path: root/lib/probes/
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1 files changed, 289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/probes/ b/lib/probes/
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+++ b/lib/probes/
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+package probes::CiscoRTTMonEchoICMP;
+# please use
+# pod2man | nroff -man | more
+# to view the manpage of this document
+=head1 NAME
+probes::CiscoRTTMonEchoICMP - Probe for SmokePing
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ *** Probes ***
+ + CiscoRTTMonEchoICMP
+ + forks=50
+ *** Targets ***
+ + MyRouter-PingVictim
+ menu = MyRouter->PingVictim
+ title = RTTMon ping from MyRouter to PingVictim
+ host =
+ ioshost =
+ iosint =
+ packetsize = 1024
+ tos = 160
+A probe for smokeping, which uses the ciscoRttMon MIB functionality ("Service Assurance Agent", "SAA") of Cisco IOS to measure ICMP echo ("ping") roundtrip times between a Cisco router and any IP address.
+The (mandatory) host parameter specifies the IP host, which will be pinged by the router. This can be a DNS name, the smokeping host can resolve or a dotted-quad IP address.
+The (mandatory) ioshost parameter specifies the Cisco router, which will execute the pings, as well as the SNMP community string on the router.
+The (optional) packetsize parameter lets you configure the packetsize for the pings sent. The minimum is 8, the maximum 16392. Use the same number as with fping, if you want the same packet sizes being used on the network. Please note that the packesize must be specified under PROBE_CONF, all other definitions will be ignored. Default is 56 bytes.
+The (optional) iosint parameter is the source address for the pings sent. This should be one of the active (!) IP addresses of the router to get results. IOS looks up the target host address in the forwarding table and then uses the interface(s) listed there to send the ping packets. By default IOS uses the (primary) IP address on the sending interface as source address for a ping. The RTTMon MIB versions before IOS 12.0(3)T didn't support this parameter.
+The (optional) tos parameter specifies the value of the ToS byte in the IP header of the pings. Multiply DSCP values times 4 and Precedence values times 32 to calculate the ToS values to configure, e.g. ToS 160 corresponds to a DSCP value 40 and a Precedence value of 5. The RTTMon MIB versions before IOS 12.0(3)T didn't support this parameter.
+It is highly recommended to use this probe with routers running IOS 12.0(3)T or higher and to test it on less critical routers first. I managed to crash a router with 12.0(9) quite consistently ( in IOS lingo 12.0(9) is older code than 12.0(3)T ). I did not observe crashes on higher IOS releases, but messages on the router like the one below, when multiple processes concurrently accessed the same router (this case was IOS 12.1(12b) ):
+Aug 20 07:30:14: %RTT-3-SemaphoreBadUnlock: %RTR: Attempt to unlock semaphore by wrong RTR process 70, locked by 78
+Aug 20 07:35:15: %RTT-3-SemaphoreInUse: %RTR: Could not obtain a lock for RTR. Process 80
+To install this probe copy files to ($SMOKEPINGINSTALLDIR)/lib and to ($SMOKEPINGINSTALLDIR)/lib/probes. V0.97 or higher of Simon Leinen's is required.
+The router(s) must be configured to allow read/write SNMP access. Sufficient is:
+ snmp-server community RTTCommunity RW
+If you want to be a bit more restrictive with SNMP write access to the router, then consider configuring something like this
+ access-list 2 permit
+ snmp-server view RttMon ciscoRttMonMIB included
+ snmp-server community RTTCommunity view RttMon RW 2
+The above configuration grants SNMP read-write only to (the smokeping host) and only to the ciscoRttMon MIB tree. The probe does not need access to SNMP variables outside the RttMon tree.
+=head1 BUGS
+The probe sends unnecessary pings, i.e. more than configured in the "pings" variable, because the RTTMon MIB only allows to set a total time for all pings in one measurement run (one "life"). Currently the probe sets the life duration to "pings"*2+3 seconds (2 secs is the ping timeout value hardcoded into this probe).
