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+SpamPD Change Log
+2.40 (10-Jan-09)
+- New config option to load a specific configuration file after the default
+ file, thereby overriding any settings therein. The new option is
+ --saconfig=filename. Thanks to Sven Mueller for code and Bernd Zeimetz for
+ bringing it up. (
+- Integrated code by Alexander Wirt to introduce a parameter which
+ sets a proper home directory (--homedir=path) and also cleans up the
+ environment before backgrounding.
+ (
+ * NOTE: * default homedir is /var/spool/spamassassin/spampd which needs to be
+ writable by the user spampd is running as. Previously, some files like the
+ auto-whitelist were written to the .spamassassin folder inside the users home
+ directory who started spampd, typically root.
+- Integrated fix from Vladislav Kurz for LMTP multi-line response after DATA
+ is sent. (
+- Yet another fix for older Net::Server versions (<= 0.87) dying when logging
+ a % character to Sys::Syslog. This also fixes the bug in 2.30 that logs "%s"
+ instead of the actual messages on some system.
+- Fixed bug with temp files sticking around until spampd child exists,
+ introduced when SA 3.0 was released
+ (
+ Thanks to Simon Matter for bringing this to my attention.
+2.30 (31-Oct-05)
+- Another, hopefully final, fix for the Sys::Syslog issue of % signs in the log
+ string. Fixes possible DoS vulnerability. Thanks to Sven Mueller and Florian
+ Weimer for the solution.
+- Added new options for adding X-Envelope-From and (optionally) X-Envelope-To
+ headers to messages before SA processing. The idea is to help SA process any
+ blacklist/whitelist to/from directives on the actual sender/recipients instead
+ of the possibly bogus envelope headers. Use --seh or --set-envelope-headers
+ to enable setting both headers, or use --sef or --set-envelope-from to enable
+ only X-Envelope-From. If added, spampd attempts to remove the X-Envelope-To
+ header after SA processing to preserve BCC recipient anonymity, but enabling
+ this header may still expose recipient information. See man page for more
+ details. This patch was originally submitted by Sven Mueller, was slightly
+ modified, and the --sef option was added.
+2.21 (23-Oct-05) (unreleased)
+- fixed SA version check on alphanumeric version strings. Stops the annoying
+ Perl warning messages in the mail log. Thanks to Sven Mueller for the fix.
+2.20 (05-Oct-04)
+- added support for SpamAssassin version 3. spampd should now support all
+ SA versions (tested with 2.6.3 and 3.0.0).
+- removed --add-sc-header feature. It is now redundant with SA v2.6 ability
+ to (almost fully) customize headers, which v3 improves on. If anyone
+ really needs this feature, please let me know.
+- added --nodetach option to prevent daemon process backgrounding. Patch
+ provided by Urban Petry. Can be useful for win32/cygwin.
+- if --debug is specified, Net::Server log level is increased to 4 (debug)
+ to provide some more info in the log (can be useful for diagnosing
+ user/permission issues). Thanks to Urban Petry for idea.
+- the message sender (From header) is now included in the log along with message
+ ID, recipient, and scoring info. Thanks to Roland Koeckel for the patch.
+2.13 (24-Nov-03)
+- SA debug messages redirected from STDERR (warn) to syslog. Thanks to Roland
+ Koeckel for the suggestion.
+2.12 (15-Nov-03)
+- fixed bug related to Sys::Syslog where we needed to escape % signs in
+ Message IDs. Thanks to Jeffrey W. Collyer and Yann Grossel for the bug reports.
+- minor performance improvement in SpamPD::Client using buffered write to send
+ message data. Thanks to Sam Horrocks for the tip.
+- fixed error condition when an error response ([4|5]xx) was returned after a
+ DATA command was sent. Thanks to Rodrigo Ventura for bug reports about this.
+2.11 (15-Jul-03):
+- fix for occasional corrupted message headers which caused blank messages
+ (seemed to have only affected certain malformed spam mail).
+- added --logsock option for syslog socket. Defaults to 'unix' except for
+ HP-UX and SunOS (Solaris) which I'm told prefer 'inet'.
+2.10 (01-Jul-03):
+- added optional 'X-Spam-Checked-By: {hostname}' header, where {hostname} is,
+ theoretically, the name of the machine doing the message scanning. New
+ options --add-sc-header and --hostname=name control this behavior.
