path: root/lib/Smokeping/probes/
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authorNiko Tyni <>2005-02-13 20:23:04 +0100
committerNiko Tyni <>2005-02-13 20:23:04 +0100
commit6d76521656e91daa160bc8019828f1b68d7aa5dc (patch)
treeaaa27615a0702942fa1606d9a5c89f0a3547467c /lib/Smokeping/probes/
parent6dba1afbe4b475a7d34f5ef867b7b37291cd1484 (diff)
Moved probes, matchers and ciscoRttMonMIB modules to lib/Smokeping.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Smokeping/probes/')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Smokeping/probes/ b/lib/Smokeping/probes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4324e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Smokeping/probes/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+package Smokeping::probes::basefork;
+=head1 301 Moved Permanently
+This is a Smokeping probe module. Please use the command
+C<smokeping -man Smokeping::probes::basefork>
+to view the documentation or the command
+C<smokeping -makepod Smokeping::probes::basefork>
+to generate the POD document.
+use strict;
+use base qw(Smokeping::probes::basevars);
+use Symbol;
+use Carp;
+use IO::Select;
+use POSIX; # for ceil() and floor()
+use Config; # for signal names
+sub pod_hash {
+ return {
+ name => <<DOC,
+Smokeping::probes::basefork - Yet Another Base Class for implementing SmokePing Probes
+ overview => <<DOC,
+Like Smokeping::probes::basevars, but supports the probe-specific property `forks'
+to determine how many processes should be run concurrently. The
+targets are pinged one at a time, and the number of pings sent can vary
+between targets.
+ description => <<DOC,
+Not all pinger programs support testing multiple hosts in a single go like
+fping(1). If the measurement takes long enough, there may be not enough time
+perform all the tests in the time available. For example, if the test takes
+30 seconds, measuring ten hosts already fills up the SmokePing default
+five minute step.
+Thus, it may be necessary to do some of the tests concurrently. This module
+defines the B<ping> method that forks the requested number of concurrent
+processes and calls the B<pingone> method that derived classes must provide.
+The B<pingone> method is called with one argument: a hash containing
+the target that is to be measured. The contents of the hash are
+described in I<Smokeping::probes::basevars>(3pm).
+The number of concurrent processes is determined by the probe-specific
+variable `forks' and is $DEFAULTFORKS by default. If there are more
+targets than this value, another round of forks is done after the first
+processes are finished. This continues until all the targets have been
+The timeout in which each child has to finish is set to 5 seconds
+multiplied by the maximum number of 'pings' of the targets. You can set
+the base timeout differently if you want to, using the timeout property
+of the probe in the master config file (this again will be multiplied
+by the maximum number of pings). The probe itself can also provide
+another default value if desired by modifying the _default value of
+the timeout variable.
+If the child isn't finished when the timeout occurs, it
+will be killed along with any processes it has started.
+The number of pings sent can be specified in the target-specific variable
+ authors => <<'DOC',
+Niko Tyni <>
+ see_also => <<DOC,
+Smokeping::probes::basevars(3pm), Smokeping::probes::EchoPing(3pm)
+ }
+my %signo;
+my @signame;
+ # from perlipc man page
+ my $i = 0;
+ defined $Config{sig_name} || die "No sigs?";
+ foreach my $name (split(' ', $Config{sig_name})) {
+ $signo{$name} = $i;
+ $signame[$i] = $name;
+ $i++;
+ }
+die("Missing TERM signal?") unless exists $signo{TERM};
+die("Missing KILL signal?") unless exists $signo{KILL};
+sub pingone {
+ croak "pingone: this must be overridden by the subclass";
+sub probevars {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $h = $class->SUPER::probevars;
+ delete $h->{pings};
+ return $class->_makevars($h, {
+ forks => {
+ _re => '\d+',
+ _example => 5,
+ _doc => "Run this many concurrent processes at maximum",
+ _default => $DEFAULTFORKS,
+ },
+ timeout => {
+ _re => '\d+',
+ _example => 15,
+ _default => 5,
+ _doc => "How long a single 'ping' takes at maximum",
+ },
+ });
+sub targetvars {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return $class->_makevars($class->SUPER::targetvars, {
+ pings => {
+ _re => '\d+',
+ _example => 5,
+ _doc => <<DOC,
+How many pings should be sent to each target, if different from the global
+value specified in the Database section. Note that the number of pings in
+the RRD files is fixed when they are originally generated, and if you
+change this parameter afterwards, you'll have to delete the old RRD
+files or somehow convert them.
