diff options
27 files changed, 2063 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f297deef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
+# Based on the template file provided by the 'YCM-Generator' project authored by
+# Reuben D'Netto.
+# Jiahui Xie has re-reformatted and expanded the original script in accordance
+# to the requirements of the PEP 8 style guide and 'systemd' project,
+# respectively.
+# The original license is preserved as it is.
+# This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
+# Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
+# distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
+# binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
+# means.
+# In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
+# of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
+# software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
+# of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
+# successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
+# relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
+# software under copyright law.
+# For more information, please refer to <>
+YouCompleteMe configuration file tailored to support the 'meson' build system
+used by the 'systemd' project.
+import glob
+import os
+import ycm_core
+SOURCE_EXTENSIONS = (".C", ".cpp", ".cxx", ".cc", ".c", ".m", ".mm")
+HEADER_EXTENSIONS = (".H", ".h", ".hxx", ".hpp", ".hh")
+def DirectoryOfThisScript():
+ """
+ Return the absolute path of the parent directory containing this
+ script.
+ """
+ return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+def GuessBuildDirectory():
+ """
+ Guess the build directory using the following heuristics:
+ 1. Returns the current directory of this script plus 'build'
+ subdirectory in absolute path if this subdirectory exists.
+ 2. Otherwise, probes whether there exists any directory
+ containing '.ninja_log' file two levels above the current directory;
+ returns this single directory only if there is one candidate.
+ """
+ result = os.path.join(DirectoryOfThisScript(), "build")
+ if os.path.exists(result):
+ return result
+ result = glob.glob(os.path.join(DirectoryOfThisScript(),
+ "..", "..", "*", ".ninja_log"))
+ if not result:
+ return ""
+ if 1 != len(result):
+ return ""
+ return os.path.split(result[0])[0]
+def TraverseByDepth(root, include_extensions):
+ """
+ Return a set of child directories of the 'root' containing file
+ extensions specified in 'include_extensions'.
+ 1. The 'root' directory itself is excluded from the result set.
+ 2. No subdirectories would be excluded if 'include_extensions' is left
+ to 'None'.
+ 3. Each entry in 'include_extensions' must begin with string '.'.
+ """
+ is_root = True
+ result = set()
+ # Perform a depth first top down traverse of the given directory tree.
+ for root_dir, subdirs, file_list in os.walk(root):
+ if not is_root:
+ # print("Relative Root: ", root_dir)
+ # print(subdirs)
+ if include_extensions:
+ get_ext = os.path.splitext
+ subdir_extensions = {
+ get_ext(f)[-1] for f in file_list if get_ext(f)[-1]
+ }
+ if subdir_extensions & include_extensions:
+ result.add(root_dir)
+ else:
+ result.add(root_dir)
+ else:
+ is_root = False
+ return result
+_project_src_dir = os.path.join(DirectoryOfThisScript(), "src")
+_include_dirs_set = TraverseByDepth(_project_src_dir, frozenset({".h"}))
+flags = [
+ "-x",
+ "c"
+ # The following flags are partially redundant due to the existence of
+ # 'compile_commands.json'.
+ # '-Wall',
+ # '-Wextra',
+ # '-Wfloat-equal',
+ # '-Wpointer-arith',
+ # '-Wshadow',
+ # '-std=gnu99',
+for include_dir in _include_dirs_set:
+ flags.append("-I" + include_dir)
+# Set this to the absolute path to the folder (NOT the file!) containing the
+# compile_commands.json file to use that instead of 'flags'. See here for
+# more details:
+# You can get CMake to generate this file for you by adding:
+# to your CMakeLists.txt file.
+# Most projects will NOT need to set this to anything; you can just change the
+# 'flags' list of compilation flags. Notice that YCM itself uses that approach.
+compilation_database_folder = GuessBuildDirectory()
+if os.path.exists(compilation_database_folder):
+ database = ycm_core.CompilationDatabase(compilation_database_folder)
+ database = None
+def MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute(flags, working_directory):
+ """
+ Iterate through 'flags' and replace the relative paths prefixed by
+ '-isystem', '-I', '-iquote', '--sysroot=' with absolute paths
+ start with 'working_directory'.
+ """
+ if not working_directory:
+ return list(flags)
+ new_flags = []
+ make_next_absolute = False
+ path_flags = ["-isystem", "-I", "-iquote", "--sysroot="]
+ for flag in flags:
+ new_flag = flag
+ if make_next_absolute:
+ make_next_absolute = False
+ if not flag.startswith("/"):
+ new_flag = os.path.join(working_directory, flag)
+ for path_flag in path_flags:
+ if flag == path_flag:
+ make_next_absolute = True
+ break
+ if flag.startswith(path_flag):
+ path = flag[len(path_flag):]
+ new_flag = path_flag + os.path.join(working_directory, path)
+ break
+ if new_flag:
+ new_flags.append(new_flag)
+ return new_flags
+def IsHeaderFile(filename):
+ """
+ Check whether 'filename' is considered as a header file.
+ """
+ extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
+ return extension in HEADER_EXTENSIONS
+def GetCompilationInfoForFile(filename):
+ """
+ Helper function to look up compilation info of 'filename' in the 'database'.
+ """
+ # The compilation_commands.json file generated by CMake does not have
+ # entries for header files. So we do our best by asking the db for flags for
+ # a corresponding source file, if any. If one exists, the flags for that
+ # file should be good enough.
+ if not database:
+ return None
+ if IsHeaderFile(filename):
+ basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
+ for extension in SOURCE_EXTENSIONS:
+ replacement_file = basename + extension
+ if os.path.exists(replacement_file):
+ compilation_info = \
+ database.GetCompilationInfoForFile(replacement_file)
+ if compilation_info.compiler_flags_:
+ return compilation_info
+ return None
+ return database.GetCompilationInfoForFile(filename)
+def FlagsForFile(filename, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Callback function to be invoked by YouCompleteMe in order to get the
+ information necessary to compile 'filename'.
+ It returns a dictionary with a single element 'flags'. This element is a
+ list of compiler flags to pass to libclang for the file 'filename'.