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+The best source for background info on SAA is Cisco's documentation on and the CISCO-RTTMON-MIB documentation, which is available at:
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joerg.Kummer at
+use strict;
+use base qw(probes::basefork);
+use Symbol;
+use Carp;
+use BER;
+use SNMP_Session;
+use SNMP_util "0.97";
+use ciscoRttMonMIB "0.2";
+my $pingtimeout =2;
+sub new($$$)
+ my $proto = shift;
+ my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ # no need for this if we run as a cgi
+ unless ( $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} ) {
+ $self->{pingfactor} = 1000;
+ };
+ return $self;
+sub ProbeDesc($){
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $bytes = $self->{properties}{packetsize} || 56;
+ return "CiscoRTTMonEchoICMP ($bytes Bytes)";
+sub pingone ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $target = shift;
+ croak ("please define 'ioshost' under the PROBE_CONF section of your target\n")
+ unless defined $target->{vars}{ioshost} ;
+ my $pings = $self->pings($target) || 20;
+ my $tos = $target->{vars}{tos} || 0;
+ my $bytes = $target->{vars}{packetsize} || 56;
+ # use the proces ID as as row number to make this poll distinct on the router;
+ my $row=$$;
+ if (defined
+ StartRttMibEcho($target->{vars}{ioshost}.":::::2", $target->{addr},
+ $bytes, $pings, $target->{vars}{iosint}, $tos, $row))
+ {
+ # wait for the series to finish
+ sleep ($pings*$pingtimeout+5);
+ if (my @times=FillTimesFromHistoryTable($target->{vars}{ioshost}.":::::2", $pings, $row)){
+ DestroyData ($target->{vars}{ioshost}.":::::2", $row);
+ return @times;
+ }
+ else {
+ return();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return ();
+ }
+sub StartRttMibEcho ($$$$$$){
+ my ($host, $target, $size, $pings, $sourceip, $tos, $row) = @_;
+ # resolve the target name and encode its IP address
+ $_=$target;
+ if (!/^([0-9]|\.)+/) {
+ (my $name, my $aliases, my $addrtype, my $length, my @addrs) = gethostbyname ($target);
+ $target=join('.',(unpack("C4",$addrs[0])));
+ }
+ my @octets=split(/\./,$target);
+ my $encoded_target= pack ("CCCC", @octets);
+ # resolve the source name and encode its IP address
+ my $encoded_source = undef;
+ if (defined $sourceip) {
+ $_=$sourceip;
+ if (!/^([0-9]|\.)+/) {
+ (my $name, my $aliases, my $addrtype, my $length, my @addrs) = gethostbyname ($sourceip);
+ $sourceip=join('.',(unpack("C4",$addrs[0])));
+ }
+ my @octets=split(/\./,$sourceip);
+ $encoded_source= pack ("CCCC", @octets);
+ }
+ #############################################################
+ # rttMonCtrlAdminStatus - 1:active 2:notInService 3:notReady 4:createAndGo 5:createAndWait 6:destroy
+ #delete data from former measurements
+ #return undef unless defined
+ # &snmpset($host, "rttMonCtrlAdminStatus.$row",'integer', 6);
+ #############################################################
+ # Check RTTMon version and supported protocols
+ $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings = 10; # be silent
+ (my $version)=&snmpget ($host, "rttMonApplVersion");
+ if (! defined $version ) {
+ Smokeping::do_log ("$host doesn't support or allow RTTMon !\n");
+ return undef;
+ }
+ Smokeping::do_log ("$host supports $version\n");
+ $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings = 0; # report errors
