"$ESSID\" \nproto=WPA \nkey_mgmt=WPA-PSK \npsk=$KEY \n}
- # JP: is what's above better?
- elif ! echo "$KEY" | wpa_passphrase "$ESSID" >> "$WPA_CONF/wpa.conf"; then
- report_fail "Couldn't generate WPA configuration."
- cat "$WPA_CONF/wpa.conf" >&2
+ if [[ "${#KEY}" == "64" ]]; then
+ echo -e "network={ \nssid=\"$ESSID\" \npsk=$KEY \n}">> $WPA_CONF
+ elif ! echo "$KEY" | wpa_passphrase "$ESSID" >> $WPA_CONF; then
+ err_append "Configuration generation failed. $(cat $WPA_CONF)"
return 1
# Connect!
[[ -z "$WPA_OPTS" ]] && WPA_OPTS="-Dwext"
- report_debug wireless_up start_wpa "$INTERFACE" "$WPA_CONF/wpa.conf" "$WPA_OPTS"
- start_wpa "$INTERFACE" "$WPA_CONF/wpa.conf" "$WPA_OPTS" || return 1
- report_debug wireless_up wpa_check
- if ! wpa_check "$INTERFACE" "$TIMEOUT"; then
- stop_wpa "$INTERFACE"
+ start_wpa $INTERFACE $WPA_CONF $WPA_OPTS || return 1
+ if ! wpa_check $INTERFACE $TIMEOUT; then
+ stop_wpa $INTERFACE
return 1
- . "$SUBR_DIR/8021x"
+ . ${SUBR_DIR}/8021x
[[ -z "$WPA_CONF" ]] && WPA_CONF="/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf" # defaults
[[ -z "$WPA_OPTS" ]] && WPA_OPTS="-Dwext"
- report_debug wireless_up start_wpa "$INTERFACE" "$WPA_CONF" "$WPA_OPTS"
- start_wpa "$INTERFACE" "$WPA_CONF" "$WPA_OPTS" || return 1
- report_debug wireless_up wpa_check
- if ! wpa_check "$INTERFACE" "$TIMEOUT"; then
- stop_wpa "$INTERFACE"
+ start_wpa $INTERFACE $WPA_CONF $WPA_OPTS || return 1
+ if ! wpa_check $INTERFACE $TIMEOUT; then
+ stop_wpa $INTERFACE
return 1
- if ! "$CONN_DIR/ethernet" up "$1"; then
- wireless_down "$1" YES
+ if ! ${CONN_DIR}/ethernet up $1; then
+ wireless_down $1 YES
return 1
-# wireless_down PROFILE [ LEAVE ifconfig up? default no ]
wireless_down() {
- load_profile "$1"
- . "$SUBR_DIR/8021x"
- local PROFILE="$1" NOETHERNETDOWN="$2" # JP: made declarations local?? also, why introduce these vars if you're not going to use them?
- if ! checkyesno "$NOETHERNETDOWN"; then
- "$CONN_DIR/ethernet" down "$PROFILE"
+ load_profile $1
+ . ${SUBR_DIR}/8021x
+ if ! checkyesno $2; then
+ ${CONN_DIR}/ethernet down $1
- report_debug wireless_down stop_wpa "$INTERFACE"
- stop_wpa "$INTERFACE"
- [[ "$SECURITY" == wpa ]] && rm -rf "/tmp/wpa.${PROFILE// /}" # remove tmp wpa config
- report_debug wireless_down iwconfig "$INTERFACE" essid off key off
- iwconfig "$INTERFACE" essid off key off &> /dev/null
- #wireless_control "$INTERFACE" forcedown # this is now handled in ethernet down, isn't it?
+ stop_wpa $INTERFACE
+ [[ "$SECURITY" == "wpa" ]] && rm -f "/tmp/wpa.${1// /}" # remove wpa config
+ iwconfig $INTERFACE essid off key off &> /dev/null
+ ifconfig $INTERFACE down
-# CONNECTION_query $INTERFACE [ profile | enabled (i.e. not rfkill-ed) | active (i.e. ifup'd) | associated | address ] [ "" | "-iproute" ]
-# "query associated" also uses $4=ESSID $5=AP if known
-wireless_query() {
- local INTERFACE="$1" REQUEST="$2" NEW="$3"
- #report_debug wireless_query "$@"
- case "$REQUEST" in
- profile)
- # return code = 1 if iface is available to be used
- # return code = 0 if unavailable (disabled, or in use by another profile or by external config)
- # echo "" | "disabled" | "external" | PROFILE_NAME
- if [[ ! -f "$STATE_DIR/interfaces/$INTERFACE" ]]; then
- # wireless interface is up but has no registered profile
- if ! wireless_query "$INTERFACE" enabled "$NEW"; then
- wireless_control disable "$INTERFACE" # STATE_DIR/interface should say "disabled" instead
- # iface should be down if it''s disabled
- wireless_control "$INTERFACE" down "$NEW"
- echo "disabled"
- return 0
- fi
- if wireless_query "$INTERFACE" address "$NEW"; then
- set_iface up "$INTERFACE" external
- echo "external"
- return 0
- fi
- # no ip address, count as inactive (even if associated)
- # should we tell iface to de-associate if still associated?
