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diff --git a/lib/Smokeping/probes/ b/lib/Smokeping/probes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce741f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Smokeping/probes/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+package Smokeping::probes::OpenSSHJunoOSPing;
+=head1 301 Moved Permanently
+This is a Smokeping probe module. Please use the command
+C<smokeping -man Smokeping::probes::TelnetJunOSPing>
+to view the documentation or the command
+C<smokeping -makepod Smokeping::probes::TelnetJunOSPing>
+to generate the POD document.
+use strict;
+use base qw(Smokeping::probes::basefork);
+use Net::OpenSSH;
+use Carp;
+my $e = "=";
+sub pod_hash {
+ return {
+ name => <<DOC,
+Smokeping::probes::OpenSSHJunoOSPing - Juniper SSH JunOS Probe for SmokePing
+ description => <<DOC,
+Connect to Juniper JunOS via OpenSSH to run ping commands.
+This probe uses the "extended ping" of the Juniper JunOS. You have
+the option to specify which interface the ping is sourced from as well.
+ notes => <<DOC,
+${e}head2 JunOS configuration
+The JunOS device should have a username/password configured, as well as
+the ability to connect to the VTY(s).
+Some JunOS devices have a maximum of 5 VTYs available, so be careful not
+to hit a limit with the 'forks' variable.
+${e}head2 Requirements
+This module requires the L<Net::OpenSSH> and L<IO::Pty>.
+ authors => <<'DOC',
+Tobias Oetiker L<lt>tobi@oetiker.chL<gt>
+based on L<Smokeping::probes::TelnetJunOSPing> by S H A N L<lt>shanali@yahoo.comL<gt>.
+ }
+sub new($$$)
+ my $proto = shift;
+ my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ # no need for this if we run as a cgi
+ unless ( $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} ) {
+ $self->{pingfactor} = 1000; # Gives us a good-guess default
+ print "### assuming you are using an JunOS reporting in miliseconds\n";
+ };
+ return $self;
+sub ProbeDesc($){
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $bytes = $self->{properties}{packetsize};
+ return "Juniper JunOS - ICMP Echo Pings ($bytes Bytes)";
+sub pingone ($$){
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $target = shift;
+ my $source = $target->{vars}{source};
+ my $dest = $target->{vars}{host};
+ my $psource = $target->{vars}{psource};
+ my @output = ();
+ my $login = $target->{vars}{junosuser};
+ my $password = $target->{vars}{junospass};
+ my $bytes = $self->{properties}{packetsize};
+ my $pings = $self->pings($target);
+ # do NOT call superclass ... the ping method MUST be overwriten
+ my %upd;
+ my @args = ();
+ my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new(
+ $source,
+ $login ? ( user => $login ) : (),
+ $password ? ( password => $password ) : (),
+ timeout => 60
+ );
+ if ($ssh->error) {
+ warn "OpenSSHJunoOSPing connecting $source: ".$ssh->error."\n";
+ return undef;
+ };
+ if ( $psource ) {
+ @output = $ssh->capture("ping $dest count $pings size $bytes source $psource");
+ } else {
+ @output = $ssh->capture("ping $dest count $pings size $bytes");
+ }
+ $ssh->system("quit");
+ my @times = ();
+ for (@output){
+ chomp;
+ /^\d+ bytes from $dest: icmp_seq=\d+ ttl=\d+ time=(\d+\.\d+) ms$/ and push @times,$1;
+ }
+ @times = map {sprintf "%.10e", $_ / $self->{pingfactor}} sort {$a <=> $b} @times;
+ return @times;
+sub probevars {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return $class->_makevars($class->SUPER::probevars, {
+ packetsize => {
+ _doc => <<DOC,
+The (optional) packetsize option lets you configure the packetsize for
+the pings sent.
+ _default => 100,
+ _re => '\d+',
+ _sub => sub {
+ my $val = shift;
+ return "ERROR: packetsize must be between 12 and 64000"
+ unless $val >= 12 and $val <= 64000;
+ return undef;
+ },
+ },
+ });
+sub targetvars {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return $class->_makevars($class->SUPER::targetvars, {
+ _mandatory => [ 'junosuser', 'junospass', 'source' ],
+ source => {
+ _doc => <<DOC,
+The source option specifies the JunOS device that is going to run the ping commands. This
+address will be used for the ssh connection.
+ _example => "",
+ },
+ psource => {
+ _doc => <<DOC,
+The (optional) psource option specifies an alternate IP address or
+Interface from which you wish to source your pings from. Routers
+can have many many IP addresses, and interfaces. When you ping from a
+router you have the ability to choose which interface and/or which IP
+address the ping is sourced from. Specifying an IP/interface does not
+necessarily specify the interface from which the ping will leave, but
+will specify which address the packet(s) appear to come from. If this
+option is left out the JunOS Device will source the packet automatically
+based on routing and/or metrics. If this doesn't make sense to you
+then just leave it out.
+ _example => "",
+ },
+ junosuser => {
+ _doc => <<DOC,
+The junosuser option allows you to specify a username that has ping
+capability on the JunOS Device.
+ _example => 'user',
+ },
+ junospass => {
+ _doc => <<DOC,
+The junospass option allows you to specify the password for the username
+specified with the option junosuser.
+ _example => 'password',
+ },
+ });