+ """
+ if database:
+ # Bear in mind that compilation_info.compiler_flags_ does NOT return a
+ # python list, but a "list-like" StringVec object
+ compilation_info = GetCompilationInfoForFile(filename)
+ if not compilation_info:
+ return None
+ final_flags = MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute(
+ compilation_info.compiler_flags_,
+ compilation_info.compiler_working_dir_)
+ else:
+ relative_to = DirectoryOfThisScript()
+ final_flags = MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute(flags, relative_to)
+ return {
+ "flags": final_flags,
+ "do_cache": True
+ }
diff --git a/build-aux/ b/build-aux/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e3a1b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-aux/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+"@SED@" \
+ -e "s|@rootdir[@]|@ROOTDIR@|g" \
+ -e "s|@localedir[@]|@LOCALEDIR@|g" \
+ -e "s|@sysconfdir[@]|@sysconfdir@|g" \
+ -e "s|@localstatedir[@]|@localstatedir@|g" \
+ -e "s|@libmakepkgdir[@]|@LIBMAKEPKGDIR@|g" \
+ -e "s|@pkgdatadir[@]|@PKGDATADIR@|g" \
+ -e "s|@prefix[@]|@PREFIX@|g" \
+ -e "1s|#!/bin/bash|#!@BASH@|g" \
+ -e "s|@PACKAGE_NAME[@]|@PACKAGE_NAME@|g" \
+ -e "s|@TEMPLATE_DIR[@]|@TEMPLATE_DIR@|g" \
+ -e "s|@INODECMD[@]|@INODECMD@|g" \
+ -e "s|@OWNERCMD[@]|@OWNERCMD@|g" \
+ -e "s|@MODECMD[@]|@MODECMD@|g" \
+ -e "s|@SEDPATH[@]|@SEDPATH@|g" \
+ -e "s|@DUFLAGS[@]|@DUFLAGS@|g" \
+ -e "s|@DUPATH[@]|@DUPATH@|g" \
+ -e "s|@configure_input[@]|Generated from ${output##*/}; do not edit by hand.|g" \
+ "$input" >"$output"
+if [[ $mode ]]; then
+ chmod "$mode" "$output"
diff --git a/build-aux/ b/build-aux/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..501cd43d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-aux/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+set -eu
+# this is needed mostly because $DESTDIR is provided as a variable,
+# and we need to create the target directory...
+mkdir -vp "$(dirname "${DESTDIR:-}$2")"
+if [ "$(dirname $1)" = . ]; then
+ ln -vfs -T "$1" "${DESTDIR:-}$2"
+ ln -vfs -T --relative "${DESTDIR:-}$1" "${DESTDIR:-}$2"
diff --git a/build-aux/ b/build-aux/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c231caec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-aux/
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Adapted from tappy copyright (c) 2016, Matt Layman
+# MIT license
+import io
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+class Directive(object):
+ """A representation of a result line directive."""
+ skip_pattern = re.compile(
+ r"""^SKIP\S*
+ (?P<whitespace>\s*) # Optional whitespace.
+ (?P<reason>.*) # Slurp up the rest.""",
+ todo_pattern = re.compile(
+ r"""^TODO\b # The directive name
+ (?P<whitespace>\s*) # Immediately following must be whitespace.
+ (?P<reason>.*) # Slurp up the rest.""",
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ """Initialize the directive by parsing the text.
+ The text is assumed to be everything after a '#\s*' on a result line.
+ """
+ self._text = text
+ self._skip = False
+ self._todo = False
+ self._reason = None
+ match = self.skip_pattern.match(text)
+ if match:
+ self._skip = True
+ self._reason ='reason')
+ match = self.todo_pattern.match(text)
+ if match:
+ if'whitespace'):
+ self._todo = True
+ else:
+ # Catch the case where the directive has no descriptive text.
+ if'reason') == '':
+ self._todo = True
+ self._reason ='reason')
+ @property
+ def text(self):
+ """Get the entire text."""
+ return self._text
+ @property
+ def skip(self):
+ """Check if the directive is a SKIP type."""
+ return self._skip
+ @property
+ def todo(self):
+ """Check if the directive is a TODO type."""
+ return self._todo
+ @property
+ def reason(self):
+ """Get the reason for the directive."""
+ return self._reason
+class Parser(object):
+ """A parser for TAP files and lines."""
+ # ok and not ok share most of the same characteristics.
+ result_base = r"""
+ \s* # Optional whitespace.
+ (?P<number>\d*) # Optional test number.
+ \s* # Optional whitespace.
+ (?P<description>[^#]*) # Optional description before #.
+ \#? # Optional directive marker.
+ \s* # Optional whitespace.
+ (?P<directive>.*) # Optional directive text.
+ """
+ ok = re.compile(r'^ok' + result_base, re.VERBOSE)
+ not_ok = re.compile(r'^not\ ok' + result_base, re.VERBOSE)
+ plan = re.compile(r"""
+ ^1..(?P<expected>\d+) # Match the plan details.
+ [^#]* # Consume any non-hash character to confirm only
+ # directives appear with the plan details.
+ \#? # Optional directive marker.
+ \s* # Optional whitespace.
+ (?P<directive>.*) # Optional directive text.
+ """, re.VERBOSE)
+ diagnostic = re.compile(r'^#')
+ bail = re.compile(r"""
+ ^Bail\ out!
+ \s* # Optional whitespace.
+ (?P<reason>.*) # Optional reason.
+ """, re.VERBOSE)
+ version = re.compile(r'^TAP version (?P<version>\d+)$')
+ def parse(self, fh):
+ """Generate tap.line.Line objects, given a file-like object `fh`.
+ `fh` may be any object that implements both the iterator and
+ context management protocol (i.e. it can be used in both a
+ "with" statement and a "" statement.)
+ Trailing whitespace and newline characters will be automatically
+ stripped from the input lines.
+ """
+ with fh:
+ for line in fh:
+ yield self.parse_line(line.rstrip())
+ def parse_line(self, text):
+ """Parse a line into whatever TAP category it belongs."""
+ match = self.ok.match(text)
+ if match:
+ return self._parse_result(True, match)
+ match = self.not_ok.match(text)
+ if match:
+ return self._parse_result(False, match)
+ if self.diagnostic.match(text):
+ return ('diagnostic', text)
+ match = self.plan.match(text)
+ if match:
+ return self._parse_plan(match)
+ match = self.bail.match(text)
+ if match:
+ return ('bail','reason'))
+ match = self.version.match(text)
+ if match:
+ return self._parse_version(match)
+ return ('unknown',)
+ def _parse_plan(self, match):
+ """Parse a matching plan line."""
+ expected_tests = int('expected'))
+ directive = Directive('directive'))
+ # Only SKIP directives are allowed in the plan.
+ if directive.text and not directive.skip:
+ return ('unknown',)
+ return ('plan', expected_tests, directive)
+ def _parse_result(self, ok, match):
+ """Parse a matching result line into a result instance."""
+ return ('result', ok,'number'),
+ Directive('directive')))
+ def _parse_version(self, match):
+ version = int('version'))
+ raise ValueError('It is an error to explicitly specify '
+ 'any version lower than 13.')
+ return ('version', version)
+class Rules(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._lines_seen = {'plan': [], 'test': 0, 'failed': 0, 'version': []}
+ self._errors = []
+ def check(self, final_line_count):
+ """Check the status of all provided data and update the suite."""
+ if self._lines_seen['version']:
+ self._process_version_lines()
+ self._process_plan_lines(final_line_count)
+ def check_errors(self):
+ if self._lines_seen['failed'] > 0:
+ self._add_error('Tests failed.')
+ if self._errors:
+ for error in self._errors:
+ print(error)
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def _process_version_lines(self):
+ """Process version line rules."""
+ if len(self._lines_seen['version']) > 1:
+ self._add_error('Multiple version lines appeared.')
+ elif self._lines_seen['version'][0] != 1:
+ self._add_error('The version must be on the first line.')
+ def _process_plan_lines(self, final_line_count):
+ """Process plan line rules."""
+ if not self._lines_seen['plan']:
+ self._add_error('Missing a plan.')
+ return
+ if len(self._lines_seen['plan']) > 1:
+ self._add_error('Only one plan line is permitted per file.')
+ return
+ expected_tests, at_line = self._lines_seen['plan'][0]
+ if not self._plan_on_valid_line(at_line, final_line_count):
+ self._add_error(
+ 'A plan must appear at the beginning or end of the file.')
+ return
+ if expected_tests != self._lines_seen['test']:
+ self._add_error(
+ 'Expected {expected_count} tests '
+ 'but only {seen_count} ran.'.format(
+ expected_count=expected_tests,
+ seen_count=self._lines_seen['test']))
+ def _plan_on_valid_line(self, at_line, final_line_count):
+ """Check if a plan is on a valid line."""
+ # Put the common cases first.
+ if at_line == 1 or at_line == final_line_count:
+ return True
+ # The plan may only appear on line 2 if the version is at line 1.
+ after_version = (
+ self._lines_seen['version'] and
+ self._lines_seen['version'][0] == 1 and
+ at_line == 2)
+ if after_version:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def handle_bail(self, reason):
+ """Handle a bail line."""
+ self._add_error('Bailed: {reason}').format(reason=reason)
+ def handle_skipping_plan(self):
+ """Handle a plan that contains a SKIP directive."""
+ sys.exit(77)
+ def saw_plan(self, expected_tests, at_line):
+ """Record when a plan line was seen."""
+ self._lines_seen['plan'].append((expected_tests, at_line))
+ def saw_test(self, ok):
+ """Record when a test line was seen."""
+ self._lines_seen['test'] += 1
+ if not ok:
+ self._lines_seen['failed'] += 1
+ def saw_version_at(self, line_counter):
+ """Record when a version line was seen."""
+ self._lines_seen['version'].append(line_counter)
+ def _add_error(self, message):
+ self._errors += [message]
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = Parser()
+ rules = Rules()
+ try:
+ out = subprocess.check_output(sys.argv[1:], universal_newlines=True)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ sys.stdout.write(e.output)
+ raise e
+ line_generator = parser.parse(io.StringIO(out))
+ line_counter = 0
+ for line in line_generator:
+ line_counter += 1
+ if line[0] == 'unknown':
+ continue
+ if line[0] == 'result':
+ rules.saw_test(line[1])
+ print('{okay} {num} {description} {directive}'.format(
+ okay=('' if line[1] else 'not ') + 'ok', num=line[2],
+ description=line[3], directive=line[4].text))
+ elif line[0] == 'plan':
+ if line[2].skip:
+ rules.handle_skipping_plan()
+ rules.saw_plan(line[1], line_counter)
+ elif line[0] == 'bail':
+ rules.handle_bail(line[1])
+ elif line[0] == 'version':
+ rules.saw_version_at(line_counter)
+ elif line[0] == 'diagnostic':
+ print(line[1])
+ rules.check(line_counter)
+ sys.exit(rules.check_errors())
diff --git a/build-aux/update-po b/build-aux/update-po
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ce1ad4be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-aux/update-po
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+find_build_directory() {
+ local build_dirs=(*/.ninja_log)
+ if [[ ! -e ${build_dirs[0]} ]]; then
+ echo "error: No build directory found. Have you run 'meson build' yet?" >&2
+ return 1
+ elif (( ${#build_dirs[*]} > 1 )); then
+ echo "error: Multiple build directories found. Unable to proceed." >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ printf '%s\n' "${build_dirs[0]%/*}"
+filter_targets_by_name() {
+ if command -v jq &>/dev/null; then
+ jq --arg re "$1" -r 'map(.name)[] | select(match($re))'
+ else
+ json_pp | awk -v filter="$1" -F'[:"]' \
+ '$2 == "name" && $(NF - 1) ~ filter { print $(NF - 1) }'
+ fi
+# Make things simple and require that we're in the build root rather than
+# trying to chase down the location of this script and the relative build dir.
+if [[ ! -d .git ]]; then
+ echo "This script must be run from the root of the repository" >&2
+ exit 1
+build_dir=$(find_build_directory) || exit 1
+mapfile -t targets < \
+ <(meson introspect "$build_dir" --targets | filter_targets_by_name "-update-po$")
+ninja -C "$build_dir" "${targets[@]}"
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c9631cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+manpages = [
+ { 'name': 'alpm-hooks.5' },
+ { 'name': 'pacman.8' },
+ { 'name': 'makepkg.8' },
+ { 'name': 'makepkg-template.1' },
+ { 'name': 'repo-add.8' },
+ { 'name': 'vercmp.8' },
+ { 'name': 'pkgdelta.8' },
+ { 'name': 'pacman-key.8' },
+ { 'name': 'PKGBUILD.5', 'extra_depends' : [ 'PKGBUILD-example.txt' ] },
+ { 'name': 'makepkg.conf.5' },
+ { 'name': 'pacman.conf.5' },
+ { 'name': 'libalpm.3' },
+ { 'name': 'BUILDINFO.5' },
+asciidoc_conf = join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'asciidoc.conf')
+asciidoc_opts = [
+ '-f', asciidoc_conf,
+ '-a', 'pacman_version="@0@"'.format(PACKAGE_VERSION),
+ '-a', 'pacman_date=@0@'.format(run_command('date', '+%Y-%m-%d').stdout().strip()),
+ '-a', 'pkgdatadir=@0@'.format(PKGDATADIR),
+ '-a', 'localstatedir=@0@'.format(LOCALSTATEDIR),
+ '-a', 'sysconfdir=@0@'.format(SYSCONFDIR),
+ '-a', 'datarootdir=@0@'.format(DATAROOTDIR),
+html_targets = []
+html_files = []
+foreach page : manpages
+ manpage = page['name']
+ htmlpage = '@0@.html'.format(manpage)
+ input = '@0@.asciidoc'.format(manpage)
+ section = page['name'].split('.')[-1]
+ mandirn = join_paths(MANDIR, 'man' + section)
+ custom_target(
+ manpage,
+ command : [
+ A2X,
+ '--no-xmllint',
+ '-d', 'manpage',
+ '-f', 'manpage',
+ '--xsltproc-opts', '-param man.endnotes.list.enabled 0 -param man.endnotes.are.numbered 0',
+ '-D', '@OUTDIR@',
+ '--asciidoc-opts', ' '.join(asciidoc_opts),
+ '@INPUT@',
+ ],
+ input : input,
+ output : [manpage],
+ depend_files : [
+ asciidoc_conf,
+ ] + page.get('extra_depends', []),
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : mandirn,
+ )
+ html = custom_target(
+ htmlpage,
+ command : [
+ ] + asciidoc_opts + [
+ '-a', 'linkcss',
+ '-a', 'toc',
+ '-a', 'icons',
+ '-a', 'max-width=960px',
+ '-a', 'stylesheet=asciidoc-override.css',
+ '-o', '@OUTPUT@',
+ '@INPUT@',
+ ],
+ input : input,
+ output : [htmlpage],
+ depend_files : [
+ asciidoc_conf,
+ 'asciidoc-override.css',
+ ] + page.get('extra_depends', []),
+ build_by_default : false,
+ install : false,
+ )
+ html_targets += [html]
+ html_files += [htmlpage]
+ command : ['/bin/true'],
+ depends : html_targets)
+ 'website.tar.gz',
+ command : [
+ 'bsdtar', 'czf', '@OUTPUT@',
+ '-C', meson.current_build_dir(),
+ ] + html_files + [
+ '-C', meson.current_source_dir(),
+ 'submitting-patches.html',
+ 'translation-help.html',
+ 'HACKING.html',
+ 'index.html',
+ 'asciidoc-override.css',
+ '-C', '/etc/asciidoc/stylesheets/',
+ 'asciidoc.css',
+ '-C', '/etc/asciidoc/javascripts/',
+ 'asciidoc.js',
+ '-C', '/etc/asciidoc/',
+ 'images',
+ ],
+ output : ['website.tar.gz'],
+ build_by_default : false,
+ depends : html_targets,
+ 'repo-add.8',
+ join_paths(MANDIR, 'man8/repo-remove.8'))
+doxygen = find_program('doxygen', required : get_option('doxygen'))
+if doxygen.found() and not get_option('doxygen').disabled()
+ doxyconf = configuration_data()
+ doxyconf.set('OUTPUT_DIRECTORY', meson.current_build_dir())
+ doxyfile = configure_file(
+ input : '',
+ output : 'Doxyfile',
+ configuration : doxyconf,
+ install : false)
+ custom_target(
+ 'doxygen',
+ input : doxyfile,
+ output : ['man3'],
+ command : [doxygen, doxyfile],
+ build_by_default : true,
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : MANDIR)
diff --git a/lib/libalpm/ b/lib/libalpm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84c3dde3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/libalpm/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+libalpm_sources = files('''
+ add.h add.c
+ alpm.h alpm.c
+ alpm_list.h alpm_list.c
+ backup.h backup.c
+ base64.h base64.c
+ be_local.c
+ be_package.c
+ be_sync.c
+ conflict.h conflict.c
+ db.h db.c
+ delta.h delta.c
+ deps.h deps.c
+ diskspace.h diskspace.c
+ dload.h dload.c
+ error.c
+ filelist.h filelist.c
+ graph.h graph.c
+ group.h group.c
+ handle.h handle.c
+ hook.h hook.c
+ libarchive-compat.h
+ log.h log.c
+ package.h package.c
+ pkghash.h pkghash.c
+ rawstr.c
+ remove.h remove.c
+ signing.c signing.h
+ sync.h sync.c
+ trans.h trans.c
+ util.h util.c
+ version.c
diff --git a/lib/libalpm/po/ b/lib/libalpm/po/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cec28a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/libalpm/po/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ 'libalpm',
+ args : [
+ '--directory=@0@'.format(meson.current_source_dir()),
+ '--msgid-bugs-address=',
+ '--copyright-holder="Pacman Development Team <>"',
+ '--language', 'c',
+ '--keyword=_',
+ '--flag=_:1:c-format',
+ '--keyword=_n:1,2',
+ '--flag=_n:1:c-format',
+ '--flag=_n:2:c-format',
+ ])
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95895300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+ 'c',
+ version : '5.1.0',
+ license : 'GPLv2+',
+ default_options : [
+ 'c_std=gnu99',
+ 'prefix=/usr',
+ 'sysconfdir=/etc',
+ 'localstatedir=/var',
+ ],
+ meson_version : '>= 0.47')
+libalpm_version = '11.0.1'
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+# commandline options
+PREFIX = get_option('prefix')
+DATAROOTDIR = join_paths(PREFIX, get_option('datarootdir'))
+SYSCONFDIR = join_paths(PREFIX, get_option('sysconfdir'))
+LOCALSTATEDIR = join_paths(PREFIX, get_option('localstatedir'))
+LOCALEDIR = join_paths(PREFIX, get_option('localedir'))
+ROOTDIR = get_option('root-dir')
+BINDIR = join_paths(PREFIX, get_option('bindir'))
+MANDIR = join_paths(PREFIX, get_option('mandir'))
+BUILDSCRIPT = get_option('buildscript')
+PKGDATADIR = join_paths(PREFIX, DATAROOTDIR, meson.project_name())
+PYTHON = import('python').find_installation('python3')
+M4 = find_program('m4')
+SED = find_program('sed')
+DU = find_program('du')
+LDCONFIG = get_option('ldconfig')
+MESON_MAKE_SYMLINK = join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'build-aux/')
+BASH = find_program('bash4', 'bash')
+if BASH.found()
+ bash_version = run_command(BASH, '-c', 'IFS=.; echo "${BASH_VERSINFO[*]:0:3}"').stdout()
+ have_bash = bash_version.version_compare('>= 4.4.0')
+if not have_bash
+ error('bash >= 4.4.0 is required for pacman scripts.')