+ # echo(1), pathEcho(2), fileIO(3), script(4), udpEcho(5), tcpConnect(6), http(7),
+ # dns(8), jitter(9), dlsw(10), dhcp(11), ftp(12)
+ my $udpEchoSupported=0==1;
+ snmpmaptable ($host,
+ sub () {
+ my ($proto, $supported) = @_;
+ # 1 is true , 2 is false
+ $udpEchoSupported=0==0 if ($proto==5 && $supported==1);
+ },
+ "rttMonApplSupportedRttTypesValid");
+ #############################################################
+ #setup the new data row
+ my @params=();
+ push @params,
+ "rttMonCtrlAdminStatus.$row", 'integer', 5,
+ "rttMonCtrlAdminRttType.$row", 'integer', 1,
+ "rttMonEchoAdminProtocol.$row", 'integer', 2,
+ "rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress.$row", 'octetstring', $encoded_target,
+ "rttMonCtrlAdminTimeout.$row", 'integer', $pingtimeout*1000,
+ "rttMonCtrlAdminFrequency.$row", 'integer', $pingtimeout,
+ "rttMonHistoryAdminNumBuckets.$row", 'integer', $pings,
+ "rttMonHistoryAdminNumLives.$row", 'integer', 1,
+ "rttMonHistoryAdminFilter.$row", 'integer', 2,
+ "rttMonEchoAdminPktDataRequestSize.$row",'integer', $size-8,
+ "rttMonScheduleAdminRttStartTime.$row", 'timeticks', 1,
+ "rttMonScheduleAdminRttLife.$row", 'integer', $pings*$pingtimeout+3,
+ "rttMonScheduleAdminConceptRowAgeout.$row",'integer', 60;
+ # with udpEcho support (>= 12.0(3)T ) the ICMP ping support was enhanced in the RTTMon SW - we are
+ # NOT using udpEcho, but echo (ICMP echo, ping)
+ if ($udpEchoSupported) {
+ push @params, "rttMonEchoAdminTOS.$row", 'integer', $tos;
+ push @params, "rttMonCtrlAdminNvgen.$row", 'integer', 2;
+ # the router (or this script) doesn't check whether the IP address is one of
+ # the router's IP address, i.e. the router might send packets, but never
+ # gets ping replies..
+ if (defined $sourceip) {
+ push @params, "rttMonEchoAdminSourceAddress.$row", 'octetstring', $encoded_source;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Smokeping::do_log ("Warning this host does not support ToS or iosint\n");
+ }
+ return undef unless defined
+ &snmpset($host, @params);
+ #############################################################
+ # and go !
+ return undef unless defined
+ &snmpset($host, "rttMonCtrlAdminStatus.$row",'integer',1);
+ return 1;
+# RttResponseSense values
+# 1:ok 2:disconnected 3:overThreshold 4:timeout 5:busy 6:notConnected 7:dropped 8:sequenceError
+# 9:verifyError 10:applicationSpecific 11:dnsServerTimeout 12:tcpConnectTimeout 13:httpTransactionTimeout
+#14:dnsQueryError 15:httpError 16:error
+sub FillTimesFromHistoryTable($$$$) {
+ my ($host, $pings, $row) = @_;
+ my @times;
+ # snmpmaptable walks two tables (of equal size)
+ # - "rttMonHistoryCollectionCompletionTime.$row",
+ # - "rttMonHistoryCollectionSense.$row"
+ # The code in the sub() argument is executed for each index value snmptable walks
+ snmpmaptable ($host,
+ sub () {
+ my ($index, $rtt, $status) = @_;
+ push @times, (sprintf ("%.10e", $rtt/1000))
+ if ($status==1);
+ },
+ "rttMonHistoryCollectionCompletionTime.$row",
+ "rttMonHistoryCollectionSense.$row");
+ return sort { $a <=> $b } @times;
+sub DestroyData ($$) {
+ my ($host, $row) = @_;
+ &snmpset($host, "rttMonCtrlOperState.$row", 'integer', 3);
+ &snmpset($host, "rttMonCtrlAdminStatus.$row", 'integer', 2);
+ #delete any old config
+ &snmpset($host, "rttMonCtrlAdminStatus.$row", 'integer', 6);