+2.00 (10-Jun-03):
+- major rewrite of how mail is handled internally. spampd now takes no
+ responsibility for the mail at any point, instead acting as a transparent
+ proxy between the originating and the destination servers. That is, the
+ servers speak to each other through spampd so final mail delivery
+ occurs only when the destination server acknowledges receipt of the data.
+ Idea based on smtpprox by Bennett Todd (
+ Unfortunately this breaks the ability to redirect the mail based on spam
+ score, since scoring happens after all recipients have been specified and
+ accepted. But, it is much cleaner and safer than the previous method.
+- new architecture doesn't store the mail data in memory any more. Message
+ is still written to memory before scanning by SpamAssassin, but messages
+ larger than the --maxsize to be scanned won't eat up a bunch of memory.
+ From smtpprox documentation by Bennet Todd:
+ "it [spampd] stores the body of the message in an unlinked file
+ under /tmp, which should be a tmpfs; this prevents the allocation
+ overhead associated with large strings (often 2-3x) and ensures that
+ space will be returned to the OS as soon as it's not needed."
+- as a bonus feature, LMTP is now supported by virtue of spampd's transparency.
+- added a timeout check around the socket operations as suggested in the
+ Net::Server docs. Added new parameter to control this: --childtimeout=n
+ where n is number of seconds.
+- added a timeout check around the message processing (spam checking) routines
+ to guard against a SpamAssassin hang. Added new parameter to control
+ this: --satimeout=n where n is number of seconds. If a timeout (or error)
+ occurs while processing, the mail is still passed on unless the new --dose
+ (die-on-sa-errors) paramater is given.
+- added --children=n parameter to specify how many child
+ servers to spawn and maintain. Default is 5 children (plus
+ one parent).
+- now uses Net::Server::PreForkSimple instead of PreFork. (Tried utilizing the
+ advanced children pool features of PreFork but either couldn't figure it out
+ or they're kinda broken. If anyone has experience here, please let me know.)
+- improved logging including the Message-ID, recipients, 100ths precision
+ on spam score, processing time, and file size. Logging format now better
+ resembles that of spamd (which hopefully means spamd log analysis tools can be
+ made to work with spampd easily).
+- removed dependencies on Net::SMTP, Net::SMTP::Server::Client, and Error
+ modules.
+- host/port and relay host/port can both be specified as xx.xx.xx.xx:nn in
+ the --host and --relayhost parameters, or as individual parameters (--host,
+ --port, --relayhost, --relayport).
+# The next 3 items are ideas/patches by
+# Kurt Andersen,
+# Agilent Technologies Postmaster
+# Global Messaging Team, Agilent Technologies
+- added optional support for Time::HiRes for more accurate processing time
+ reporting in the log (automatically loaded if Time::HiRes is available).
+- added optional logging of which SA rules matched a message. New option is
+ --log-rules-hit or --rh for short.
+- Added auto HPUX OS detection for syslog loggging
+ "(for some reason HPUX chokes on using the 'unix' socket type)."
+# Thanks Kurt!
+- added much more verbose spampd logging when using the --debug option.
+- 3 parameters are now deprecated but accepted for backwards compatability:
+ --dead-letters, --heloname, and --stop-at-threshold
+- added shorthand choice for some options:
+ --aw for --auto-whitelist; --L for --local-only; --a for --tagall
+ --u for --user; --g for --group; --p for --pid
+ --d for --debug; --h for --help;
+- documentation updates
+- licensing change due to use of Bennet Todd's code (to GNU GPL from Perl
+ Artistic).
+1.0.2 (13-Apr-03):
+- added 'local-only' parameter to pass on to SA which turns off all
+ network-based tests (DNS, Razor, etc).
+1.0.1 (3-Feb-03):
+- fixed minor but substantial bug preventing child processes
+ from exiting properly since the counter wasn't being incremented (d'oh!).
+ Thanks to Mark Blackman for pointing this out.
+- fixed typo in pod docs (Thx to James Sizemore for pointing out)
+Changes to assassind (1.0.0 initial release of spampd - May 2002):
+A different message rewriting method (using
+ Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit instead of Dave Carrigan's
+ custom headers and Mail::Audit);
+Adding more options for message handling, network/protocol options,
+ some options to pass on to SpamAssassin (such as whitelist usage);
+More orientation to being used as a content filter for the
+ Postfix MTA, mostly by changing some default values;
+Documentation changes;
+## EOF ## \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/misc/ b/misc/
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+# This script starts and stops the spampd daemon
+# chkconfig: 2345 80 30
+# description: spampd is a daemon process which uses SpamAssassin to check
+# email messages for SPAM.
+# Source function library.
+. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+# Source networking configuration.
+. /etc/sysconfig/network
+# Check that networking is up.
+[ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] && exit 0
+[ -f /usr/bin/spampd -o -f /usr/local/bin/spampd ] || exit 0
+# See how we were called.
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ # Start daemon.
+ echo -n "Starting spampd: "
+ daemon spampd --port=10025 --relayhost= --tagall --auto-whitelist
+ touch /var/lock/spampd
+ echo
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ # Stop daemons.
+ echo -n "Shutting down spampd: "
+ killproc spampd
+ rm -f /var/lock/spampd
+ echo
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ status spampd
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
+ exit 1
+exit 0
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+# SpamPD
+<span style="color: red">NOTE: please see Download section for official release versions. The repository version IS NOT THOUROUGHLY TESTED.</span>
+spampd is a program used within an e-mail delivery system to scan messages for possible Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (UCE, aka spam) content.
+It uses an excellent program called SpamAssassin (SA) to do the actual message scanning. spampd acts as a transparent SMTP/LMTP proxy between
+two mail servers, and during the transaction it passes the mail through SA. If SA decides the mail could be spam, then spampd will ask SA to
+add some headers and a report to the message indicating it's spam and why. spampd is written in Perl and should theoretically run on any
+platform supported by Perl and SpamAssassin.
+More information is available at <a href="">here</a>.
diff --git a/spampd.html b/spampd.html
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+<TITLE>SpamPD - Spam Proxy Daemon</TITLE>
+<LINK REV="made" HREF="">
+<A NAME="__index__"></A>
+<!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
+ <LI><A HREF="#name">NAME</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#synopsis">Synopsis</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#description">Description</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#requires">Requires</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#operation">Operation</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#upgrading">Upgrading</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#installation">Installation</A></LI>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><A HREF="#postfixspecific notes">Postfix-specific Notes</A></LI>
+ </UL>
+ <LI><A HREF="#options">Options</A></LI>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><A HREF="#deprecated options">Deprecated Options</A></LI>
+ </UL>
+ <LI><A HREF="#examples">Examples</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#credits">Credits</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#copyright, license, and disclaimer">Copyright, License, and Disclaimer</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#bugs">Bugs</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#to do">To Do</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#see also">See Also</A></LI>
+<!-- INDEX END -->
+<H1><A NAME="name">NAME</A></H1>
+<P>SpamPD - Spam Proxy Daemon (version 2.10)</P>
+<H1><A NAME="synopsis">Synopsis</A></H1>
+<P><STRONG>spampd</STRONG> <STRONG>--help</STRONG></P>
+<H1><A NAME="description">Description</A></H1>
+<P><EM>spampd</EM> is an SMTP/LMTP proxy that marks (or tags) spam using
+SpamAssassin ( The proxy is designed
+to be transparent to the sending and receiving mail servers and at no point
+takes responsibility for the message itself. If a failure occurs within
+<EM>spampd</EM> (or SpamAssassin) then the mail servers will disconnect and the
+sending server is still responsible for retrying the message for as long
+as it is configured to do so.</P>
+<P><EM>spampd</EM> uses SpamAssassin to modify (tag) relayed messages based on
+their spam score, so all SA settings apply. This is described in the SA
+documentation. <EM>spampd</EM> will by default only tell SA to tag a
+message if it exceeds the spam threshold score, however you can have
+it rewrite all messages passing through by adding the --tagall option
+(see SA for how non-spam messages are tagged).</P>
+<P><EM>spampd</EM> logs all aspects of its operation to syslog(8), using the
+mail syslog facility.</P>
+<P>The latest version can be found at
+<A HREF=""></A>.</P>
+<H1><A NAME="requires">Requires</A></H1>
+<P>Perl modules:</P>
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_Mail%3A%3ASpamAssassin"><STRONG>Mail::SpamAssassin</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_Net%3A%3AServer%3A%3APreForkSimple"><STRONG>Net::Server::PreForkSimple</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_IO%3A%3ASocket"><STRONG>IO::Socket</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_HiRes"><STRONG>Time::HiRes</STRONG> (not actually required but recommended)</A></STRONG><BR>
+<H1><A NAME="operation">Operation</A></H1>
+<P><EM>spampd</EM> is meant to operate as an S/LMTP mail proxy which passes
+each message through SpamAssassin for analysis. Note that <EM>spampd</EM>
+does not do anything other than check for spam, so it is not suitable as
+an anti-relay system. It is meant to work in conjunction with your
+regular mail system. Typically one would pipe any messages they wanted
+scanned through <EM>spampd</EM> after initial acceptance by your MX host.
+This is especially useful for using Postfix's (
+advanced content filtering mechanism, although certainly not limited to
+that application.</P>
+<P>Please re-read the second sentence in the above paragraph. You should NOT
+enable <EM>spampd</EM> to listen on a public interface (IP address) unless you
+know exactly what you're doing! It is very easy to set up an open relay this
+<P>Here are some simple examples (square brackets in the ``diagrams'' indicate
+physical machines):</P>
+<P><STRONG>Running between firewall/gateway and internal mail server</STRONG></P>
+<P>The firewall/gateway MTA would be configured to forward all of its mail
+to the port that <EM>spampd</EM> listens on, and <EM>spampd</EM> would relay its
+messages to port 25 of your internal server. <EM>spampd</EM> could either
+run on its own host (and listen on any port) or it could run on either
+mail server (and listen on any port except port 25).</P>
+ Internet -&gt; [ MX gateway ( -&gt;
+ spampd (@localhost:2025) ] -&gt;
+ Internal mail (</PRE>
+<P><STRONG>Using Postfix advanced content filtering</STRONG></P>
+<P>Please see the <EM>FILTER_README</EM> that came with the Postfix distribution. You
+need to have a version of Postfix which supports this (ideally v.2 and up).</P>
+ Internet -&gt; [ Postfix ( -&gt;
+ spampd (@localhost:10025) -&gt;
+ Postfix (@localhost:10026) ] -&gt; final delivery</PRE>
+<P>Note that these examples only show incoming mail delivery. Since it is
+usually unnecessary to scan mail coming from your network (right?),
+it may be desirable to set up a separate outbound route which bypasses
+<H1><A NAME="upgrading">Upgrading</A></H1>
+<P>Upgrading from version 1 simply involves replacing the <EM>spampd</EM> program file
+with the latest one. Note that the <EM>dead-letters</EM> folder is no longer being
+used and the --dead-letters option is no longer needed (though no errors are
+thrown if it's present). Check the <A HREF="#options">Options</A> list below for a full list of new
+and deprecated options. Also be sure to check out the change log.</P>
+<H1><A NAME="installation">Installation</A></H1>
+<P><EM>spampd</EM> can be run directly from the command prompt if desired. This is
+useful for testing purposes, but for long term use you probably want to put
+it somewhere like /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin and execute it at system startup.
+For example on Red Hat-style Linux system one can use a script in
+/etc/rc.d/init.d to start <EM>spampd</EM> (a sample script is available on the
+<EM>spampd</EM> Web page @ <A HREF=""></A></P>
+<P>The options all have reasonable defaults, especially for a Postfix-centric
+installation. You may want to specify the --children option if you have an
+especially beefy or weak server box because <EM>spampd</EM> is a memory-hungry
+program. Check the <A HREF="#options">Options</A> for details on this and all other parameters.</P>
+<P>Note that <EM>spampd</EM> <STRONG>replaces</STRONG> <EM>spamd</EM> from the <EM>SpamAssassin</EM> distribution
+in function. You do not need to run <EM>spamd</EM> in order for <EM>spampd</EM> to work.
+This has apparently been the source of some confusion, so now you know.</P>
+<H2><A NAME="postfixspecific notes">Postfix-specific Notes</A></H2>
+<P>Here is a typical setup for Postfix ``advanced'' content filtering as described
+in the <EM>FILTER_README</EM> that came with the Postfix distribution (which you
+really need to read):</P>
+ smtp inet n - y - - smtpd
+ -o content_filter=smtp:localhost:10025
+ -o</PRE>
+ localhost:10026 inet n - n - 10 smtpd
+ -o content_filter=
+ -o</PRE>
+<P>The first entry is the main public-facing MTA which uses localhost:10025
+as the content filter for all mail. The second entry receives mail from
+the content filter and does final delivery. Both smtpd instances use
+the same Postfix <EM></EM> file. <EM>spampd</EM> is the process that listens on
+localhost:10025 and then connects to the Postfix listener on localhost:10026.
+Note that the <CODE>myhostname</CODE> options must be different between the two instances,
+otherwise Postfix will think it's talking to itself and abort sending.</P>
+<P>For the above example you can simply start <EM>spampd</EM> like this:</P>
+ spampd --host=localhost:10025 --relayhost=localhost:10026</PRE>
+<P><EM>FILTER_README</EM> from the Postfix distro has more details and examples of
+various setups, including how to skip the content filter for outbound mail.</P>
+<P>Another tip for Postfix when considering what timeout values to use for
+--childtimout and --satimeout options is the following command:</P>
+<P><CODE># postconf | grep timeout</CODE></P>
+<P>This will return a list of useful timeout settings and their values. For
+explanations see the relevant <CODE>man</CODE> page (smtp, smtpd, lmtp). By default
+<EM>spampd</EM> is set up for the default Postfix timeout values.</P>
+<H1><A NAME="options">Options</A></H1>
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D%2Dhost%3Dip%5B%3Aport%5D_or_hostname%5B%3Aport"><STRONG>--host=ip[:port] or hostname[:port]</STRONG> <CODE>(changed in v2)</CODE></A></STRONG><BR>
+Specifies what hostname/IP and port <EM>spampd</EM> listens on. By default, it listens
+on (localhost) on port 10025.
+<P><STRONG>Important!</STRONG> You should NOT enable <EM>spampd</EM> to listen on a
+public interface (IP address) unless you know exactly what you're doing!</P>
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D%2Dport%3Dn"><STRONG>--port=n</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+Specifies what port <EM>spampd</EM> listens on. By default, it listens on
+port 10025. This is an alternate to using the above --host=ip:port notation.
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D%2Drelayhost%3Dip%5B%3Aport%5D_or_hostname%5B%3"><STRONG>--relayhost=ip[:port] or hostname[:port]</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+Specifies the hostname/IP where <EM>spampd</EM> will relay all
+messages. Defaults to (localhost). If the port is not provided, that
+defaults to 25.
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_n"><STRONG>--relayport=n</STRONG> <CODE>(new in v2)</CODE></A></STRONG><BR>
+Specifies what port <EM>spampd</EM> will relay to. Default is 25. This is an
+alternate to using the above --relayhost=ip:port notation.
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D%2Duser%3Dusername_or_%2D%2Du%3Dusername"><STRONG>--user=username</STRONG> or <STRONG>--u=username</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D%2Dgroup%3Dgroupname_or_%2D%2Dg%3Dgroupname"><STRONG>--group=groupname</STRONG> or <STRONG>--g=groupname</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+Specifies the user and group that the proxy will run as. Default is
+<DT><STRONG><STRONG>--children=n</STRONG> or <STRONG>--c=n</STRONG> <CODE>(new in v2)</CODE></STRONG><BR>
+Number of child servers to start and maintain (where n &gt; 0). Each child will
+process up to --maxrequests (below) before exiting and being replaced by
+another child. Keep this number low on systems w/out a lot of memory.
+Default is 5 (which seems OK on a 512MB lightly loaded system). Note that
+there is always a parent process running, so if you specify 5 children you
+will actually have 6 <EM>spampd</EM> processes running.
+<P>You may want to set your origination mail server to limit the
+number of concurrent connections to <EM>spampd</EM> to match this setting (for
+Postfix this is the <CODE>xxxx_destination_concurrency_limit</CODE> setting where
+'xxxx' is the transport being used, usually 'smtp', and the default is 100).</P>
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D%2Dmaxrequests%3Dn"><STRONG>--maxrequests=n</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+<EM>spampd</EM> works by forking child servers to handle each message. The
+<STRONG>maxrequests</STRONG> parameter specifies how many requests will be handled
+before the child exits. Since a child never gives back memory, a large
+message can cause it to become quite bloated; the only way to reclaim
+the memory is for the child to exit. The default is 20.
+<DT><STRONG><STRONG>--childtimeout=n</STRONG> <CODE>(new in v2)</CODE></STRONG><BR>
+This is the number of seconds to allow each child server before it times out
+a transaction. In an S/LMTP transaction the timer is reset for every command.
+This timeout includes time it would take to send the message data, so it should
+not be too short. Note that it's more likely the origination or destination
+mail servers will timeout first, which is fine. This is just a ``sane'' failsafe.
+Default is 360 seconds (6 minutes).
+<DT><STRONG><STRONG>--satimeout=n</STRONG> <CODE>(new in v2)</CODE></STRONG><BR>
+This is the number of seconds to allow for processing a message with
+SpamAssassin (including feeding it the message, analyzing it, and adding
+the headers/report if necessary).
+This should be less than your origination and destination servers' timeout
+settings for the DATA command. For Postfix the default is 300 seconds in both
+cases (smtp_data_done_timeout and smtpd_timeout). In the event of timeout
+while processing the message, the problem is logged and the message is passed
+on anyway (w/out spam tagging, obviously). To fail the message with a temp
+450 error, see the --dose (die-on-sa-errors) option, below.
+Default is 285 seconds.
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D%2Dpid%3Dfilename_or_%2D%2Dp%3Dfilename"><STRONG>--pid=filename</STRONG> or <STRONG>--p=filename</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+Specifies a filename where <EM>spampd</EM> will write its process ID so
+that it is easy to kill it later. The directory that will contain this
+file must be writable by the <EM>spampd</EM> user. The default is
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D%2Dmaxsize%3Dn"><STRONG>--maxsize=n</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+The maximum message size to send to SpamAssassin, in KBytes. By default messages
+over 64KB are not scanned at all, and an appropriate message is logged
+indicating this. The size includes headers and attachments (if any).
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_dose"><STRONG>--dose</STRONG> <CODE>(new in v2)</CODE></A></STRONG><BR>
+Acronym for (d)ie (o)n (s)pamAssassin (e)rrors. By default if <EM>spampd</EM>
+encounters a problem with processing the message through Spam Assassin (timeout
+or other error), it will still pass the mail on to the destination server. If
+you specify this option however, the mail is instead rejected with a temporary
+error (code 450, which means the origination server should keep retrying to send
+it). See the related --satimeout option, above.
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D%2Dtagall_or_%2D%2Da"><STRONG>--tagall</STRONG> or <STRONG>--a</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+Tells <EM>spampd</EM> to have SpamAssassin add headers to all scanned mail,
+not just spam. By default <EM>spampd</EM> will only rewrite messages which
+exceed the spam threshold score (as defined in the SA settings). Note that
+for this option to work as of SA-2.50, the <EM>always_add_report</EM> and/or
+<EM>always_add_headers</EM> settings in your SpamAssassin <EM></EM> need to be
+set to 1/true.
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_rh"><STRONG>--log-rules-hit</STRONG> or <STRONG>--rh</STRONG> <CODE>(new in v2)</CODE></A></STRONG><BR>
+Logs the names of each SpamAssassin rule which matched the message being
+processed. This list is returned by SA.
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_ash"><STRONG>--add-sc-header</STRONG> or <STRONG>--ash</STRONG> <CODE>(new in v2.1)</CODE></A></STRONG><BR>
+Add a 'X-Spam-Checked-By: {hostname}' header to each scanned message. By
+default no such header is added. This can be useful in tracking which server
+in a pool did the scanning. See below for how to specify a hostname.
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_hostname"><STRONG>--hostname=hostname</STRONG> <CODE>(new in v2.1)</CODE></A></STRONG><BR>
+Hostname to use in the X-Spam-Checked-By header. By default the value of the
+environmental variable $HOSTNAME is used, or if that is undefined/blank then
+'localhost' is used as the hostname. Only relevant if the --add-sc-header
+option is specified.
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D%2Dauto%2Dwhitelist_or_%2D%2Daw"><STRONG>--auto-whitelist</STRONG> or <STRONG>--aw</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+Turns on the SpamAssassin global whitelist feature. See the SA docs. Note
+that per-user whitelists are not available.
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_L"><STRONG>--local-only</STRONG> or <STRONG>--L</STRONG> <CODE>(new in v2)</CODE></A></STRONG><BR>
+Turn off all SA network-based tests (DNS, Razor, etc).
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_d"><STRONG>--debug</STRONG> or <STRONG>--d</STRONG> <CODE>(changed in v2)</CODE></A></STRONG><BR>
+Turns on SpamAssassin debug messages which print to STDERR (usually the
+console). Also turns on more verbose logging of what spampd is doing (new in
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D%2Dhelp_or_%2D%2Dh"><STRONG>--help</STRONG> or <STRONG>--h</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+Prints usage information.
+<H2><A NAME="deprecated options">Deprecated Options</A></H2>
+<P>The following options are no longer used but still accepted for backwards
+compatibility with <EM>spampd</EM> v1:</P>
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D%2Ddead%2Dletters"><STRONG>--dead-letters</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D%2Dheloname"><STRONG>--heloname</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D%2Dstop%2Dat%2Dthreshold"><STRONG>--stop-at-threshold</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
+<H1><A NAME="examples">Examples</A></H1>
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_Running_between_firewall%2Fgateway_and_internal_ma">Running between firewall/gateway and internal mail server</A></STRONG><BR>
+<EM>spampd</EM> listens on port 10025 on the same host as the internal mail server.
+ spampd --host=</PRE>
+<P>Same as above but <EM>spampd</EM> runs on port 10025 of the same host as
+the firewall/gateway and passes messages on to the internal mail server
+on another host.</P>
+ spampd --relayhost=</PRE>
+<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_Using_Postfix_advanced_content_filtering_example_a">Using Postfix advanced content filtering example
+and the SA auto-whitelist feature</A></STRONG><BR>
+ spampd --port=10025 --relayhost= --auto-whitelist</PRE>
+<H1><A NAME="credits">Credits</A></H1>
+<P><EM>spampd</EM> is written and maintained by Maxim Paperno &lt;<A HREF=""></A>&gt;.
+See <A HREF=""></A> for latest info.</P>
+<P><EM>spampd</EM> v2 uses two Perl modules by Bennett Todd and Copyright (C) 2001 Morgan
+Stanley Dean Witter. These are distributed under the GNU GPL (see
+module code for more details). Both modules have been slightly modified
+from the originals and are included in this file under new names.</P>
+<P>Also thanks to Bennet Todd for the example smtpproxy script which helped create
+this version of <EM>spampd</EM>. See <A HREF=""></A> .</P>
+<P><EM>spampd</EM> v1 was based on code by Dave Carrigan named <EM>assassind</EM>. Trace
+amounts of his code or documentation may still remain. Thanks to him for the
+original inspiration and code. See <A HREF=""></A> .</P>
+<P>Also thanks to <EM>spamd</EM> (included with SpamAssassin) and
+<EM>amavisd-new</EM> ( for some tricks.</P>
+<H1><A NAME="copyright, license, and disclaimer">Copyright, License, and Disclaimer</A></H1>
+<P><EM>spampd</EM> is Copyright (c) 2002 by World Design Group and Maxim Paperno.</P>
+<P>Portions are Copyright (C) 2001 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter as mentioned above
+in the Credits section.</P>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.</PRE>
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.</PRE>
+ The GNU GPL can be found at <A HREF=""></A></PRE>
+<H1><A NAME="bugs">Bugs</A></H1>
+<P>None known. Please report any to <A HREF=""></A></P>
+<H1><A NAME="to do">To Do</A></H1>
+<P>Figure out how to use Net::Server::PreFork because it has cool potential for
+load management. I tried but either I'm missing something or PreFork is
+somewhat broken in how it works. If anyone has experience here, please let
+me know.</P>
+<P>Add configurable option for rejecting mail outright based on spam score.
+It would be nice to make this program safe enough to sit in front of a mail
+server such as Postfix and be able to reject mail before it enters our systems.
+The only real problem is that Postfix will see localhost as the connecting
+client, so that disables any client-based checks Postfix can do and creates a
+possible relay hole if localhost is trusted.</P>
+<P>Per-user preferences: The jury is still out on this one. I'm thinking more
+and more that most per-user prefs should be specified on the final mailbox
+server. Why? Because SMTP isn't designed with per-user preferences in mind.
+On a relay server, the same message body can go to multiple recipients who
+may have wildly different preferences when it comes to handilng junk mail. The
+exception here might be the use of LMTP protocol, which bears further
+<H1><A NAME="see also">See Also</A></H1>
+<P>perl(1), Spam::Assassin(3), <A HREF=""></A>,
+<A HREF=""></A></P>