+bashcompletion = dependency('bash-completion', required : false)
+if bashcompletion.found()
+ BASHCOMPDIR = bashcompletion.get_pkgconfig_variable('completionsdir')
+ BASHCOMPDIR = join_paths(DATAROOTDIR, 'bash-completion/completions')
+if get_option('use-git-version')
+ PACKAGE_VERSION = run_command(
+ find_program('git'),
+ 'describe',
+ '--abbrev=4',
+ '--dirty').stdout().strip().strip('v')
+ PACKAGE_VERSION = meson.project_version()
+conf = configuration_data()
+conf.set('_GNU_SOURCE', true)
+conf.set_quoted('PACKAGE', meson.project_name())
+conf.set_quoted('LOCALEDIR', LOCALEDIR)
+conf.set_quoted('SCRIPTLET_SHELL', get_option('scriptlet-shell'))
+conf.set_quoted('LDCONFIG', LDCONFIG)
+conf.set_quoted('LIB_VERSION', meson.project_version())
+conf.set_quoted('SYSHOOKDIR', join_paths(DATAROOTDIR, 'libalpm/hooks/'))
+conf.set_quoted('CONFFILE', join_paths(SYSCONFDIR, 'pacman.conf'))
+conf.set_quoted('DBPATH', join_paths(LOCALSTATEDIR, 'lib/pacman'))
+conf.set_quoted('GPGDIR', join_paths(SYSCONFDIR, 'pacman.d/gnupg'))
+conf.set_quoted('LOGFILE', join_paths(LOCALSTATEDIR, 'log/pacman.log'))
+conf.set_quoted('CACHEDIR', join_paths(LOCALSTATEDIR, 'cache/pacman/pkg'))
+conf.set_quoted('HOOKDIR', join_paths(SYSCONFDIR, 'pacman.d/hooks/'))
+conf.set_quoted('ROOTDIR', ROOTDIR)
+if get_option('i18n')
+ if not cc.has_function('ngettext')
+ error('ngettext not found but NLS support requested')
+ endif
+ conf.set('ENABLE_NLS', 1)
+# dependencies
+libarchive = dependency('libarchive',
+ version : '>=3.0.0',
+ static : get_option('buildstatic'))
+libcurl = dependency('libcurl',
+ version : '>=7.32.0',
+ required : get_option('curl'),
+ static : get_option('buildstatic'))
+conf.set('HAVE_LIBCURL', libcurl.found())
+want_gpgme = get_option('gpgme')
+gpgme_config = find_program('gpgme-config', required : want_gpgme)
+if not want_gpgme.disabled() and gpgme_config.found()
+ gpgme_version = run_command(gpgme_config, '--version').stdout().strip()
+ needed_gpgme_version = '>=1.3.0'
+ have = gpgme_version.version_compare(needed_gpgme_version)
+ if want_gpgme.enabled() and not have
+ error('gpgme @0@ is needed for GPG signature support'.format(needed_gpgme_version))
+ endif
+ gpgme_libs = [
+ cc.find_library('gpgme', required : have,
+ dirs : [get_option('gpgme-libdir')]),
+ cc.find_library('gpg-error', required : have,
+ dirs : [get_option('gpgme-libdir')]),
+ cc.find_library('assuan', required : have,
+ dirs : [get_option('gpgme-libdir')]),
+ ]
+ conf.set('HAVE_LIBGPGME', have)
+ gpgme_libs = []
+ conf.set('HAVE_LIBGPGME', false)
+want_crypto = get_option('crypto')
+if want_crypto == 'openssl'
+ libcrypto = dependency('libcrypto', static : get_option('buildstatic'))
+ if not libcrypto.found()
+ error('openssl support requested but not found')
+ endif
+ crypto_provider = libcrypto
+ conf.set10('HAVE_LIBSSL', true)
+elif want_crypto == 'nettle'
+ libnettle = dependency('nettle', static : get_option('buildstatic'))
+ if not libnettle.found()
+ error('nettle support requested but not found')
+ endif
+ crypto_provider = libnettle
+ conf.set10('HAVE_LIBNETTLE', true)
+ error('unhandled crypto value @0@'.format(want_crypto))
+foreach header : [
+ 'mntent.h',
+ 'sys/mnttab.h',
+ 'sys/mount.h',
+ 'sys/param.h',
+ 'sys/statvfs.h',
+ 'sys/types.h',
+ 'sys/ucred.h',
+ 'termios.h',
+ ]
+ if cc.has_header(header)
+ conf.set('HAVE_' + header.underscorify().to_upper(), true)
+ endif
+foreach sym : [
+ 'dup2',
+ 'fork',
+ 'getcwd',
+ 'getmntent',
+ 'getmntinfo',
+ 'gettimeofday',
+ 'memmove',
+ 'memset',
+ 'mkdir',
+ 'realpath',
+ 'regcomp',
+ 'rmdir',
+ 'setenv',
+ 'setlocale',
+ 'strcasecmp',
+ 'strchr',
+ 'strcspn',
+ 'strdup',
+ 'strerror',
+ 'strndup',
+ 'strnlen',
+ 'strnlen',
+ 'strrchr',
+ 'strsep',
+ 'strsep',
+ 'strstr',
+ 'strtol',
+ 'swprintf',
+ 'tcflush',
+ 'tcflush',
+ 'uname',
+ 'wcwidth',
+ ]
+ have = cc.has_function(sym, args : '-D_GNU_SOURCE')
+ conf.set10('HAVE_' + sym.to_upper(), have)
+foreach member : [
+ ['struct stat', 'st_blksize', '''#include <sys/stat.h>'''],
+ ['struct statvfs', 'f_flag', '''#include <sys/statvfs.h>'''],
+ ['struct statfs', 'f_flags', '''#include <sys/param.h>
+ #include <sys/mount.h>'''],
+ ]
+ have = cc.has_member(member[0], member[1], prefix : member[2])
+ conf.set('HAVE_' + '_'.join([member[0], member[1]]).underscorify().to_upper(), have)
+ conf.set('FSSTATSTYPE', 'struct statvfs')
+elif conf.has('HAVE_STRUCT_STATFS_F_FLAGS')
+ conf.set('FSSTATSTYPE', 'struct statfs')
+if get_option('buildtype') == 'debug'
+ extra_cflags = [
+ '-Wcast-align',
+ '-Wclobbered',
+ '-Wempty-body',
+ '-Wfloat-equal',
+ '-Wformat-nonliteral',
+ '-Wformat-security',
+ '-Wignored-qualifiers',
+ '-Winit-self',
+ '-Wlogical-op',
+ '-Wmissing-declarations',
+ '-Wmissing-field-initializers',
+ '-Wmissing-parameter-type',
+ '-Wmissing-prototypes',
+ '-Wold-style-declaration',
+ '-Woverride-init',
+ '-Wpointer-arith',
+ '-Wredundant-decls',
+ '-Wshadow',
+ '-Wsign-compare',
+ '-Wstrict-aliasing',
+ '-Wstrict-overflow=5',
+ '-Wstrict-prototypes',
+ '-Wtype-limits',
+ '-Wuninitialized',
+ '-Wunused-but-set-parameter',
+ '-Wunused-parameter',
+ '-Wwrite-strings',
+ ]
+ add_project_arguments(cc.get_supported_arguments(extra_cflags), language : 'c')
+ conf.set('PACMAN_DEBUG', 1)
+config_h = configure_file(
+ output : 'config.h',
+ configuration : conf)
+add_project_arguments('-include', 'config.h', language : 'c')
+default_duflags = ' -sk --apparent-size'
+default_sedinplaceflags = ' --follow-symlinks -i'
+inodecmd = 'stat -c \'%i %n\''
+ownercmd = 'stat -c \'%u:%g\''
+modecmd = 'stat -c \'%a\''
+strip_binaries = '--strip-all'
+strip_shared = '--strip-unneeded'
+strip_static = '--strip-debug'
+os = host_machine.system()
+if os.startswith('darwin')
+ inodecmd = '/usr/bin/stat -f \'%i %n\''
+ ownercmd = '/usr/bin/stat -f \'%u:%g\''
+ modecmd = '/usr/bin/stat -f \'%lp\''
+ default_sedinplaceflags = ' -i \'\''
+ default_duflags = ' -sk'
+ strip_binaries = ''
+ strip_shared = '-s'
+ strip_static = '-s'
+elif os.contains('bsd') or os == 'dragonfly'
+ inodecmd = 'stat -f \'%i %n\''
+ ownercmd = 'stat -f \'%u:%g\''
+ modecmd = 'stat -f \'%lp\''
+ default_sedinplaceflags = ' -i \'\''
+ default_duflags = ' -sk'
+duflags = get_option('duflags')
+if duflags == 'autodetect'
+ duflags = default_duflags
+sedinplaceflags = get_option('sedinplaceflags')
+if sedinplaceflags == 'auto'
+ sedinplaceflags = default_sedinplaceflags
+chost = run_command(cc, '-dumpmachine').stdout().strip()
+carch = chost.split('-')[0]
+# annoyingly, we have to maintain two sets of configuration_data which is
+# largely identical, but which distinguishes between quoting needs.