- # should we ifconfig iface down? no, may be up for a reason
- return 1
- else # interface is up and thinks it's running a profile
- . "$STATE_DIR/interfaces/$INTERFACE" # these files should only contain a PROFILE=... statement
- case "$PROFILE" in
- external)
- echo "external"
- return 0
- ;;
- disabled)
- # iface should be down if it's disabled
- wireless_control "$INTERFACE" down "$NEW"
- echo "disabled"
- return 0
- ;;
- *)
- ( # use subshell to prevent overwriting currently loaded profile
- . "$STATE_DIR/profiles/$PROFILE"
- if ! "$CONN_DIR/$CONNECTION" query "$INTERFACE" enabled; then
- report_warn "INTERFACE $INTERFACE is disabled; no longer being controlled by $PROFILE"
- set_profile down "$PROFILE"
- wireless_control disable "$INTERFACE"
- wireless_control "$INTERFACE" down "$NEW"
- echo "disabled"
- exit 0
- elif ! wireless_query "$INTERFACE" address "$NEW"; then
- report_warn "INTERFACE $INTERFACE is inactive; no longer being controlled by $PROFILE"
- set_profile down "$PROFILE"
- exit 1
- elif "$CONN_DIR/$CONNECTION" query "$INTERFACE" associated "$NEW" "$ESSID" "$AP"; then
- echo "$PROFILE" # associated with loaded profile
- exit 0
- else
- report_warn "INTERFACE $INTERFACE no longer being controlled by $PROFILE"
- set_profile down "$PROFILE"
- set_iface up "$INTERFACE" external
- echo "external"
- exit 0
- fi
- )
- # return $?
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- ;;
- enabled)
- local rfkill iftype
- for rfkill in /sys/class/rfkill/*; do
- if [[ -e "$rfkill/type" && -e "$rfkill/state" ]]; then
- iftype=$(cat "$rfkill/type")
- if [[ "$iftype" == wlan || "$iftype" == "${INTERFACE:0:${#INTERFACE}-1}" ]]; then # JP: don't really know what the range of values for this is
- # on my machine, the INTERFACE is wlan0 and the type=wlan
- test $(cat "$rfkill/state") -eq 1 # state is 1 when enabled, 2 when killed
- return $?
- fi
- fi
- done
-# # JP: this is easier, but I don't know if it can be relied on to stay in place...
-# if [[ -e /sys/class/net/$INTERFACE/device/rfkill/rfkill?/state ]]; then
-# test $(cat /sys/class/net/$INTERFACE/device/rfkill/rfkill?/state) -eq 1
-# return $?
-# fi
- return 0 # default to enabled
- ;;
- associated)
- # assumed to have ip address
- # return 0: associated with loaded profile
- # 1: associated with other
- # 2: still has ip address but unassociated: can this happen?
- local ESSID="$4" AP="$5"
- local essid=$(iwgetid "$INTERFACE" -r) ap=$(iwgetid "$INTERFACE" -ra)
- [[ -z "$ap" ]] && return 2
- if [[ -n "$AP" ]]; then
- [[ $(echo "$AP" | tr 'abcdef' 'ABCDEF') == "$ap" ]]
- return $?
- fi
- case "$ESSID" in
- # [Rr][Oo][Aa][Mm]|[Oo][Pp][Ee][Nn])
- # return 0
- # ;;
- *)
- if [[ "$NEW" == -iproute ]]; then
- # JP: ESSID is a regexp; we handle this here instead of in the wireless-dbus script for now
- expr match "$essid" "^$ESSID\$" >/dev/null
- return $? # returns true if matched more than 0 chars
- else
- [[ "$ESSID" == "$essid" ]]
- return $?
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- active|address)
- "$CONN_DIR/ethernet$NEW" query "$INTERFACE" "$REQUEST"
- ;;
- *) return 1;;
- esac
-# CONNECTION_control $INTERFACE [ up | down | forcedown | enable | disable ] [ "" | "-iproute" ]
-wireless_control() {
- local INTERFACE="$1" ACTION="$2" NEW="$3"
- #report_debug wireless_control "$@"
- case "$ACTION" in
- enable)
- [[ $(query_iface "$INTERFACE") == disabled ]] && set_iface "$INTERFACE" down
- ;;
- disable)
- set_iface up "$INTERFACE" disabled
- ;;
- up)
- if [[ "$NEW" = -iproute ]]; then
- "$CONN_DIR/ethernet-iproute" control "$INTERFACE" "$ACTION"
- else
- # JP: same as ethernet control ... up
- #ifconfig "$INTERFACE" up 2>/dev/null
- ifconfig "$INTERFACE" up
- wireless_query "$INTERFACE" active
- fi
- ;;
- down|forcedown)
- if [[ "$NEW" = -iproute ]]; then
- "$CONN_DIR/ethernet-iproute" control "$INTERFACE" "$ACTION"
- else
- # JP: differs slightly from ethernet control ... down (but I don't know whether the difference is really appropriate, I'm just preserving it from older codebase)
- ifconfig "$INTERFACE"
- if [[ "$2" = forcedown ]]; then
- ifconfig "$INTERFACE" down
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- *) return 1;;
- esac
-wireless_verify() {
- local INTERFACE="$1"
- if [[ -d "/sys/class/net/$INTERFACE/phy80211" || -d "/sys/class/net/$INTERFACE/wireless" ]]; then
- return 0
- else
- return 1
- fi
-wireless_$1 "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6"
+wireless_$1 $2
exit $?
# vim: set ts=4 et sw=4: