path: root/previous-versions/
diff options
authormpaperno <>2012-08-30 06:01:15 +0200
committermpaperno <>2012-08-30 06:01:15 +0200
commitc3c8a5107d39e3b7980d5aa25ad77cacd8b77085 (patch)
treedbbceb3e3401124fe22a94aa692a364dfd3048b1 /previous-versions/
parent0e4cb39c6d37f85f7ea82853444de287c5a04bf4 (diff)
Old versions archived.
Diffstat (limited to 'previous-versions/')
1 files changed, 510 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/previous-versions/ b/previous-versions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05c32de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/previous-versions/
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# $Id: assassind,v 1.1 2002/04/28 19:08:22 dave Exp $
+# $Source: /var/cvs/src/assassind/assassind,v $
+# Copyright (c) 2002 Dave Carrigan
+package Assassind;
+use strict;
+use Net::Server::PreFork;
+use Net::SMTP::Server::Client;
+use IO::File;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Mail::SpamAssassin;
+use Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit;
+#use Mail::Audit;
+use Net::SMTP;
+use Error qw(:try);
+our @ISA = qw(Net::Server::PreFork);
+our $VERSION = '1.0.1';
+sub dead_letter {
+ my($self, $client, $message) = @_;
+ my $filename = join("/", $self->{assassind}->{dead_letters},
+ sprintf("assassind.%d.%d.%f.dead", time(), $$, rand));
+ my $dead = IO::File->new;
+ unless ($dead->open(">$filename")) {
+ $self->log(0, "Can't open dead letter file $filename: $!");
+ return;
+ }
+ chmod 0600, $filename;
+ try {
+ if (defined $message) {
+ $dead->print($message, "\n") or
+ throw Error -text => "Can't print to dead letter: $!";
+ }
+ foreach (@{$client->{TO}}) {
+ $dead->print("TO $_\n") or
+ throw Error -text => "Can't print to dead letter: $!";
+ }
+ $dead->print("FROM ", $client->{FROM}, "\n") or
+ throw Error -text => "Can't print to dead letter: $!";
+ $dead->print($client->{MSG}) or
+ throw Error -text => "Can't print to dead letter: $!";
+ } catch Error with {
+ my $e = shift;
+ $self->log(0, "Warning!!!! Couldn't print dead letter: " . $e->stringify);
+ };
+ unless ($dead->close) {
+ $self->log(0, "Warning!!!! Could not close the dead letter file: $!");
+ }
+sub relay_message {
+ my($self, $client) = @_;
+ my $start = time;
+ my $msg_resp;
+ # Now read in message
+ my $message = $client->{MSG};
+ # Skip processing message over 256K (need to make this an option)
+ if ( length($message) < ($self->{assassind}->{maxsize} * 1024) ) {
+ my @msglines = split (/\r?\n/, $message);
+ my $arraycont = @msglines; for(0..$arraycont) { $msglines[$_] .= "\r\n"; }
+ # Audit the message
+ my $mail = Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit->new (
+ data => \@msglines,
+ add_From_line => 0
+ );
+ my $assassin = $self->{assassind}->{assassin};
+ # Check spamminess and rewrite mail if high spam factor or option -a (tag All)
+ my $status = $assassin->check($mail);
+ if ( $status->is_spam || $self->{assassind}->{tagall} ) {
+ $status->rewrite_mail;
+ }
+ # Build the message to send back
+ $msg_resp = join '',$mail->header,"\n",@{$mail->body};
+ # Log what we did, FWIW
+ my $was_it_spam;
+ if($status->is_spam) { $was_it_spam = 'identified spam'; } else { $was_it_spam = 'clean message'; }
+ my $msg_score = int($status->get_hits);
+ my $msg_threshold = int($status->get_required_hits);
+ #$current_user ||= '(unknown)';
+ $self->log(2, "$was_it_spam ($msg_score/$msg_threshold) in ". sprintf("%3d", time - $start) ." seconds.");
+ $status->finish();
+ } else {
+ $msg_resp = $message;
+ $self->log(2, "Scanning skipped due to size (". length($message) .")");
+ }
+# my $message = [split(/\r?\n/, $client->{MSG})];
+# my $auditor = Mail::Audit->new(data => $message);
+# my $assassin = $self->{assassind}->{assassin};
+# my $status = $assassin->check($auditor);
+# my $score = $status->get_hits;
+# my $spam_color = 'red';
+# foreach my $color (qw(green blue yellow orange)) {