+substs = configuration_data()
+substs.set('SED', SED.path())
+substs.set('M4', M4.path())
+substs.set('CARCH', carch)
+substs.set('CHOST', chost)
+substs.set('PKGEXT', get_option('pkg-ext'))
+substs.set('SRCEXT', get_option('src-ext'))
+substs.set('ROOTDIR', ROOTDIR)
+substs.set('sysconfdir', SYSCONFDIR)
+substs.set('localstatedir', LOCALSTATEDIR)
+substs.set('PREFIX', PREFIX)
+substs.set('BASH', BASH.path())
+substs.set('PACKAGE_NAME', meson.project_name())
+substs.set('TEMPLATE_DIR', get_option('makepkg-template-dir'))
+substs.set('DEBUGSUFFIX', get_option('debug-suffix'))
+substs.set('INODECMD', inodecmd)
+substs.set('OWNERCMD', ownercmd)
+substs.set('MODECMD', modecmd)
+substs.set('SEDINPLACEFLAGS', sedinplaceflags)
+substs.set('SEDPATH', SED.path())
+substs.set('DUFLAGS', duflags)
+substs.set('DUPATH', DU.path())
+substs.set('STRIP_BINARIES', strip_binaries)
+substs.set('STRIP_SHARED', strip_shared)
+substs.set('STRIP_STATIC', strip_static)
+# Internationalization
+if get_option('i18n')
+ i18n = import('i18n')
+ subdir('lib/libalpm/po')
+ subdir('src/pacman/po')
+ subdir('scripts/po')
+want_doc = get_option('doc')
+ASCIIDOC = find_program('asciidoc', required : want_doc)
+A2X = find_program('a2x', required : want_doc)
+build_doc = A2X.found() and not want_doc.disabled()
+if build_doc
+ subdir('doc')
+includes = include_directories('src/common', 'lib/libalpm')
+libcommon = static_library(
+ 'common',
+ libcommon_sources,
+ include_directories : includes,
+ install : false)
+libalpm = library(
+ 'alpm',
+ libalpm_sources,
+ version : libalpm_version,
+ include_directories : includes,
+ dependencies : [crypto_provider, libarchive, libcurl] + gpgme_libs,
+ link_with : [libcommon],
+ install : true)
+ 'lib/libalpm/alpm.h',
+ 'lib/libalpm/alpm_list.h')
+# TODO: libs.private seem quite wrong here
+pkgconfig = import('pkgconfig')
+ libalpm,
+ name : 'libalpm',
+ description : 'Arch Linux package management library',
+ version : libalpm_version,
+ url : '')
+pacman_bin = executable(
+ 'pacman',
+ pacman_sources,
+ include_directories : includes,
+ link_with : [libalpm, libcommon],
+ dependencies : [libarchive],
+ install : true,
+ 'pacman-conf',
+ pacman_conf_sources,
+ include_directories : includes,
+ link_with : [libalpm],
+ install : true,
+ 'cleanupdelta',
+ cleanupdelta_sources,
+ include_directories : includes,
+ link_with : [libalpm],
+ install : true,
+ 'testpkg',
+ testpkg_sources,
+ include_directories : includes,
+ link_with : [libalpm],
+ install : true,
+ 'vercmp',
+ vercmp_sources,
+ include_directories : includes,
+ link_with : [libalpm],
+ install : true,
+ input : 'etc/',
+ output : 'makepkg.conf',
+ configuration : substs,
+ install_dir : SYSCONFDIR)
+ input : 'etc/',
+ output : 'pacman.conf',
+ configuration : substs,
+ install_dir : SYSCONFDIR)
+ 'proto/PKGBUILD-split.proto',
+ 'proto/PKGBUILD-vcs.proto',
+ 'proto/PKGBUILD.proto',
+ 'proto/proto.install',
+ install_dir : join_paths(DATAROOTDIR, 'pacman'))
+TEST_ENV = environment()
+TEST_ENV.set('PMTEST_SCRIPTLIB_DIR', join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'scripts/library/'))
+TEST_ENV.set('PMTEST_LIBMAKEPKG_DIR', join_paths(meson.build_root(), 'scripts/libmakepkg/'))
+TEST_ENV.set('PMTEST_UTIL_DIR', meson.build_root() + '/')
+TEST_ENV.set('PMTEST_SCRIPT_DIR', join_paths(meson.build_root(), 'scripts/'))
+message('\n '.join([
+ '@0@ @1@'.format(meson.project_name(), meson.project_version()),
+ 'Build information:',
+ ' prefix : @0@'.format(PREFIX),
+ ' sysconfdir : @0@'.format(SYSCONFDIR),
+ ' conf file : @0@'.format(join_paths(SYSCONFDIR, 'pacman.conf')),
+ ' localstatedir : @0@'.format(LOCALSTATEDIR),
+ ' database dir : @0@'.format(join_paths(LOCALSTATEDIR, 'lib/pacman/')),
+ ' cache dir : @0@'.format(join_paths(LOCALSTATEDIR, 'cache/pacman/pkg/')),
+ ' compiler : @0@ @1@'.format(cc.get_id(), cc.version()),
+ '',
+ ' Architecture : @0@'.format(carch),
+ ' Host Type : @0@'.format(chost),
+ ' File inode command : @0@'.format(inodecmd),
+ ' File owner command : @0@'.format(ownercmd),
+ ' File mode command : @0@'.format(modecmd),
+ ' Directory size command : @0@ @1@'.format(DU.path(), duflags),
+ ' In-place sed command : @0@ @1@'.format(SED.path(), sedinplaceflags),
+ ' libalpm version : @0@'.format(libalpm_version),
+ ' pacman version : @0@'.format(PACKAGE_VERSION),
+ '',
+ 'Directory and file information:',
+ ' root working directory : @0@'.format(ROOTDIR),
+ ' package extension : @0@'.format(get_option('pkg-ext')),
+ ' source pkg extension : @0@'.format(get_option('src-ext')),
+ ' build script name : @0@'.format(BUILDSCRIPT),
+ ' template directory : @0@'.format(get_option('makepkg-template-dir')),
+ '',
+ 'Compilation options:',
+ ' i18n support : @0@'.format(get_option('i18n')),
+ ' Build docs : @0@'.format(build_doc),
+ ' debug build : @0@'.format(get_option('buildtype') == 'debug'),
+ ' Use libcurl : @0@'.format(conf.get('HAVE_LIBCURL')),
+ ' Use GPGME : @0@'.format(conf.get('HAVE_LIBGPGME')),
+ ' Use OpenSSL : @0@'.format(conf.has('HAVE_LIBSSL') and
+ conf.get('HAVE_LIBSSL') == 1),
+ ' Use nettle : @0@'.format(conf.has('HAVE_LIBNETTLE') and
+ conf.get('HAVE_LIBNETTLE') == 1),
+ '',
diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..422a9ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson_options.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# build behavior
+option('use-git-version', type : 'boolean', value : false,
+ description : 'take version information from git')
+option('buildstatic', type : 'boolean', value : false,
+ description : 'if true, build staticly linked binaries')
+# directories and filenames
+option('root-dir', type : 'string', value : '/',
+ description : 'set the location of the root operating directory')
+option('pkg-ext', type : 'string', value : '.pkg.tar.gz',
+ description : 'set the file extension used by packages')
+option('src-ext', type : 'string', value : '.src.tar.gz',
+ description : 'set the file extension used by source packages')
+option('scriptlet-shell', type : 'string', value : '/bin/sh',
+ description : 'The full path of the shell used to run install scriptlets')
+option('ldconfig', type : 'string', value : '/sbin/ldconfig',
+ description : 'set the full path to ldconfig')
+option('buildscript', type : 'string', value : 'PKGBUILD',
+ description : 'set the build script name used by makepkg')
+option('datarootdir', type : 'string', value : 'share',
+ description : 'FIXME')
+option('makepkg-template-dir', type : 'string', value : '/usr/share/makepkg-template',
+ description : 'template dir used by makepkg-template')
+option('debug-suffix', type : 'string', value : 'debug',