+ },
+ });
+sub ping {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @targets = @{$self->targets};
+ return unless @targets;
+ my $forks = $self->{properties}{forks};
+ my $maxpings = 0;
+ my $maxtimeout = $self->{properties}{timeout};
+ for (@targets) {
+ my $p = $self->pings($_);
+ $maxpings = $p if $p > $maxpings;
+ # some probes have a target-specific timeout variable
+ # dig out the maximum timeout
+ my $t = $_->{vars}{timeout};
+ $maxtimeout = $t if $t > $maxtimeout;
+ }
+ # we add 1 so that the probes doing their own timeout handling
+ # have time to do it even in the worst case
+ my $timeout = $maxpings * $maxtimeout + 1;
+ $self->{rtts}={};
+ $self->do_debug("forks $forks, timeout for each target $timeout");
+ while (@targets) {
+ my %targetlookup;
+ my %pidlookup;
+ my $s = IO::Select->new();
+ my $starttime = time();
+ for (1..$forks) {
+ last unless @targets;
+ my $t = pop @targets;
+ my $pid;
+ my $handle = gensym;
+ my $sleep_count = 0;
+ do {
+ $pid = open($handle, "-|");
+ unless (defined $pid) {
+ $self->do_log("cannot fork: $!");
+ $self->fatal("bailing out")
+ if $sleep_count++ > 6;
+ sleep 10;
+ }
+ } until defined $pid;
+ if ($pid) { #parent
+ $s->add($handle);
+ $targetlookup{$handle} = $t;
+ $pidlookup{$handle} = $pid;
+ } else { #child
+ # we detach from the parent's process group
+ setpgrp(0, $$);
+ my @times = $self->pingone($t);
+ print join(" ", @times), "\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ my $timeleft = $timeout - (time() - $starttime);
+ while ($s->handles and $timeleft > 0) {
+ for my $ready ($s->can_read($timeleft)) {
+ $s->remove($ready);
+ my $response = <$ready>;
+ close $ready;
+ chomp $response;
+ my @times = split(/ /, $response);
+ my $target = $targetlookup{$ready};
+ my $tree = $target->{tree};
+ $self->{rtts}{$tree} = \@times;
+ $self->do_debug("$target->{addr}: got $response");
+ }
+ $timeleft = $timeout - (time() - $starttime);
+ }
+ my @left = $s->handles;
+ for my $handle (@left) {
+ $self->do_log("$targetlookup{$handle}{addr}: timeout ($timeout s) reached, killing the probe.");
+ # we kill the child's process group (negative signal)
+ # this should finish off the actual pinger process as well
+ my $pid = $pidlookup{$handle};
+ kill -$signo{TERM}, $pid;
+ sleep 1;
+ kill -$signo{KILL}, $pid;
+ close $handle;
+ $s->remove($handle);
+ }
+ }
+# the "private" method that takes a "tree" argument is used by
+sub _pings {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $tree = shift;
+ my $vars = $self->vars($tree);
+ return $vars->{pings} if defined $vars->{pings};
+ return $self->SUPER::pings();
+# the "public" method that takes a "target" argument is used by the probes
+sub pings {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $target = shift;
+ return $self->SUPER::pings() unless ref $target;
+ return $self->_pings($target->{tree});
+sub ProbeDesc {
+ return "Probe that can fork and doesn't override the ProbeDesc method";
+sub pod_variables {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $pod = $class->SUPER::pod_variables;
+ my $targetvars = $class->targetvars;
+ $pod .= "Supported target-specific variables:\n\n";
+ $pod .= $class->_pod_variables($targetvars);
+ return $pod;