+# if ($score <= $self->{assassind}->{$color}) {
+# $spam_color = $color;
+# last;
+# }
+# }
+# $auditor->put_header('X-Spam-Color', $spam_color);
+# my $is_spam =$status->is_spam? 'Yes' : 'No';
+# $auditor->put_header('X-Spam-Status',
+# sprintf("%s, hits=%.2f required=%.2f tests=%s",
+# $is_spam,
+# $status->get_hits,
+# $status->get_required_hits,
+# $status->get_names_of_tests_hit));
+# if ($spam_color ne 'green') {
+# foreach (split(/\n/, $status->get_report)) {
+# $auditor->put_header('X-Spam-Report', $_);
+# }
+# }
+# $status->finish;
+ my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($self->{assassind}->{relayhost}, Hello => $self->{assassind}->{heloname});
+ unless (defined $smtp) {
+ $self->log(1, "Connection to SMTP server failed");
+ $self->dead_letter($client);
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ $smtp->mail($client->{FROM});
+ throw Error -text => sprintf("Relay failed; server said %s %s",
+ $smtp->code, $smtp->message) unless $smtp->ok;
+ foreach (@{$client->{TO}}) {
+ $smtp->recipient($_);
+ throw Error -text => sprintf("Relay failed; server said %s %s",
+ $smtp->code, $smtp->message) unless $smtp->ok;
+ }
+ $smtp->data($msg_resp);
+# $smtp->data;
+ throw Error -text => sprintf("Relay failed; server said %s %s",
+ $smtp->code, $smtp->message) unless $smtp->ok;
+# $smtp->datasend($auditor->header);
+# $smtp->datasend("\n");
+# foreach (@{$auditor->body}) {
+# $smtp->datasend($_ . "\r\n");
+# }
+# $smtp->dataend;
+# throw Error -text => sprintf("Relay failed; server said %s %s",
+# $smtp->code, $smtp->message) unless $smtp->ok;
+ $smtp->quit;
+ throw Error -text => sprintf("Relay failed; server said %s %s",
+ $smtp->code, $smtp->message) unless $smtp->ok;
+ $self->log(4, "Message relayed successfully.");
+ } catch Error with {
+ my $e = shift;
+ $self->dead_letter($client, $e->stringify);
+ };
+sub process_request {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $client = Net::SMTP::Server::Client->new($self->{server}->{client});
+ if ($client->process) {
+ $self->log(4, "Received message");
+ $SIG{TERM} = sub {
+ $self->dead_letter($client, "Process interrupted by SIGTERM");
+ };
+ $self->relay_message($client);
+ $SIG{TERM} = sub { exit 0; };
+ } else {
+ $self->log(1, "An error occurred while receiving message");
+ }
+ $self->{assassind}->{instance} = 1 unless defined $self->{assassind}->{instance};
+ exit 0 if $self->{assassind}->{instance} > $self->{assassind}->{maxrequests}++;
+my $relayhost = 'localhost';
+my $host = 'localhost';
+my $port = 2025;
+my $maxrequests = 20;
+my $dead_letters = '/var/tmp';
+my $pidfile = '/var/run/';
+my $user = 'mail';
+my $group = 'mail';
+my $tagall = 0;
+my $maxsize = 256;
+my $heloname = 'spamfilter.localdomain';
+# my $auto_whitelist = 0;
+# my $stop_at_threshold = 0;
+my %options = (port => \$port,
+ host => \$host,
+ relayhost => \$relayhost,
+ 'dead-letters' => \$dead_letters,
+ pid => \$pidfile,
+ user => \$user,
+ group => \$group,
+ maxrequests => \$maxrequests,
+ tagall => \$tagall,
+ maxsize => \$maxsize,
+ heloname => \$heloname
+ );
+usage(1) unless GetOptions(\%options,
+ 'port=i',
+ 'host=s',
+ 'relayhost=s',
+ 'maxrequests=i',
+ 'dead-letters=s',
+ 'user=s',
+ 'group=s',
+ 'pid=s',
+ 'tagall=i',
+ 'maxsize=i',
+ 'heloname=s',
+ 'auto-whitelist',
+ 'stop-at-threshold',
+ 'debug',
+ 'help');
+usage(0) if $options{help};
+my $assassin = Mail::SpamAssassin->new({
+ 'dont_copy_prefs' => 1,
+ 'stop_at_threshold' => $options{'stop_at_threshold'} || 0,
+ 'debug' => $options{'debug'} || 0 });
+$options{'auto-whitelist'} and eval {
+ require Mail::SpamAssassin::DBBasedAddrList;
+ # create a factory for the persistent address list
+ my $addrlistfactory = Mail::SpamAssassin::DBBasedAddrList->new();
+ $assassin->set_persistent_address_list_factory ($addrlistfactory);
+$/ = "\n"; # argh, Razor resets this! Bad Razor!