+ description : 'suffix for split debugging symbol packages used by makepkg')
+# dependencies, features
+option('doc', type : 'feature', value : 'auto',
+ description : 'generate docs and manpages')
+option('doxygen', type : 'feature', value : 'disabled',
+ description : 'generate doxygen manpages and html')
+option('curl', type : 'feature', value : 'auto',
+ description : 'use curl to download files')
+option('crypto', type : 'combo', choices : ['openssl', 'nettle'],
+ description : 'select crypto implementation')
+option('gpgme', type : 'feature', value : 'auto',
+ description : 'use GPGME for PGP signature verification')
+option('gpgme-libdir', type : 'string', value : '/usr/lib',
+ description : 'search directory for gpgme libraries.')
+option('i18n', type : 'boolean', value : true,
+ description : 'enable localization of pacman, libalpm and scripts')
+# tools
+option('duflags', type : 'string', value : 'autodetect',
+ description : 'flags to pass to du to measure file size')
+option('sedinplaceflags', type : 'string', value : 'auto',
+ description : 'flags to pass to sed to edit a file in-place')
diff --git a/scripts/libmakepkg/integrity/ b/scripts/libmakepkg/integrity/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9aa9061c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/libmakepkg/integrity/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+libmakepkg_module = 'integrity'
+sources = [
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+foreach src : sources
+ output_dir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'makepkg', libmakepkg_module)
+ custom_target(
+ libmakepkg_module + '_' + src.underscorify(),
+ command : [ SCRIPT_EDITOR, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@' ],
+ input : src,
+ output : '@BASENAME@',
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : output_dir)
diff --git a/scripts/libmakepkg/lint_config/ b/scripts/libmakepkg/lint_config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..884d63d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/libmakepkg/lint_config/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+libmakepkg_module = 'lint_config'
+sources = [
+ '',
+ '',
+foreach src : sources
+ output_dir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'makepkg', libmakepkg_module)
+ custom_target(
+ libmakepkg_module + '_' + src.underscorify(),
+ command : [ SCRIPT_EDITOR, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@' ],
+ input : src,
+ output : '@BASENAME@',
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : output_dir)
diff --git a/scripts/libmakepkg/lint_package/ b/scripts/libmakepkg/lint_package/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8eb1aaf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/libmakepkg/lint_package/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+libmakepkg_module = 'lint_package'
+sources = [
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+foreach src : sources
+ output_dir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'makepkg', libmakepkg_module)
+ custom_target(
+ libmakepkg_module + '_' + src.underscorify(),
+ command : [ SCRIPT_EDITOR, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@' ],
+ input : src,
+ output : '@BASENAME@',
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : output_dir)
diff --git a/scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/ b/scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9067c9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+libmakepkg_module = 'lint_pkgbuild'
+sources = [
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+foreach src : sources
+ output_dir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'makepkg', libmakepkg_module)
+ custom_target(
+ libmakepkg_module + '_' + src.underscorify(),
+ command : [ SCRIPT_EDITOR, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@' ],
+ input : src,
+ output : '@BASENAME@',
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : output_dir)
diff --git a/scripts/libmakepkg/ b/scripts/libmakepkg/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07475b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/libmakepkg/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+libmakepkg_modules = [
+ { 'name' : 'integrity', 'has_subdir' : true },
+ { 'name' : 'lint_config', 'has_subdir' : true },
+ { 'name' : 'lint_package', 'has_subdir' : true },
+ { 'name' : 'lint_pkgbuild', 'has_subdir' : true },
+ { 'name' : 'source', 'has_subdir' : true },
+ { 'name' : 'srcinfo', },
+ { 'name' : 'tidy', 'has_subdir' : true },
+ { 'name' : 'util', 'has_subdir' : true },
+mkdir_p = 'mkdir -p $DESTDIR/@0@'
+foreach module : libmakepkg_modules
+ custom_target(
+ 'libmakepkg_@0@'.format(module['name']),
+ command : [ SCRIPT_EDITOR, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@' ],
+ input : ''.format(module['name']),
+ output : '@BASENAME@',
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'makepkg'))
+ if module.get('has_subdir', false)
+ subdir(module['name'])
+ path = join_paths(get_option('prefix'),
+ get_option('datadir'),
+ 'makepkg',
+ module['name'])
+ meson.add_install_script('sh', '-c', mkdir_p.format(path))
+ endif
diff --git a/scripts/libmakepkg/source/ b/scripts/libmakepkg/source/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59326133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/libmakepkg/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+libmakepkg_module = 'source'
+sources = [
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+foreach src : sources
+ output_dir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'makepkg', libmakepkg_module)
+ custom_target(
+ libmakepkg_module + '_' + src.underscorify(),
+ command : [ SCRIPT_EDITOR, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@' ],
+ input : src,
+ output : '@BASENAME@',
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : output_dir)
diff --git a/scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/ b/scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..052ac7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+libmakepkg_module = 'tidy'
+sources = [
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+foreach src : sources
+ output_dir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'makepkg', libmakepkg_module)
+ custom_target(
+ libmakepkg_module + '_' + src.underscorify(),
+ command : [ SCRIPT_EDITOR, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@' ],
+ input : src,
+ output : '@BASENAME@',
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : output_dir)