+my $server = bless {
+ server => {host => $host,
+ port => [ $port ],
+ log_file => 'Sys::Syslog',
+ syslog_ident => 'spampd',
+ syslog_facility => 'mail',
+ background => 1,
+ pid_file => $pidfile,
+ user => $user,
+ group => $group,
+ },
+ assassind => {maxrequests => $maxrequests,
+ relayhost => $relayhost,
+ dead_letters => $dead_letters,
+ tagall => $tagall,
+ maxsize => $maxsize,
+ assassin => $assassin,
+ heloname => $heloname,
+ },
+ }, 'Assassind';
+sub usage {
+ print <<EOF ;
+usage: $0 [ --port=port ]
+ --port=n Port to listen on. Defaults to 2025.
+ --host=host Hostname/IP to listen on. Default is localhost.
+ --relayhost=host[:port] Host to relay mail to. Defaults to localhost.
+ --maxrequests=n Maximum requests that each child can process before exiting.
+ Defaults to 20.
+ --pid=filename Store the daemon's process ID in this file.
+ --user=username Specifies the user that the daemon runs as. Default is mail.
+ --group=groupname Specifies the group that the daemon runs as. Default is mail.
+ --dead-letters=path Path to store letters that couldn't be relayed.
+ Defaults to /tmp.
+ --tagall=n Tag all messages not just spam (specify 1/0). Defaults to 0.
+ --maxsize=n Maximum size of mail to scan (in KB). Defaults to 256.
+ --heloname=hostname Hostname to use in HELO command when sending mail.
+ Defaults to 'spamfilter.localdomain'.
+ --auto-whitelist Use the global SA auto-whitelist feature.
+ --stop-at-threshold Use SA feature to stop scanning once threshold is reached.
+ --debug Turn on SA debugging.
+ --help This message
+ exit shift;
+=head1 NAME
+assassind - Spam filtering SMTP proxy that uses SpamAssassin
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<assassind> B<--help>
+I<assassind> is a relaying SMTP proxy that filters spam using
+SpamAssassin. The proxy is designed to be robust in the face of
+exceptional errors, and will (hopefully) never lose a message.
+I<assassind> is meant to be used as a system-wide message processor, so
+the proxy does not make any changes to existing message contents or
+headers; instead choosing just to add three headers of its own, which
+end users can use to make decisions about filtering (or not filtering)
+their spam.
+The most important header that I<assassind> adds is the B<X-Spam-Color>
+header. This header will have one of five values: I<green>, I<blue>,
+I<yellow>, I<orange> and I<red>. Green messages are very unlikely to be
+spam, while red messages are almost guaranteed to be spam. You can use
+this header as the basis for your own message filtering rules, using any
+common message filtering system (procmail, sieve, etc.).
+I<assassind> also adds a B<X-Spam-Status> filter. This header is the
+same as the header generated by the standard SpamAssassin message
+processor, and contains the message's SpamAssassin score and other
+Finally, I<assassind> adds one or more B<X-Spam-Report> headers, which
+contain a plain-text report of the rules that SpamAssassin used to
+assign the message its score.
+I<assassind> logs all aspects of its operation to syslog(8), using the
+mail syslog facility.
+I<assassind> is meant to operate as a mail relay that sits between the
+Internet and your internal mail system. The three most common
+configurations include
+=over 5
+=item Running between firewall and internal mail server
+The firewall would be configured to forward all of its mail to the port
+that I<assassind> listens on, and I<assassind> would relay its messages
+to port 25 of your internal server. I<assassind> could either run on its
+own host (and listen on any port) or it could run on the mail server
+(and listen on any port except port 25). This is I<assassind> default
+mode of operation.
+=item Running on the firewall with an internal mail server
+I<assassind> would accept messages on port 25 and forward them to the
+mail server that is also listening on port 25. Note that I<assassind>
+does not do anything other than check for spam, so it is not suitable as
+an anti-relay system. If your current mail system is configured
+correctly for anti-relaying, it should continue to work correctly in
+this configuration, but you may want to verify this using one of the
+standard open-relay blackhole testing systems.
+=item Running on the mail server, which is not behind a firewall
+In this configuration I<assassind> would listen on port 25, while your
+mail server would be configured to listen on some other port.
+=over 5
+=item B<--port=n>
+Specifies what port I<assassind> listens on. By default, it listens on
+port 2025.
+=item B<--relayhost=hostname[:port]>
+Specifies the hostname where I<assassind> will relay all
+messages. Defaults to I<localhost>. If the port is not provided, that
+defaults to 25.
+=item B<--user=username>
+=item B<--group=groupname>
+Specifies the user and group that the proxy will run as. Default is
+=item B<--maxrequests=n>
+I<assassind> works by forking child servers to handle each message. The
+B<maxrequests> parameter specifies how many requests will be handled
+before the child exits. Since a child never gives back memory, a large
+message can cause it to become quite bloated; the only way to reclaim
+the memory is for the child to exit. The default is 20.
+=item B<--dead-letters=/path>
+Specifies the directory where I<assassind> will store any message that
+it fails to deliver. The default is F</var/tmp>. You should periodically
+examine this directory to see if there are any messages that couldn't be
+B<Important!> This path should not be on the same partition as your mail
+server's message spool, because if your mail server rejects a message
+because of a full disk, I<assassind> will not be able to save the
+message, and it will be lost.
+=item B<--pid=filename>
+Specifies a filename where I<assassind> will write its process ID so
+that it is easy to kill it later. The directory that will contain this
+file must be writable by the I<assassind> user. The default is
+=item B<--green=n>
+=item B<--blue=n>
+=item B<--yellow=n>
+=item B<--orange=n>
+Specifies the spam score thresholds for each color. The defaults are 5,
+6, 10 and 20. Anything over 20 will have a color of red.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=over 5
+=item Running between firewall and internal mail server
+This is I<assassind>'s default configuration, where it listens on port
+2025 on the same host as the mail server.
+ assassind
+=item Running on the firewall with an internal mail server
+ assassind --port=25
+=item Running on the mail server, which is not behind a firewall
+This scenario assumes that the real mail server is running on port 2025
+of the same host.
+ assassind --port=25 --relayhost=localhost:2025
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Dave Carrigan, <>
+This program is Copyright © 2002, Dave Carrigan. All rights
+reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl.
+This program is distributed "as is", without warranty of any kind,
+either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
+warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The
+entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with
+you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all
+necessary servicing, repair or correction.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+perl(1), Spam::Assassin(3),
+=head1 BUGS
+Due to the nature of Perl's SMTP::Server module, a SMTP message is
+stored completely in memory. However, as soon as the module receives its
+entire message data from the SMTP client, it returns a 250, signifying
+to the client that the message has been delivered. However, this means
+that there is a period of time where the message is vulnerable to being
+lost if the I<assassind> process is killed before it has relayed or
+saved the message. Caveat Emptor!