diff --git a/scripts/libmakepkg/util/ b/scripts/libmakepkg/util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0e829c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/libmakepkg/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+libmakepkg_module = 'util'
+sources = [
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+foreach src : sources
+ output_dir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'makepkg', libmakepkg_module)
+ custom_target(
+ libmakepkg_module + '_' + src.underscorify(),
+ command : [ SCRIPT_EDITOR, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@' ],
+ input : src,
+ output : '@BASENAME@',
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : output_dir)
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1fe3fb78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+scripts = [
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ''
+library_files = [
+ 'library/',
+ 'library/',
+SCRIPT_EDITOR = find_program(configure_file(
+ input : join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'build-aux/'),
+ output : '',
+ configuration : substs))
+m4_edit = generator(
+ M4,
+ arguments : ['-P', '-I', meson.current_source_dir(), '@INPUT@'],
+ output : '@PLAINNAME@',
+ capture : true)
+foreach script : scripts
+ custom_target(
+ script,
+ input : m4_edit.process(script),
+ command : [ SCRIPT_EDITOR, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', '0755'],
+ output : script.split('.')[0],
+ depend_files : library_files,
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : get_option('bindir'))
+foreach symlink : ['repo-remove', 'repo-elephant']
+ meson.add_install_script(MESON_MAKE_SYMLINK,
+ 'repo-add',
+ join_paths(BINDIR, symlink))
+ 'bash_completion',
+ command : [ SCRIPT_EDITOR, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@' ],
+ input : 'completion/',
+ output : 'pacman',
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : BASHCOMPDIR)
+foreach symlink : ['pacman-key', 'makepkg']
+ meson.add_install_script(MESON_MAKE_SYMLINK,
+ 'pacman',
+ join_paths(BASHCOMPDIR, symlink))
+zsh_completion_dir = join_paths(DATAROOTDIR, 'zsh/site-functions')
+ 'zsh_completion',
+ command : [ SCRIPT_EDITOR, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@' ],
+ input : 'completion/',
+ output : '_pacman',
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : zsh_completion_dir)
diff --git a/scripts/po/ b/scripts/po/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8b8c51c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/po/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ 'pacman-scripts',
+ args : [
+ '--directory=@0@'.format(meson.current_source_dir()),
+ '--msgid-bugs-address=',
+ '--copyright-holder="Pacman Development Team <>"',
+ '--language', 'shell',
+ '--keyword=_',
+ '--flag=_:1:c-format',
+ '--keyword=_n:1,2',
+ '--flag=_n:1:c-format',
+ '--flag=_n:2:c-format',
+ ])
diff --git a/src/common/ b/src/common/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1443be3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+libcommon_sources = files('''
+ ini.c ini.h
+ util-common.c util-common.h
diff --git a/src/pacman/ b/src/pacman/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6926f676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pacman/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+pacman_sources = files('''
+ check.h check.c
+ conf.h conf.c
+ database.c
+ deptest.c
+ files.c
+ package.h package.c
+ pacman.h pacman.c
+ query.c
+ remove.c
+ sighandler.h sighandler.c
+ sync.c
+ callback.h callback.c
+ upgrade.c
+ util.h util.c
+pacman_conf_sources = files('''
+ pacman-conf.c
+ util.h util.c
+ callback.h callback.c
+ conf.h conf.c
diff --git a/src/pacman/po/ b/src/pacman/po/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb45fa1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pacman/po/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ 'pacman',
+ args : [
+ '--directory=@0@'.format(meson.current_source_dir()),
+ '--msgid-bugs-address=',
+ '--copyright-holder="Pacman Development Team <>"',
+ '--language', 'c',
+ '--keyword=_',
+ '--flag=_:1:c-format',
+ '--keyword=_n:1,2',
+ '--flag=_n:1:c-format',
+ '--flag=_n:2:c-format',
+ ])
diff --git a/src/util/ b/src/util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc219670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+cleanupdelta_sources = files('cleanupdelta.c')
+testpkg_sources = files('testpkg.c')
+vercmp_sources = files('vercmp.c')
diff --git a/test/pacman/ b/test/pacman/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbdb429e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pacman/
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+pacman_tests = [
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/',
+ 'should_fail': true },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/',
+ # expect failure on 32 bit machines
+ 'should_fail': cc.sizeof('ssize_t') < 8 },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/',
+ 'should_fail': true },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/',
+ 'should_fail': true },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/',
+ 'should_fail': true },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/',
+ 'should_fail': true },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/',
+ 'should_fail': true },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+ { 'name': 'tests/' },
+foreach testobj : pacman_tests
+ input = testobj.get('name')
+ test_name = input.split('/')[1]
+ should_fail = testobj.get('should_fail', false)
+ test(
+ test_name,
+ args : [
+ join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'build-aux/'),
+ join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), ''),
+ '--scriptlet-shell', get_option('scriptlet-shell'),
+ '--bindir', meson.build_root(),
+ '--ldconfig', LDCONFIG,
+ '--verbose',
+ join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), input)
+ ],
+ depends : [pacman_bin],
+ should_fail : should_fail)
diff --git a/test/scripts/ b/test/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0bdbfb2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+tests = [
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+foreach tst : tests
+ test(tst,
+ env : TEST_ENV,
+ args : [
+ join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'build-aux/'),
+ join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), tst),
+ ])
diff --git a/test/util/ b/test/util/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07b29e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ env : TEST_ENV,
+ args : [
+ join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), '')
+ ])